Interface HwvtepPhysicalSwitchAttributes

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.BindingObject, org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataContainer, org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject, HwvtepNodeIdentification
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface HwvtepPhysicalSwitchAttributes
    extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject, HwvtepNodeIdentification

    This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep

     grouping hwvtep-physical-switch-attributes {
       uses hwvtep-node-identification;
       leaf physical-switch-uuid {
         type yang:uuid;
       list management-ips {
         key management-ips-key;
         leaf management-ips-key {
           type inet:ip-address;
       leaf managed-by {
         type hwvtep-global-ref;
       list tunnel-ips {
         key tunnel-ips-key;
         leaf tunnel-ips-key {
           type inet:ip-address;
       list tunnels {
         key "local-locator-ref remote-locator-ref";
         uses hwvtep-tunnel-attributes;
       list switch-fault-status {
         config false;
         key switch-fault-status-key;
         leaf switch-fault-status-key {
           type string;
         leaf switch-fault-status-value {
           type string;
    The schema path to identify an instance is hwvtep/hwvtep-physical-switch-attributes
    • Field Detail

      • QNAME

        static final @NonNull org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName QNAME
    • Method Detail

      • getPhysicalSwitchUuid

        org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid getPhysicalSwitchUuid()
        Return physicalSwitchUuid, or null if it is not present.
                 The unique identifier of the physical-switch
        org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid physicalSwitchUuid, or null if it is not present.
      • getManagementIps

        @Nullable Map<ManagementIpsKey,​ManagementIps> getManagementIps()
        Return managementIps, or null if it is not present.
        java.util.Map managementIps, or null if it is not present.
      • nonnullManagementIps

        default @NonNull Map<ManagementIpsKey,​ManagementIps> nonnullManagementIps()
        Return managementIps, or an empty list if it is not present.
        java.util.Map managementIps, or an empty list if it is not present.
      • getManagedBy

        HwvtepGlobalRef getManagedBy()
        Return managedBy, or null if it is not present.
                 The hwvtep global node to which this physical switch belongs to
        org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.ovsdb.hwvtep.rev150901.HwvtepGlobalRef managedBy, or null if it is not present.
      • getTunnelIps

        @Nullable Map<TunnelIpsKey,​TunnelIps> getTunnelIps()
        Return tunnelIps, or null if it is not present.
        java.util.Map tunnelIps, or null if it is not present.
      • nonnullTunnelIps

        default @NonNull Map<TunnelIpsKey,​TunnelIps> nonnullTunnelIps()
        Return tunnelIps, or an empty list if it is not present.
        java.util.Map tunnelIps, or an empty list if it is not present.
      • getTunnels

        @Nullable Map<TunnelsKey,​Tunnels> getTunnels()
        Return tunnels, or null if it is not present.
        java.util.Map tunnels, or null if it is not present.
      • nonnullTunnels

        default @NonNull Map<TunnelsKey,​Tunnels> nonnullTunnels()
        Return tunnels, or an empty list if it is not present.
        java.util.Map tunnels, or an empty list if it is not present.
      • getSwitchFaultStatus

        @Nullable Map<SwitchFaultStatusKey,​SwitchFaultStatus> getSwitchFaultStatus()
        Return switchFaultStatus, or null if it is not present.
        java.util.Map switchFaultStatus, or null if it is not present.
      • nonnullSwitchFaultStatus

        default @NonNull Map<SwitchFaultStatusKey,​SwitchFaultStatus> nonnullSwitchFaultStatus()
        Return switchFaultStatus, or an empty list if it is not present.
        java.util.Map switchFaultStatus, or an empty list if it is not present.