Interface ConvertorActionFromOFJava<F extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataContainer,P extends AugmentationPath>

Type Parameters:
F - input message model - OFJava-API
P - represents possible paths in yang schema for augmentations
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConntrackConvertor, CtClearConvertor, DecapConvertor, DecNshTtlConvertor, EncapConvertor, FinTimeoutConvertor, LearnConvertor, MultipathConvertor, OutputReg2Convertor, OutputRegConvertor, RegLoad2Convertor, RegLoadConvertor, RegMoveConvertor, ResubmitConvertor

public interface ConvertorActionFromOFJava<F extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataContainer,P extends AugmentationPath>
Convert action from OFJava-API model into MD-SAL model.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    convert(F input, P path)
    Convert MD-SAL model to OF action.
  • Method Details

    • convert

      Action convert(F input, P path)
      Convert MD-SAL model to OF action.
      input - the MD-SAL container
      path - in yang schema where a converted value has to be augmented
      message converted to MD-SAL and its type