public interface IetfHardwareData extends DataRoot
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ietf-hardware
module ietf-hardware { yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-hardware; prefix hw; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import iana-hardware { prefix ianahw; } revision 2018-03-13 { } feature entity-mib { } feature hardware-state { } feature hardware-sensor { } typedef admin-state { type enumeration { enum unknown { value 1; } enum locked { value 2; } enum shutting-down { value 3; } enum unlocked { value 4; } } } typedef oper-state { type enumeration { enum unknown { value 1; } enum disabled { value 2; } enum enabled { value 3; } enum testing { value 4; } } } typedef usage-state { type enumeration { enum unknown { value 1; } enum idle { value 2; } enum active { value 3; } enum busy { value 4; } } } typedef alarm-state { type bits { bit unknown { position 0; } bit under-repair { position 1; } bit critical { position 2; } bit major { position 3; } bit minor { position 4; } bit warning { position 5; } bit indeterminate { position 6; } } } typedef standby-state { type enumeration { enum unknown { value 1; } enum hot-standby { value 2; } enum cold-standby { value 3; } enum providing-service { value 4; } } } typedef sensor-value-type { type enumeration { enum other { value 1; } enum unknown { value 2; } enum volts-AC { value 3; } enum volts-DC { value 4; } enum amperes { value 5; } enum watts { value 6; } enum hertz { value 7; } enum celsius { value 8; } enum percent-RH { value 9; } enum rpm { value 10; } enum cmm { value 11; } enum truth-value { value 12; } } } typedef sensor-value-scale { type enumeration { enum yocto { value 1; } enum zepto { value 2; } enum atto { value 3; } enum femto { value 4; } enum pico { value 5; } enum nano { value 6; } enum micro { value 7; } enum milli { value 8; } enum units { value 9; } enum kilo { value 10; } enum mega { value 11; } enum giga { value 12; } enum tera { value 13; } enum peta { value 14; } enum exa { value 15; } enum zetta { value 16; } enum yotta { value 17; } } } typedef sensor-value-precision { type int8 { range "-8 .. 9"; } } typedef sensor-value { type int32 { range "-1000000000 .. 1000000000"; } } typedef sensor-status { type enumeration { enum ok { value 1; } enum unavailable { value 2; } enum nonoperational { value 3; } } } container hardware { leaf last-change { type yang:date-and-time; config false; } list component { key name; leaf name { type string; } leaf class { type identityref { base ianahw:hardware-class; } } leaf physical-index { if-feature entity-mib; type int32 { range 1..2147483647; } config false; } leaf description { type string; config false; } leaf parent { type leafref { path ../../component/name; require-instance false; } } leaf parent-rel-pos { type int32 { range "0 .. 2147483647"; } } leaf-list contains-child { type leafref { path ../../component/name; } config false; } leaf hardware-rev { type string; config false; } leaf firmware-rev { type string; config false; } leaf software-rev { type string; config false; } leaf serial-num { type string; config false; } leaf mfg-name { type string; config false; } leaf model-name { type string; config false; } leaf alias { type string; } leaf asset-id { type string; } leaf is-fru { type boolean; config false; } leaf mfg-date { type yang:date-and-time; config false; } leaf-list uri { type inet:uri; } leaf uuid { type yang:uuid; config false; } container state { if-feature hardware-state; leaf state-last-changed { type yang:date-and-time; config false; } leaf admin-state { type admin-state; } leaf oper-state { type oper-state; config false; } leaf usage-state { type usage-state; config false; } leaf alarm-state { type alarm-state; config false; } leaf standby-state { type standby-state; config false; } } container sensor-data { when "derived-from-or-self(../class, \"ianahw:sensor\")" { } if-feature hardware-sensor; config false; leaf value { type sensor-value; } leaf value-type { type sensor-value-type; } leaf value-scale { type sensor-value-scale; } leaf value-precision { type sensor-value-precision; } leaf oper-status { type sensor-status; } leaf units-display { type string; } leaf value-timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; } leaf value-update-rate { type uint32; units milliseconds; } } } } notification hardware-state-change { } notification hardware-state-oper-enabled { if-feature hardware-state; leaf name { type leafref { path /hardware/component/name; } } leaf admin-state { type leafref { path /hardware/component/state/admin-state; } } leaf alarm-state { type leafref { path /hardware/component/state/alarm-state; } } } notification hardware-state-oper-disabled { if-feature hardware-state; leaf name { type leafref { path /hardware/component/name; } } leaf admin-state { type leafref { path /hardware/component/state/admin-state; } } leaf alarm-state { type leafref { path /hardware/component/state/alarm-state; } } } }
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Hardware |
Data nodes representing components.If the server supports configuration of
hardware components,then this data model is instantiated in the
configurationdatastores supported by the server.
@Nullable Hardware getHardware()
, or null
if not presentCopyright © 2019 OpenDaylight. All rights reserved.