All Superinterfaces:
org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.BindingContract<org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataContainer>, org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataContainer, org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataRoot<IanaAfnSafiData>

@Generated("mdsal-binding-generator") public interface IanaAfnSafiData extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataRoot<IanaAfnSafiData>
This YANG module provides two typedefs containing YANG definitions for the following IANA-registered enumerations: - Address Family Numbers (AFN) - Subsequent Address Family Identifiers (SAFI) The latest revision of this YANG module can be obtained from the IANA web site. Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see the RFC itself for full legal notices.

This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module iana-afn-safi

 module iana-afn-safi {
   namespace urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-afn-safi;
   prefix ianaaf;
   revision 2013-07-04 {
   typedef address-family {
     type enumeration {
       enum ipV4 {
         value 1;
       enum ipV6 {
         value 2;
       enum nsap {
         value 3;
       enum hdlc {
         value 4;
       enum bbn1822 {
         value 5;
       enum all802 {
         value 6;
       enum e163 {
         value 7;
       enum e164 {
         value 8;
       enum f69 {
         value 9;
       enum x121 {
         value 10;
       enum ipx {
         value 11;
       enum appletalk {
         value 12;
       enum decnetIV {
         value 13;
       enum banyanVines {
         value 14;
       enum e164withNsap {
         value 15;
       enum dns {
         value 16;
       enum distinguishedName {
         value 17;
       enum asNumber {
         value 18;
       enum xtpOverIpv4 {
         value 19;
       enum xtpOverIpv6 {
         value 20;
       enum xtpNativeModeXTP {
         value 21;
       enum fibreChannelWWPN {
         value 22;
       enum fibreChannelWWNN {
         value 23;
       enum gwid {
         value 24;
       enum l2vpn {
         value 25;
       enum mplsTpSectionEndpointIdentifier {
         value 26;
       enum mplsTpLspEndpointIdentifier {
         value 27;
       enum mplsTpPseudowireEndpointIdentifier {
         value 28;
       enum eigrpCommonServiceFamily {
         value 16384;
       enum eigrpIpv4ServiceFamily {
         value 16385;
       enum eigrpIpv6ServiceFamily {
         value 16386;
       enum lispCanonicalAddressFormat {
         value 16387;
       enum bgpLs {
         value 16388;
       enum 48BitMac {
         value 16389;
       enum 64BitMac {
         value 16390;
   typedef subsequent-address-family {
     type enumeration {
       enum nlriUnicast {
         value 1;
       enum nlriMulticast {
         value 2;
       enum nlriMpls {
         value 4;
       enum mcastVpn {
         value 5;
       enum nlriDynamicMsPw {
         value 6;
         status obsolete;
       enum encapsulation {
         value 7;
       enum tunnel {
         value 64;
         status obsolete;
       enum vpls {
         value 65;
       enum bgpMdt {
         value 66;
       enum bgp4over6 {
         value 67;
       enum bgp6over4 {
         value 68;
       enum l1VpnAutoDiscovery {
         value 69;
       enum mplsVpn {
         value 128;
       enum multicastBgpMplsVpn {
         value 129;
       enum routeTargetConstraints {
         value 132;
       enum ipv4DissFlow {
         value 133;
       enum vpnv4DissFlow {
         value 134;
       enum vpnAutoDiscovery {
         value 140;
         status obsolete;
       enum private241 {
         value 241;
       enum private242 {
         value 242;
       enum private243 {
         value 243;
       enum private244 {
         value 244;
       enum private245 {
         value 245;
       enum private246 {
         value 246;
       enum private247 {
         value 247;
       enum private248 {
         value 248;
       enum private249 {
         value 249;
       enum private250 {
         value 250;
       enum private251 {
         value 251;
       enum private252 {
         value 252;
       enum private253 {
         value 253;
       enum private254 {
         value 254;
  • Method Details

    • implementedInterface

      default Class<IanaAfnSafiData> implementedInterface()
      Specified by:
      implementedInterface in interface org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.BindingContract<org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataContainer>
      Specified by:
      implementedInterface in interface org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataRoot<IanaAfnSafiData>