
@Generated("mdsal-binding-generator") public class TagSetBuilder extends Object
Class that builds TagSet instances. Overall design of the class is that of a fluent interface, where method chaining is used.

In general, this class is supposed to be used like this template:

     TagSet createTagSet(int fooXyzzy, int barBaz) {
         return new TagSetBuilder()
             .setFoo(new FooBuilder().setXyzzy(fooXyzzy).build())
             .setBar(new BarBuilder().setBaz(barBaz).build())

This pattern is supported by the immutable nature of TagSet, as instances can be freely passed around without worrying about synchronization issues.

As a side note: method chaining results in:

  • very efficient Java bytecode, as the method invocation result, in this case the Builder reference, is on the stack, so further method invocations just need to fill method arguments for the next method invocation, which is terminated by build(), which is then returned from the method
  • better understanding by humans, as the scope of mutable state (the builder) is kept to a minimum and is very localized
  • better optimization opportunities, as the object scope is minimized in terms of invocation (rather than method) stack, making escape analysis a lot easier. Given enough compiler (JIT/AOT) prowess, the cost of th builder object can be completely eliminated
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TagSetBuilder

      public TagSetBuilder()
      Construct an empty builder.
    • TagSetBuilder

      public TagSetBuilder(TagSet base)
      Construct a builder initialized with state from specified TagSet.
      base - TagSet from which the builder should be initialized
  • Method Details

    • key

      public TagSetKey key()
      Return current value associated with the property corresponding to TagSet.key().
      current value
    • getTag

      public Map<TagKey,Tag> getTag()
      Return current value associated with the property corresponding to TagSet.getTag().
      current value
    • getTagSetName

      public String getTagSetName()
      Return current value associated with the property corresponding to TagSet.getTagSetName().
      current value
    • augmentation

      public <E$$ extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentation<TagSet>> E$$ augmentation(Class<E$$> augmentationType)
      Return the specified augmentation, if it is present in this builder.
      Type Parameters:
      E$$ - augmentation type
      augmentationType - augmentation type class
      Augmentation object from this builder, or null if not present
      NullPointerException - if augmentType is null
    • withKey

      public TagSetBuilder withKey(TagSetKey key)
      Set the key value corresponding to TagSet.key() to the specified value.
      key - desired value
      this builder
    • setTag

      public TagSetBuilder setTag(Map<TagKey,Tag> values)
      Set the property corresponding to TagSet.getTag() to the specified value.
      values - desired value
      this builder
    • setTagSetName

      public TagSetBuilder setTagSetName(String value)
      Set the property corresponding to TagSet.getTagSetName() to the specified value.
      value - desired value
      this builder
    • addAugmentation

      public TagSetBuilder addAugmentation(org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentation<TagSet> augmentation)
      Add an augmentation to this builder's product.
      augmentation - augmentation to be added
      this builder
      NullPointerException - if augmentation is null
    • removeAugmentation

      public TagSetBuilder removeAugmentation(Class<? extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentation<TagSet>> augmentationType)
      Remove an augmentation from this builder's product. If this builder does not track such an augmentation type, this method does nothing.
      augmentationType - augmentation type to be removed
      this builder
    • build

      public @NonNull TagSet build()
      A new TagSet instance.
      A new TagSet instance.