Interface OvsdbConnection

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface OvsdbConnection
    OvsDBConnection Interface provides OVSDB connection management APIs which includes both Active and Passive connections. From the Library perspective, Active OVSDB connections are those that are initiated from the Controller towards the ovsdb-manager. While Passive OVSDB connections are those that are initiated from the ovs towards the controller.

    Applications that use OvsDBConnectionService can use the connect APIs to initiate Active connections and can listen to the asynchronous Passive connections via registerConnectionListener listener API.

    • Method Detail

      • connect

        OvsdbClient connect​(InetAddress address,
                            int port)
        connect API can be used by the applications to initiate Active connection from the controller towards ovsdb-server.
        address - IP Address of the remote server that hosts the ovsdb server.
        port - Layer 4 port on which the remote ovsdb server is listening on.
        OvsDBClient The primary Client interface for the ovsdb connection.
      • connectWithSsl

        OvsdbClient connectWithSsl​(InetAddress address,
                                   int port,
        connect API can be used by the applications to initiate Active ssl connection from the controller towards ovsdb-server.
        address - IP Address of the remote server that hosts the ovsdb server.
        port - Layer 4 port on which the remote ovsdb server is listening on.
        certificateManagerSrv - Certificate manager for SSL/TLS
        OvsDBClient The primary Client interface for the ovsdb connection.
      • disconnect

        void disconnect​(OvsdbClient client)
        Method to disconnect an existing connection.
        client - that represents the ovsdb connection.
      • startOvsdbManager

        boolean startOvsdbManager()
        Method to start ovsdb server for passive connection.
      • startOvsdbManagerWithSsl

        boolean startOvsdbManagerWithSsl​(String ovsdbListenIp,
                                         int ovsdbListenPort,
                                         String[] protocols,
                                         String[] cipherSuites)
        Method to start ovsdb server for passive connection with SSL.
      • restartOvsdbManagerWithSsl

        boolean restartOvsdbManagerWithSsl​(String ovsdbListenIp,
                                           int ovsdbListenPort,
                                           String[] protocols,
                                           String[] cipherSuites)
        Method to restart ovsdb server for passive connection with SSL and user specifies protocols and cipher suites.
      • registerConnectionListener

        void registerConnectionListener​(OvsdbConnectionListener listener)
        Method to register a Passive Connection Listener with the ConnectionService.
        listener - Passive Connection listener interested in Passive OVSDB connection requests.
      • unregisterConnectionListener

        void unregisterConnectionListener​(OvsdbConnectionListener listener)
        Method to unregister a Passive Connection Listener with the ConnectionService.
      • getConnections

        Collection<OvsdbClient> getConnections()
        Returns a Collection of all the active OVSDB Connections.
        Collection of all the active OVSDB Connections
      • getClient

        OvsdbClient getClient​( channel)