All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
Abort |
AbstractTransactCommand<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable<I>,I extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifier<T>,A extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentation<>> |
AbstractTransactionCommand<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
AbstractTransactionCommand |
AclBindings |
map of string-ACL pairs.
AclBindings |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
AclBindingsBuilder |
AclBindingsBuilder |
AclBindingsKey |
AclBindingsKey |
AcleFaultStatus |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
AcleFaultStatusBuilder |
AcleFaultStatusKey |
AclEntries |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
AclEntriesBuilder |
ACLEntry |
AclFaultStatus |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
AclFaultStatusBuilder |
AclFaultStatusKey |
Acls |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
AclsBuilder |
AclsKey |
ArpSourcesLocal |
ArpSourcesRemote |
Assert |
Autoattach |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
AutoAttach |
This class is a typed interface to the AutoAttach Table.
AutoattachBuilder |
AutoattachExternalIds |
Key-value pairs for use by external frameworks that integrate with Open
rather than by Open vSwitch itself.
AutoattachExternalIdsBuilder |
AutoattachExternalIdsKey |
AutoattachKey |
AutoAttachRemovedCommand |
AutoAttachUpdateCommand |
BadSchemaException |
BadSchema exception is thrown when the received schema is invalid.
BaseType<E extends BaseType<E>> |
BfdLocalConfigs |
Local configuation attributes for BFD
BfdLocalConfigsBuilder |
BfdLocalConfigsKey |
BfdParams |
Parameters to configure and enable BFD
BfdParamsBuilder |
BfdParamsKey |
BfdRemoteConfigs |
Remote configuration attributes for BFD
BfdRemoteConfigsBuilder |
BfdRemoteConfigsKey |
BfdStatus |
runtime status of BFD on this tunnel
BfdStatusBuilder |
BfdStatusKey |
Bridge |
This class is a typed interface to the Bridge Table.
BridgeConfigReconciliationTask |
Configuration Reconciliation task to reconcile existing bridge configurations in the config datastore and the
switch when the latter is up and connected to the controller.
BridgeExternalIds |
Key-value pairs for use by external frameworks that integrate with Open
external_ids : bridge-id: optional string A unique identifier of the bridge.
BridgeExternalIdsBuilder |
BridgeExternalIdsKey |
BridgeOperationalState |
BridgeOtherConfigs |
Key-value pairs for configuring rarely used features.
BridgeOtherConfigsBuilder |
BridgeOtherConfigsKey |
BridgeRemovedCommand |
BridgeUpdateCommand |
Capability |
ChannelConnectionHandler |
ClientConnected |
ClientDisConnected |
Column<E extends TableSchema<E>,D> |
ColumnSchema<E extends TableSchema<E>,D> |
ColumnSchemaNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a ColumnSchema cannot be found.
ColumnType |
Comment |
Commit |
Condition |
ConditionalOperation |
Represents an Operation type that accepts a condition, for e.g Update, Select etc.
ConditionSerializer |
ConfigProperties |
ConnectionInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
ConnectionInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
ConnectionInfoBuilder |
ConnectionInfoBuilder |
ConnectionReconciliationTask |
Copied from org.opendaylight.ovsdb.southbound.reconciliation.connection.ConnectionReconciliationTask.
ConnectionReconciliationTask |
Controller |
This class is a typed interface to the Controller Table.
ControllerEntry |
Bridge controller info
ControllerEntryBuilder |
ControllerEntryKey |
ControllerRemovedCommand |
ControllerUpdateCommand |
Converter |
Converter.MapConverter |
Converter.SetConverter |
Converter.UpdateNotificationConverter |
DatabaseSchema |
Represents an ovsdb database schema, which is comprised of a set of tables.
DatabaseSchemaImpl |
DataChangeEvent |
DataChangesManagedByOvsdbNodeEvent |
DataObjectModificationImpl<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
DatapathId |
DatapathTypeBase |
Base identity for all OVSDB datapath types
DatapathTypeEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
DatapathTypeEntryBuilder |
DatapathTypeEntryKey |
DatapathTypeNetdev |
Datapath type for the userspace datapath
DatapathTypeSystem |
Datapath type for the kernel datapath
DataTreeModificationImpl<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Delete<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
DependencyQueue |
DependentJob<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable> |
DependentJob.ConfigWaitingJob<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable> |
DependentJob.OpWaitingJob<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable> |
DockerOvs |
Run OVS(s) using docker-compose for use in integration tests.
EchoResponse |
EchoServiceCallbackFilters |
EmptyDependencyGetter |
EncapsulationTypeBase |
Base Encapsulation type
EncapsulationTypeVxlanOverIpv4 |
Encapsulation type vxlan-over-ipv4
ExceptionHandler |
FlowNodeRef |
FlowSampleCollectorSet |
This class is a typed interface to the Flow_Sample_Collector_Set Table.
FlowTable |
This class is a typed interface to the Flow_Table Table.
ForwardingDatabaseSchema |
Function |
FutureTransformUtils |
GenericTableSchema |
GetTable |
Global |
GlobalConfigOperationalChangeGetter |
GlobalUpdateCommand |
HwvtepAclAttributes |
ACL attributes
HwvtepAclEntryAttributes |
ACL Entry attributes
HwvtepAclRef |
HwvtepArpSourcesAttributes |
AP Sources table attributes
HwvtepCacheDisplayCmd |
HwvtepConnectionInfoAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepConnectionInstance |
HwvtepConnectionManager |
HwvtepDataChangeListener |
HwvtepDeviceInfo |
HwvtepDeviceInfo.DeviceData |
HwvtepDeviceInfo.DeviceDataStatus |
HwvtepGlobalAttributes |
global node for the hwvtep
HwvtepGlobalAugmentation |
HwvtepGlobalAugmentationBuilder |
HwvtepGlobalRef |
HwvtepGlobalRemoveCommand |
HwvtepLogicalBindingStatsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepLogicalBindingStatsRef |
HwvtepLogicalRouterAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepLogicalRouterRemoveCommand |
HwvtepLogicalRouterUpdateCommand |
HwvtepLogicalSwitchAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepLogicalSwitchRef |
HwvtepLogicalSwitchRemoveCommand |
HwvtepLogicalSwitchUpdateCommand |
HwvtepMacEntriesRemoveCommand |
HwvtepMacTableGenericAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepManagerRemoveCommand |
HwvtepManagerUpdateCommand |
HwvtepMcastMacsLocalUpdateCommand |
HwvtepMcastMacsRemoteUpdateCommand |
HwvtepMcastMacTableAttributes |
Multicast mac table attributes
HwvtepMonitorCallback |
HwvtepNodeIdentification |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepNodeName |
HwvtepOperationalCommandAggregator |
HwvtepOperationalState |
HwvtepOperGlobalListener |
HwvtepPhysicalLocatorAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepPhysicalLocatorAugmentation |
HwvtepPhysicalLocatorAugmentationBuilder |
HwvtepPhysicalLocatorRef |
HwvtepPhysicalLocatorRemoveCommand |
HwvtepPhysicalLocatorSetAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepPhysicalLocatorUpdateCommand |
HwvtepPhysicalPortAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepPhysicalPortAugmentation |
HwvtepPhysicalPortAugmentationBuilder |
HwvtepPhysicalPortRemoveCommand |
HwvtepPhysicalPortUpdateCommand |
HwvtepPhysicalSwitchAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepPhysicalSwitchRef |
HwvtepPhysicalSwitchRemoveCommand |
HwvtepPhysicalSwitchUpdateCommand |
HwvtepReconciliationManager |
HwvtepReconciliationTask |
HwvtepSchemaConstants |
HwvtepSchemaConstants.HWVTEPSCHEMATABLES |
HwvtepSouthboundConstants |
HwvtepSouthboundMapper |
HwvtepSouthboundProvider |
HwvtepSouthboundProviderConfigurator |
HwvtepSouthboundUtil |
HwvtepSouthboundUtils |
HwvtepTableReader |
HwvtepTransactionLogElement |
HwvtepTunnelAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
HwvtepTunnelRemoveCommand |
HwvtepTunnelUpdateCommand |
HwvtepUcastMacsLocalUpdateCommand |
HwvtepUcastMacsRemoteUpdateCommand |
HwvtepUcastMacTableAttributes |
Unicast mac table attributes
IetfAclEntryRef |
Insert<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
InstanceIdentifierCodec |
InstanceIdentifierCodec |
Interface |
This class is a typed interface to the Bridge Table.
InterfaceBfd |
BFD configuration for a particular interface.
InterfaceBfdBuilder |
InterfaceBfdKey |
InterfaceBfdStatus |
BFD status for a particular interface.
InterfaceBfdStatusBuilder |
InterfaceBfdStatusKey |
InterfaceExternalIds |
Interface external ids external_ids : attached-mac: optional string.
InterfaceExternalIdsBuilder |
InterfaceExternalIdsKey |
InterfaceLldp |
Auto Attach configuration for a particular interface.
InterfaceLldpBuilder |
InterfaceLldpKey |
InterfaceOtherConfigs |
Other config attributes for Interfaces other_config : enable-vlan-splinters:
optional string either true or false.
InterfaceOtherConfigsBuilder |
InterfaceOtherConfigsKey |
InterfaceTypeBase |
Base identity for all OVSDB interface types
InterfaceTypeDpdk |
Interface type for dpdk interfaces
InterfaceTypeDpdkr |
Interface type for dpdk ring interfaces
InterfaceTypeDpdkvhost |
Interface type for dpdkvhost interfaces
InterfaceTypeDpdkvhostuser |
Interface type for dpdkvhostuser interfaces
InterfaceTypeDpdkvhostuserclient |
Interface type for dpdkvhostuserclient interfaces
InterfaceTypeEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
InterfaceTypeEntryBuilder |
InterfaceTypeEntryKey |
InterfaceTypeGeneve |
Interface type for geneve interfaces
InterfaceTypeGre |
Interface type for gre interfaces
InterfaceTypeGre64 |
Interface type for gre64 interfaces
InterfaceTypeInternal |
Interface type for internal interfaces
InterfaceTypeIpsecGre |
Interface type for ipsec-gre interfaces
InterfaceTypeIpsecGre64 |
Interface type for ipsec-gre64 interfaces
InterfaceTypeLisp |
Interface type for lisp interfaces
InterfaceTypePatch |
Interface type for patch interfaces
InterfaceTypeStt |
Interface type for stt interfaces
InterfaceTypeSystem |
Interface type for system interfaces
InterfaceTypeTap |
Interface type for tun/tap interfaces
InterfaceTypeVxlan |
Interface type for vxlan interfaces
InterfaceTypeVxlanGpe |
Interface type for vxlan gpe interfaces
InvalidEncodingException |
InvalidEncodingException in cases where something is not UTF-8 Encoded.
This class is a typed interface to the IPFIX Table.
IpPortLocator |
Data plane-locator: IP address and L4 port
IpPortLocatorEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module overlay
IpPortLocatorEntryBuilder |
ItConstants |
Constants for SouthboundIT.
JsonRpc10Request |
JsonRpc10Response |
JsonRpcDecoder |
JSON RPC 1.0 compatible decoder capable of decoding JSON messages from a TCP stream.
JsonRpcEncoder |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
JsonRpcEndpoint |
JsonUtils |
LocalArpSources |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
LocalArpSourcesBuilder |
LocalArpSourcesKey |
LocalMcastMacs |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
LocalMcastMacsBuilder |
LocalMcastMacsKey |
LocalUcastMacs |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
LocalUcastMacsBuilder |
LocalUcastMacsKey |
LocatorSet |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
LocatorSetBuilder |
LockAquisitionCallback |
Callback that can be registered with OvsdbClient to
get notified of a lock stolen.
LockStolenCallback |
Callback that can be registered with OvsdbClient to
get notified of a lock stolen.
LogicalBindingStats |
LogicalBindingStats |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
LogicalBindingStatsBuilder |
LogicalBindingStatsKey |
LogicalRouter |
LogicalRouterRemoveCommand |
LogicalRouters |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
LogicalRoutersBuilder |
LogicalRoutersKey |
LogicalRouterUpdateCommand |
LogicalSwitch |
LogicalSwitches |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
LogicalSwitchesBuilder |
LogicalSwitchesKey |
LogicalSwitchRemoveCommand |
LogicalSwitchUcastsRemoveCommand |
LogicalSwitchUpdateCommand |
ManagedNodeEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
ManagedNodeEntryBuilder |
ManagedNodeEntryKey |
ManagementIps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
ManagementIpsBuilder |
ManagementIpsKey |
Manager |
Manager |
This class is a typed interface to the Manager Table.
ManagerEntry |
Node managers info
ManagerEntryBuilder |
ManagerEntryKey |
ManagerOtherConfigs |
Key-value pairs for configuring rarely used features.
ManagerOtherConfigsBuilder |
ManagerOtherConfigsKey |
Managers |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
ManagersBuilder |
ManagersKey |
Mappings |
Map of integer-integer pairs, key in range 0 to 16,777,215, value in range 0 to
MappingsBuilder |
MappingsKey |
McastMacsLocal |
McastMacsLocalRemoveCommand |
McastMacsLocalRemoveCommand.MacDependencyGetter |
McastMacsLocalUpdateCommand |
McastMacsRemote |
McastMacsRemoteRemoveCommand |
McastMacsRemoteUpdateCommand |
MdsalObject |
MdsalUpdate<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable> |
MdsalUtils |
MdsalUtilsAsync |
MethodType |
Mirror |
This class is a typed interface to the Mirror Table.
MonitorCallBack |
MonitorHandle |
MonitorRequest |
MonitorRequestBuilder<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
MonitorSelect |
Mutate<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
Mutation |
MutationSerializer |
Mutator |
NetFlow |
This class is a typed interface to the NetFlow Table.
NettyBootstrapFactory |
A globally-instantiated context for use with OvsdbConnectionService.
NodeInfo |
Utility class for connections to an OVSDB node.
NotifyingDataChangeListener |
This class provides methods for checking or waiting for various md-sal operations to complete.
OpenVSwitch |
This class is a typed interface to the Open_vSwitch table.
OpenVSwitchBridgeAddCommand |
OpenvswitchExternalIds |
Key-value pairs for use by external frameworks that integrate with Open
external_ids : system-id: optional string A unique identifier for the Open
vSwitch's physical host.
OpenvswitchExternalIdsBuilder |
OpenvswitchExternalIdsKey |
OpenvswitchOtherConfigs |
Key-value pairs for configuring rarely used features.
OpenvswitchOtherConfigsBuilder |
OpenvswitchOtherConfigsKey |
OpenVSwitchUpdateCommand |
Operation<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
OperationResult |
Operations |
Options |
Port/Interface related optional input values
OptionsBuilder |
OptionsKey |
OvsdbAutoAttachRemovedCommand |
OvsdbAutoAttachUpdateCommand |
OvsdbBridgeAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
OvsdbBridgeAugmentation |
OvsdbBridgeAugmentationBuilder |
OvsdbBridgeName |
OvsdbBridgeProtocolBase |
Base identity for all ovsdb-bridge-protocols
OvsdbBridgeProtocolOpenflow10 |
Ovsdb bridge protocol OpenFlow 1.0
OvsdbBridgeProtocolOpenflow11 |
Ovsdb bridge protocol OpenFlow 1.1
OvsdbBridgeProtocolOpenflow12 |
Ovsdb bridge protocol OpenFlow 1.2
OvsdbBridgeProtocolOpenflow13 |
Ovsdb bridge protocol OpenFlow 1.3
OvsdbBridgeProtocolOpenflow14 |
Ovsdb bridge protocol OpenFlow 1.4
OvsdbBridgeProtocolOpenflow15 |
Ovsdb bridge protocol OpenFlow 1.5
OvsdbBridgeRef |
OvsdbBridgeRemovedCommand |
OvsdbBridgeUpdateCommand |
OvsdbClient |
The main interface to interact with a device speaking ovsdb protocol in an asynchronous fashion and hence most
operations return a Future object representing the eventual response data from the remote.
OvsdbClientImpl |
OvsdbConnection |
OvsDBConnection Interface provides OVSDB connection management APIs which includes
both Active and Passive connections.
OvsdbConnectionInfo |
OvsdbConnectionInfo.ConnectionType |
OvsdbConnectionInfo.SocketConnectionType |
OvsdbConnectionInfoAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
OvsdbConnectionInstance |
OvsdbConnectionListener |
Applications interested in Passive ovsdb connection events should implement this interface.
OvsdbConnectionManager |
OvsdbConnectionService |
OvsDBConnectionService provides OVSDB connection management functionality which includes
both Active and Passive connections.
OvsdbConnectionServiceConfigurator |
OvsdbControllerRemovedCommand |
OvsdbControllerUpdateCommand |
OvsdbDataTreeChangeListener |
Data-tree change listener for OVSDB.
OvsdbDiagStatusProvider |
OvsdbFailModeBase |
Base identity for ovsdb-failmode
OvsdbFailModeSecure |
Identity for ovsdb-failmode standalone
OvsdbFailModeStandalone |
Identity for ovsdb-failmode standalone
OvsdbInitialPortUpdateCommand |
OvsdbItUtils |
This class contains various utility methods used in OVSDB integration tests (IT).
OvsdbManagersRemovedCommand |
OvsdbManagersUpdateCommand |
OvsdbMap<K,V> |
OvsdbMapSerializer |
OvsdbMonitorCallback |
OvsdbNodeAttributes |
Plugin will not allow multiple connections to the same device.
OvsdbNodeAugmentation |
OvsdbNodeAugmentationBuilder |
OvsdbNodeRef |
OvsdbNodeRemoveCommand |
OvsdbNodeUpdateCommand |
OvsdbOperationalCommandAggregator |
OvsdbOperGlobalListener |
OvsdbPortInterfaceAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
OvsdbPortInterfaceAttributes.VlanMode |
OvsdbPortRemoveCommand |
OvsdbPortUpdateCommand |
OvsdbQosRef |
OvsdbQosRemovedCommand |
OvsdbQosUpdateCommand |
OvsdbQueueRef |
OvsdbQueueRemovedCommand |
OvsdbQueueUpdateCommand |
OvsdbRPC |
OvsdbRPC.Callback |
OvsdbSchemaContants |
OvsdbSchemaContants.OvsdbSchemaTables |
OvsdbSet<T> |
OvsdbSetSerializer |
OvsdbTerminationPointAugmentation |
OvsdbTerminationPointAugmentationBuilder |
OvsdbTerminationPointRef |
OvsdbTypesIdResolver |
OvsdbUpgradeStateListener |
Params |
ParsingException |
The ParsingException is thrown when JSON could not be successfully parsed.
PhysicalLocator |
PhysicalLocatorSet |
PhysicalPort |
PhysicalPortRemoveCommand |
PhysicalPortUpdateCommand |
PhysicalSwitch |
PhysicalSwitchAugmentation |
PhysicalSwitchAugmentationBuilder |
PhysicalSwitchRemoveCommand |
PhysicalSwitchUpdateCommand |
PlainLogicalSwitchRemoveCmd |
Port |
This class is a typed interface to the Port Table.
PortEvent |
PortExternalIds |
Port external ids external_ids : fake-bridge-id-*: optional string External IDs
for a fake bridge (see the fake_bridge column) are defined by prefixing a
external_ids key with fake-bridge-, e.g.
PortExternalIdsBuilder |
PortExternalIdsKey |
PortFaultStatus |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
PortFaultStatusBuilder |
PortFaultStatusKey |
PortOtherConfigs |
Other config attributes for Ports other_config : priority-tags: optional string
either true or false An 802.1Q header contains two important pieces of
information: a VLAN ID and a priority.
PortOtherConfigsBuilder |
PortOtherConfigsKey |
ProcUtils |
Run subprocesses and log or return their output.
ProtocolEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
ProtocolEntryBuilder |
ProtocolEntryKey |
ProtocolRemovedCommand |
ProtocolUpdateCommand |
Qos |
This class is a typed interface to the QoS Table.
QosEntries |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
QosEntriesBuilder |
QosEntriesKey |
QosEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
QosEntryBuilder |
QosEntryKey |
QosExternalIds |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
QosExternalIdsBuilder |
QosExternalIdsKey |
QosOtherConfig |
other_config : max-rate optional string, containing an integer.
QosOtherConfigBuilder |
QosOtherConfigKey |
QosRemovedCommand |
QosTypeBase |
the base identity for qos
QosTypeEgressPolicer |
DPDK user space egress policer
QosTypeLinuxCodel |
linux controlled delay classifier
QosTypeLinuxFqCodel |
linux fair queueing controlled delay classifier
QosTypeLinuxHfsc |
linux hierarchical fair service curve classifier
QosTypeLinuxHtb |
linux hierarchy token bucket classifier
QosTypeLinuxSfq |
linux stochastic fairness queueing classifier
QosUpdateCommand |
Queue |
This class is a typed interface to the Queue Table.
QueueList |
The list of queues used by the QoS
QueueListBuilder |
QueueListKey |
QueueRemovedCommand |
Queues |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
QueuesBuilder |
QueuesExternalIds |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ovsdb
QueuesExternalIdsBuilder |
QueuesExternalIdsKey |
QueuesKey |
QueuesOtherConfig |
Configuration for linux-htb QoS: other_config : min-rate optional string
containing an integer, at least 1.
QueuesOtherConfigBuilder |
QueuesOtherConfigKey |
QueueUpdateCommand |
ReconcilePortEvent |
ReconciliationManager |
Copied from org.opendaylight.ovsdb.southbound.reconciliation.ReconciliationManager.
ReconciliationManager |
This class provides the implementation of ovsdb southbound plugins
configuration reconciliation engine.
ReconciliationTask |
Copied from org.opendaylight.ovsdb.southbound.reconciliation.ReconciliationTask
ReconciliationTask |
Abstract implementation of a reconciliation task.
ReferencedRow |
RemoteArpSources |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
RemoteArpSourcesBuilder |
RemoteArpSourcesKey |
RemoteMcastMacs |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
RemoteMcastMacsBuilder |
RemoteMcastMacsKey |
RemoteUcastMacs |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
RemoteUcastMacsBuilder |
RemoteUcastMacsKey |
Response |
ResultSet |
A collection of Rows as returned by select and other operations on OVSDB.
Row<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
RowSerializer |
Scheduler |
SchemaVersionMismatchException |
This exception is used when the a table or row is accessed though a typed interface
and the version requirements are not met.
Select<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
ServiceHelper |
The class helps to register and retrieve OSGi service registry.
SFlow |
This class is a typed interface to the SFlow Table.
ShardStatusMonitor |
SouthboundConstants |
SouthboundConstants.OwnershipStates |
SouthboundConstants.VlanModes |
SouthboundMapper |
SouthboundProvider |
SouthboundProviderConfigurator |
SouthboundUtil |
SouthboundUtils |
This class is a typed interface to the SSL Table.
StalePassiveConnectionService |
StalePassiveConnectionService provides functionalities to clean up stale passive connections
from the same node before new connection request arrives, especially for connection flapping scenarios.
StaticRoutes |
map of string-string pairs.
StaticRoutesBuilder |
SupportedTunnelEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module overlay
SupportedTunnelEntryBuilder |
SupportedTunnels |
SupportedTunnelsBuilder |
SupportedTunnelsParameters |
SupportedTunnelsParametersBuilder |
SwitchBindings |
A map of IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix in CIDR notation to logical switch.
SwitchBindingsBuilder |
SwitchConfigOperationalChangeGetter |
Switches |
List of physical switches managed by this node
SwitchesBuilder |
SwitchesKey |
SwitchFaultStatus |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
SwitchFaultStatusBuilder |
SwitchFaultStatusKey |
TableSchema<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
TableSchemaNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a TableSchema cannot be found.
TableUpdate<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
TableUpdate.RowUpdate<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
TableUpdates |
TerminationPointConfigReconciliationTask |
Reconciliation task to reconcile termination point configurations in the config datastore.
TerminationPointCreateCommand |
TerminationPointDeleteCommand |
Transaction handler for the TerminationPoints.
TerminationPointUpdateCommand |
TopologyType |
TopologyTypeAttributes |
Attributed to indicate the topology type
TopologyTypeBase |
Base identity for all topology-types
TopologyTypeBuilder |
TopologyTypeOverlay |
Marker to indicate a topology is of type overlay
TransactBuilder |
TransactCommand<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable> |
TransactCommand |
Contract for a transactional command.
TransactCommandAggregator |
TransactCommandAggregator |
This transactional command aggregates all the Southbound commands.
TransactInvoker |
TransactInvoker |
Contract for a transactional invoker.
TransactInvokerImpl |
TransactInvokerImpl |
TransactionBuilder |
TransactionCommand |
TransactionCommand |
TransactionElement |
TransactionHistory |
TransactionHistoryCmd |
TransactionInvoker |
TransactionInvoker |
TransactionInvokerImpl |
TransactionInvokerImpl |
TransactionType |
TransactResponse |
TransactUtils |
TransactUtils |
Trunks |
Represents the trunks of a termination point.
TrunksBuilder |
Tunnel |
Tunnel |
TunnelBuilder |
TunnelDestParameters |
TunnelDestParametersBuilder |
TunnelIps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
TunnelIpsBuilder |
TunnelIpsKey |
TunnelRemoveCommand |
Tunnels |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
TunnelsBuilder |
TunnelsKey |
TunnelSourceParameters |
TunnelSourceParametersBuilder |
TunnelTypeAttributes |
Common leaf for expressing tunnel-type
TunnelTypeBase |
Base identity for all tunnel-types
TunnelTypeGre |
Tunnel type for gre tunnels
TunnelTypeVxlan |
Tunnel type for vxlan tunnels
TunnelTypeVxlanGpe |
Tunnel type for vxlan tunnels
TunnelUpdateCommand |
TypedBaseTable<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
TypedColumn |
TypedDatabaseSchema |
TypedReflections |
Utilities for extracting annotation information at runtime.
TypedTable |
TyperException |
This is a generic exception thrown by the Typed Schema utilities.
TyperUtils |
Utility methods for typed OVSDB schema data.
UcastMacsLocal |
UcastMacsLocalRemoveCommand |
UcastMacsLocalRemoveCommand.MacDependencyGetter |
UcastMacsLocalUpdateCommand |
UcastMacsRemote |
UcastMacsRemoteRemoveCommand |
UcastMacsRemoteUpdateCommand |
UnexpectedResultException |
This exception is thrown when a result does not meet any of the known formats in RFC7047.
UnMetDependencyGetter<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable> |
Utility class to retrieve the unmet dependencies (config/operational) of the given object.
UnsupportedArgumentException |
UnsupportedMethodException |
Update<E extends TableSchema<E>> |
UpdateNotification |
Handles both uuid and named-uuid.
UUIDSerializer |
UUIDStringConverter |
Version |
This class represents a version according to RFC 7047.
VlanBindings |
A map of vlan ID to logical switch pairs
VlanBindingsBuilder |
VlanBindingsKey |
VlanStats |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module hwvtep
VlanStatsBuilder |
VlanStatsKey |
Where |
YangUtils |
YANG utility functions.