All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
Use listener-api instead.
Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
Use listener-api instead.
Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
Use listener-api instead.
Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
Use listener-api instead.
DataTreeChangeListener which can notify another DataTreeChangeListener.
Use listener-api instead.
Default implementation of ChainableDataTreeChangeListener.
Use listener-api instead.
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result, but can throw a checked exception.
Callable which throws a specific generically parameterized type of checked exception instead of a fixed Exception.
Consumer which can throw a checked exception.
Function which can throw a checked exception.
Functional interface similar to Runnable (but not technically extending Runnable, because it cannot; and doesn't have to) which can throw a generically parameterized type of checked exception.
Configuration properties for the metrics implementation.
Counter metric, which is a simple incrementing and decrementing number.
Custom transformer of String Metric ID to JMX ObjectName.
Base identity for all srm entity names
Base identity for all srm entity types
SRM Entity type instance
SRM Entity type service
Utility to simplify correctly handling transformation of Future of RpcResult to return.
SRM Entity name for IFM service
SRM Entity name for IFM's interface instance
SRM Entity name for ITM service
SRM Entity name for ITM's tep instance
SRM Entity name for ITM's transportzone instance
Validations for "ID" like simple types.
Immutable implementation of MetricDescriptor.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMetricDescriptor.
Consumer which can throw a checked exception and be interrupted.
Function which can throw a checked exception and be interrupted.
Labeled wrapper which "tags" T objects.
Meter metric, which measures throughput.
Descriptor of Metric.
Factory to obtain a new metric for use by application code.
Example illustrating advanced type safe usage of metrics API.
Example illustrating usage of metrics API, and demo.
SRM Entity name for ACL service
SRM Entity name for ACL instance
SRM Entity name for ACL interface
SRM Entity name for dhcp service
SRM Entity name for elan service
SRM Entity name for ELAN interface
SRM Entity name for l2gw service
SRM Entity name for l2gw connection
SRM Entity name for l2gw device name
SRM Entity name for QoS service
SRM Entity name for QoS Policy instance
SRM Entity name for VPN service
SRM Entity name for VPN instance
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-serviceutils-upgrade
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-types
SRM Entity name for openflowplugin service
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
Class that builds Operations instances.
This class represents the key of Operations class.
Implementation of MetricProvider based on Prometheus.IO.
Recover a given service or instance
Implementation class of "srm:recover" Karaf shell command.
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
Class that builds RecoverInput instances.
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
Class that builds RecoverOutput instances.
Control interface for ServiceRecoveryRegistry implementation.
Reinstall a given service
Implementation class of "srm:reinstall" Karaf shell command.
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
Class that builds ReinstallInput instances.
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
Class that builds ReinstallOutput instances.
RPC failed: invalid entity id
RPC failed: invalid entity name
RPC failed: invalid entity type
RPC failed: operation not supported for given parameters
RPC failed: reason not known, check message string for details
Base identity for all SRM RPC Results
RPC result successful
Base identity for all srm operations
Recover a service or instance
Reinstall a service
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
Class that builds ServiceOps instances.
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
Class that builds Services instances.
This class represents the key of Services class.
The Utility class for SRM Shell.
Implementation class of "srm:debug" Karaf shell command.
Implementation of MetricProvider useful for unit and component tests.
A timer metric which aggregates timing durations.
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-serviceutils-upgrade
Class that builds UpgradeConfig instances.
This service is only intended to be used by code that needs to accommodate the full replay based upgrade.
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-srm-ops module.
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-srm-rpcs module.
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-srm-types module.
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-serviceutils-upgrade module.
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-srm-ops module.
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-srm-rpcs module.
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-srm-types module.
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-serviceutils-upgrade module.