All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-srm-ops module.
$YangModelBindingProvider |
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-srm-rpcs module.
$YangModelBindingProvider |
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-srm-types module.
$YangModelBindingProvider |
The YangModelBindingProvider for odl-serviceutils-upgrade module.
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-srm-ops module.
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-srm-rpcs module.
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-srm-types module.
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
The ResourceYangModuleInfo for odl-serviceutils-upgrade module.
AbstractAsyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
AbstractAsyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
AbstractClusteredAsyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
AbstractClusteredAsyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
AbstractClusteredSyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
AbstractClusteredSyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
AbstractSyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Abstract class providing some common functionality to specific listeners.
AbstractSyncDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
ChainableDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
DataTreeChangeListener which can notify another DataTreeChangeListener.
ChainableDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
ChainableDataTreeChangeListenerImpl<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Default implementation of ChainableDataTreeChangeListener.
ChainableDataTreeChangeListenerImpl<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
CheckedBiConsumer<T,U,E extends Exception> |
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no
result, but can throw a checked exception.
CheckedCallable<V,E extends Exception> |
Callable which throws a specific generically parameterized type of
checked exception instead of a fixed Exception .
CheckedConsumer<T,E extends Exception> |
Consumer which can throw a checked exception.
CheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> |
Function which can throw a checked exception.
CheckedRunnable<E extends Exception> |
Functional interface similar to Runnable (but not technically
extending Runnable, because it cannot; and doesn't have to) which can throw a
generically parameterized type of checked exception.
CollectorRegistrySingleton |
Provides the Prometheus Client CollectorRegistry.
Configuration |
Configuration properties for the metrics implementation.
Counter |
Counter metric, which is a simple incrementing and decrementing number.
CustomObjectNameFactory |
Custom transformer of String Metric ID to JMX ObjectName.
EntityNameBase |
Base identity for all srm entity names
EntityTypeBase |
Base identity for all srm entity types
EntityTypeInstance |
SRM Entity type instance
EntityTypeService |
SRM Entity type service
FutureRpcResults |
Utility to simplify correctly handling transformation of Future of RpcResult to return.
FutureRpcResults.FutureRpcResultBuilder<I,O> |
FutureRpcResults.LogLevel |
GeniusIfm |
SRM Entity name for IFM service
GeniusIfmInterface |
SRM Entity name for IFM's interface instance
GeniusItm |
SRM Entity name for ITM service
GeniusItmTep |
SRM Entity name for ITM's tep instance
GeniusItmTz |
SRM Entity name for ITM's transportzone instance
IDs |
Validations for "ID" like simple types.
ImmutableMetricDescriptor |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.AnchorBuildStage |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.Builder |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.BuildFinal |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.IdBuildStage |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.ModuleBuildStage |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.ProjectBuildStage |
InterruptibleCheckedConsumer<T,E extends Exception> |
Consumer which can throw a checked exception and be interrupted.
InterruptibleCheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> |
Function which can throw a checked exception and be interrupted.
Labeled<T> |
Labeled wrapper which "tags" T objects.
Meter |
Meter metric, which measures throughput.
MetricDescriptor |
Descriptor of Metric.
MetricProvider |
Factory to obtain a new metric for use by application code.
MetricProviderImpl |
MetricsAdvancedExample |
Example illustrating advanced type safe usage of metrics API.
MetricsAdvancedExample.MacLabeledMeter |
MetricsAdvancedExample.PortLabeledMeter |
MetricsExample |
Example illustrating usage of metrics API, and demo.
MetricsFileReporter |
NetvirtAcl |
SRM Entity name for ACL service
NetvirtAclInstance |
SRM Entity name for ACL instance
NetvirtAclInterface |
SRM Entity name for ACL interface
NetvirtDhcp |
SRM Entity name for dhcp service
NetvirtElan |
SRM Entity name for elan service
NetvirtElanInterface |
SRM Entity name for ELAN interface
NetvirtL2gw |
SRM Entity name for l2gw service
NetvirtL2gwConnection |
SRM Entity name for l2gw connection
NetvirtL2gwNode |
SRM Entity name for l2gw device name
NetvirtQos |
SRM Entity name for QoS service
NetvirtQosPolicyInstance |
SRM Entity name for QoS Policy instance
NetvirtVpn |
SRM Entity name for VPN service
NetvirtVpnInstance |
SRM Entity name for VPN instance
OdlServiceutilsUpgradeData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-serviceutils-upgrade
OdlSrmOpsData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
OdlSrmRpcsData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
OdlSrmRpcsService |
OdlSrmTypesData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-types
Ofplugin |
SRM Entity name for openflowplugin service
Operations |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
OperationsBuilder |
OperationsKey |
OSGiMetricProvider |
OSGiPrometheusMetricProvider |
PrometheusMetricProviderImpl |
RecoverableListener |
RecoverCommand |
RecoverInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
RecoverInputBuilder |
RecoverOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
RecoverOutputBuilder |
ReinstallCommand |
ReinstallInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
ReinstallInputBuilder |
ReinstallOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-rpcs
ReinstallOutputBuilder |
RpcFailEntityId |
RPC failed: invalid entity id
RpcFailEntityName |
RPC failed: invalid entity name
RpcFailEntityType |
RPC failed: invalid entity type
RpcFailOpNotSupported |
RPC failed: operation not supported for given parameters
RpcFailUnknown |
RPC failed: reason not known, check message string for details
RpcResultBase |
Base identity for all SRM RPC Results
RpcSuccess |
RPC result successful
ServiceOpBase |
Base identity for all srm operations
ServiceOpRecover |
Recover a service or instance
ServiceOpReinstall |
Reinstall a service
ServiceOps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
ServiceOpsBuilder |
ServiceRecoveryInterface |
ServiceRecoveryListener |
ServiceRecoveryRegistry |
ServiceRecoveryRegistryImpl |
Services |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-srm-ops
ServicesBuilder |
ServicesKey |
SrmCliUtils |
The Utility class for SRM Shell.
SrmDebugCommand |
SrmRpcProvider |
SrmRpcUtils |
The Utility class for SRM Shell.
TestFutureRpcResults |
TestMetricProviderImpl |
Timer |
A timer metric which aggregates timing durations.
UpgradeConfig |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-serviceutils-upgrade
UpgradeConfigBuilder |
UpgradeState |
This service is only intended to be used by code that
needs to accommodate the full replay based upgrade.
UpgradeStateListener |