Class FutureRpcResults


@Beta public final class FutureRpcResults extends Object
Utility to simplify correctly handling transformation of Future of RpcResult to return.
  • Method Details

    • fromListenableFuture

      @CheckReturnValue public static <I, O> FutureRpcResults.FutureRpcResultBuilder<I,O> fromListenableFuture(org.slf4j.Logger logger, @Nullable I input, Callable<<O>> callable)
      Create a Builder for a ListenableFuture to Future<RpcResult<O>> transformer. By default, the future will log success or failure, with configurable log levels; the caller can also add handlers for success and/or failure.

      The RPC's method name is automatically obtained using StackTraces. This has some cost, which in the overall scheme of a typical RPC is typically negligible, but on a highly optimized fast path could theoretically be an issue; if you see this method as a hot spot in a profiler, then (only) use the alternative signature where you manually pass the String rpcMethodName.

      logger - the slf4j Logger of the caller
      input - the RPC input DataObject of the caller (may be null)
      callable - the Callable (typically lambda) creating a ListenableFuture. Note that the functional interface Callable's call() method declares throws Exception, so your lambda does not have to do any exception handling (specifically it does NOT have to catch and wrap any exception into a failed Future); this utility does that for you.
      a new Builder
    • fromListenableFuture

      @CheckReturnValue public static <I, O> FutureRpcResults.FutureRpcResultBuilder<I,O> fromListenableFuture(org.slf4j.Logger logger, String rpcMethodName, @Nullable I input, Callable<<O>> callable)
      Create a Builder for a ListenableFuture to Future<RpcResult<O>> transformer. By default, the future will log success or failure, with configurable log levels; the caller can also add handlers for success and/or failure.
      logger - the slf4j Logger of the caller
      rpcMethodName - Java method name (without "()") of the RPC operation, used for logging
      input - the RPC input DataObject of the caller (may be null)
      callable - the Callable (typically lambda) creating a ListenableFuture. Note that the functional interface Callable's call() method declares throws Exception, so your lambda does not have to do any exception handling (specifically it does NOT have to catch and wrap any exception into a failed Future); this utility does that for you.
      a new FutureRpcResultBuilder
    • fromBuilder

      @CheckReturnValue public static <I, O> FutureRpcResults.FutureRpcResultBuilder<I,O> fromBuilder(org.slf4j.Logger logger, String rpcMethodName, @Nullable I input, Callable<O> callable)
    • fromBuilder

      @CheckReturnValue public static <I, O> FutureRpcResults.FutureRpcResultBuilder<I,O> fromBuilder(org.slf4j.Logger logger, @Nullable I input, Callable<O> builder)