All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
AbstractNeutronInterface<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject & org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable<K> & org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.ChildOf<? super U>,U extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.ChildOf<? super Neutron> & org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentable<U>,K extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifier<T>,S extends INeutronObject<S>> |
AbstractNeutronNorthbound<T extends INeutronObject<T>,R extends INeutronRequest<T>,I extends INeutronCRUD<T>> |
AbstractTranscriberInterface<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject & org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable<K> & org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.ChildOf<? super U>,U extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.ChildOf<? super V> & org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentable<U>,K extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifier<T>,S extends INeutronObject<S>,V extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Base class of Transcriber converts data from/to neutron spi to/from md-sal yang model.
ActionAllow |
firewall rule allow
ActionBase |
firewall rule action
ActionDeny |
firewall rule deny
AdminAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-attrs
AllocationPools |
Sub-ranges of cidr available for dynamic allocation to ports
AllocationPoolsBuilder |
AllocationPoolsKey |
AllowedAddressPairs |
Allowed address pairs for this port.
AllowedAddressPairsBuilder |
AllowedAddressPairsKey |
BadRequestException |
Status Code 400 = Bad Request.
BandwidthlimitRuleAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
BandwidthLimitRules |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
BandwidthLimitRulesBuilder |
BandwidthLimitRulesKey |
BaseAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-attrs
Bgpvpn |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-bgpvpns
BgpvpnAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-bgpvpns
BgpvpnBuilder |
BgpvpnKey |
Bgpvpns |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-bgpvpns
BgpvpnsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-bgpvpns
BgpvpnsBuilder |
BgpvpnTypeBase |
Base Network type for all Bgpvpn type identifiers.
BgpvpnTypeL2 |
L2 bgpvpn type identity.
BgpvpnTypeL3 |
L3 bgpvpn type identity.
BgpvpnVni |
Support for vni attribute in bgpvpn resource
BindingAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-binding
ChainParameters |
List of additional parameters related to the SF chain.
ChainParametersBuilder |
ChainParametersKey |
DatastoreOperationFailedWebApplicationException |
JAX RS specific exception wrapping an ODL MDSAL datastore read/validate/write operation failure.
Devices |
Description of devices.
DevicesBuilder |
DevicesKey |
Dhcpv6Base |
the base identity for DHCP v6 information
Dhcpv6Off |
DHCP v6 off
Dhcpv6Slaac |
Dhcpv6Stateful |
DHCP v6 stateful
Dhcpv6Stateless |
DHCP v6 stateless
DirectionBase |
Base identity for direction
DirectionBase |
Base for defining direction of traffic
DirectionBoth |
Both Directions are mirrored
DirectionEgress |
Egress direction.
DirectionIn |
Traffic arriving at Source Port
DirectionIngress |
Ingress direction.
DirectionOut |
Traffic leaving Source Port
Dpd |
Dead Peer Detection protocol controls
DpdBuilder |
DscpmarkingRuleAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
DscpmarkingRules |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
DscpmarkingRulesBuilder |
DscpmarkingRulesKey |
EmptyStringAsNullAdapter |
JAXB adapter to treat (certain) empty String as null.
EthertypeBase |
the base identity for ethertype versions
EthertypeV4 |
IP v4
EthertypeV6 |
IP v6
Extension |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-extensions
ExtensionAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-extensions
ExtensionBuilder |
ExtensionKey |
Extensions |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-extensions
ExtensionsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-extensions
ExtensionsBuilder |
ExternalFixedIps |
external fixed IPs for this router
ExternalFixedIpsBuilder |
ExternalFixedIpsKey |
ExternalGatewayInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-L3
ExternalGatewayInfoBuilder |
ExtraDhcpOpts |
Extra DHCP options
ExtraDhcpOptsBuilder |
ExtraDhcpOptsKey |
Feature |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-extensions
FeatureBuilder |
FeatureKey |
Features |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-extensions
FeaturesBuilder |
Firewall |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallBuilder |
FirewallKey |
FirewallPolicies |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallPoliciesBuilder |
FirewallPolicy |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallPolicyAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallPolicyBuilder |
FirewallPolicyKey |
FirewallRule |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallRuleAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallRuleAttributes.Protocol |
FirewallRuleAttributesProtocolBuilder |
The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.
FirewallRuleBuilder |
FirewallRuleKey |
FirewallRules |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallRulesBuilder |
Firewalls |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
FirewallsBuilder |
FixedIps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-ports
FixedIpsBuilder |
FixedIpsKey |
Floatingip |
An external IP address that is mapped to a port that is attached to an internal
FloatingipBuilder |
FloatingipKey |
Floatingips |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-L3
FloatingipsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-L3
FloatingipsBuilder |
FlowClassifierMatchAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-sfc-flow-classifier
FwProtocolBase |
Base identity for firewall protocol
FwProtocolIcmp |
ICMP protocol.
FwProtocolTcp |
TCP protocol.
FwProtocolUdp |
UDP protocol.
Healthmonitor |
List of healthmonitors.
HealthmonitorAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-lbaasv2
HealthmonitorBuilder |
HealthmonitorKey |
Healthmonitors |
Container for LBaaSV2.0 healthmonitors.
HealthmonitorsBuilder |
Hostconfig |
List of Host with types and configurations.
HostconfigAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-hostconfig
HostconfigBuilder |
HostconfigEntryAttributes |
These values will be populated by the Cloud Operator and will be stored in the
Open_vSwitch configuration data in the external_ids field as a key value pair.
HostconfigKey |
Hostconfigs |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-hostconfig
HostconfigsBuilder |
HostconfigUtil |
HostRoutes |
Routes that should be used by devices with IPs from this subnet (not including
local subnet route).
HostRoutesBuilder |
HostRoutesKey |
HttpUtils |
IdAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-attrs
IkePolicies |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IkepoliciesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IkePoliciesBuilder |
Ikepolicy |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IkepolicyAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IkepolicyBuilder |
IkepolicyKey |
INeutronAdminAttributes<T extends INeutronAdminAttributes<T>> |
This class contains behaviour common to Neutron configuration objects.
INeutronBaseAttributes<T extends INeutronBaseAttributes<T>> |
This class contains behaviour common to Neutron configuration objects.
INeutronBgpvpnCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB bgpvpn objects.
INeutronCRUD<T extends INeutronObject<T>> |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB neutron objects.
INeutronCRUD.Result |
INeutronFirewallCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Firewall objects.
INeutronFirewallPolicyCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Firewall Policy objects.
INeutronFirewallRuleCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Firewall Rule objects.
INeutronFloatingIpCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB FloatingIp objects.
INeutronL2gatewayConnectionCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack L2gateway
Connection objects.
INeutronL2gatewayCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack L2gateway objects.
INeutronLoadBalancerCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack LoadBalancer objects.
INeutronLoadBalancerHealthMonitorCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack LoadBalancerHealthMonitor objects.
INeutronLoadBalancerListenerCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack LoadBalancerListener objects.
INeutronLoadBalancerPoolCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack LoadBalancerPool objects.
INeutronMeteringLabelCRUD |
INeutronMeteringLabelRuleCRUD |
INeutronNetworkCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB network objects.
INeutronObject<T extends INeutronObject<T>> |
This class contains behaviour common to Neutron configuration objects.
INeutronPortCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB Port objects.
INeutronQosPolicyCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Qos Policy objects.
INeutronRequest<T extends INeutronObject<T>> |
INeutronRouterCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB Router objects.
INeutronSecurityGroupCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Security Group objects.
INeutronSecurityRuleCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Security Rule objects.
INeutronSFCFlowClassifierCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB SFC Flow Classifier objects.
INeutronSFCPortChainCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB SFC Port Chain objects.
INeutronSFCPortPairCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB SFC Port Pair objects.
INeutronSFCPortPairGroupCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB SFC Port Pair Group objects.
INeutronSubnetCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB Subnet objects.
INeutronTapFlowCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Tap Flow objects.
INeutronTapServiceCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB OpenStack Tap Service objects.
INeutronTrunkCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB trunk objects.
INeutronVpnIkePolicyCRUD |
INeutronVpnIpSecPolicyCRUD |
INeutronVpnIpSecSiteConnectionsCRUD |
INeutronVpnServiceCRUD |
This interface defines the methods for CRUD of NB VPNService objects.
Interfaces |
Description of interfaces
InterfacesBuilder |
InterfacesKey |
IpPrefixOrAddress |
IpPrefixOrAddressBuilder |
The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.
IpsecconnectionAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecconnectionsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecPolicies |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecpoliciesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecPoliciesBuilder |
Ipsecpolicy |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecpolicyAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecpolicyBuilder |
IpsecpolicyKey |
Ipsecsiteconnection |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecsiteconnectionBuilder |
IpsecsiteconnectionKey |
IpsecSiteConnections |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
IpsecSiteConnectionsBuilder |
IpVersionBase |
the base identity for ip versions
IpVersionV4 |
IP v4
IpVersionV6 |
IP v6
L2gateway |
l2gateway description
L2gatewayAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-l2gateways
L2gatewayBuilder |
L2gatewayConnection |
l2gateway connection description
L2gatewayConnectionAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-l2gateways
L2gatewayConnectionBuilder |
L2gatewayConnectionKey |
L2gatewayConnections |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-l2gateways
L2gatewayConnectionsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-l2gateways
L2gatewayConnectionsBuilder |
L2gatewayKey |
L2gateways |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-l2gateways
L2gatewaysAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-l2gateways
L2gatewaysBuilder |
L3Attributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-L3
L3FloatingipAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-L3
L7Parameter |
List of Key-Value pair of L7 matching attributes
L7ParameterBuilder |
L7ParameterKey |
LbaasAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-lbaasv2
Lifetime |
Security Association Lifetime
Lifetime |
Security Association Lifetime
LifetimeBuilder |
LifetimeBuilder |
Listener |
List of Listeners
ListenerAttributes |
LBaaSV2.0 listener attributes.
ListenerBuilder |
ListenerKey |
Listeners |
Container for Listeners.
ListenersBuilder |
Loadbalancer |
List of Loadbalancers.
LoadbalancerAttributes |
LBaaSV2.0 load balancer attributes.
LoadbalancerBuilder |
LoadbalancerKey |
Loadbalancers |
Container for Loadbalancers.
LoadbalancersBuilder |
Member |
List of members.
MemberAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-lbaasv2
MemberBuilder |
MemberKey |
Members |
Container for pool members.
MembersBuilder |
MeteringLabel |
List of Metering Labels.
MeteringLabelAttributes |
OpenStack Layer3 Metering label information.
MeteringLabelBuilder |
MeteringLabelKey |
MeteringLabels |
Container for metering labels.
MeteringLabelsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-metering
MeteringLabelsBuilder |
MeteringRule |
List of Metering Rules.
MeteringRuleAttributes |
OpenStack Layer3 Metering label rules.
MeteringRuleBuilder |
MeteringRuleKey |
MeteringRules |
Container for metering rules.
MeteringRulesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-metering
MeteringRulesBuilder |
MinimumbandwidthRuleAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
MinimumbandwidthRules |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
MinimumbandwidthRulesBuilder |
MinimumbandwidthRulesKey |
MtuAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-mtu
Network |
A network is a virtual isolated layer-2 broadcast domain which is typically
reserved to the tenant who created it, unless the network has been explicitly
configured to be shared.
NetworkBuilder |
NetworkKey |
NetworkL3Extension |
NetworkL3ExtensionBuilder |
NetworkMtuExtension |
NetworkMtuExtensionBuilder |
NetworkProviderExtension |
NetworkProviderExtensionBuilder |
Networks |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-networks
NetworksAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-networks
NetworksBuilder |
NetworkTypeBase |
Base Network type for all Network type identifiers.
NetworkTypeFlat |
Flat network type identity.
NetworkTypeGre |
GRE network type identity.
NetworkTypeVlan |
VLAN network type identity.
NetworkTypeVxlan |
VXLAN network type identity.
Neutron |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron
NeutronAdminAttributes<T extends NeutronAdminAttributes<T>> |
NeutronAllTests |
NeutronBaseAttributes<T extends NeutronBaseAttributes<T>> |
NeutronBgpvpn |
NeutronBgpvpnInterface |
NeutronBgpvpnRequest |
NeutronBgpvpnsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Bgpvpn.
NeutronBgpvpnTests |
NeutronBug3812Tests |
NeutronBug4027Tests |
NeutronBuilder |
NeutronData |
This YANG module defines a top level for the neutron models in opendaylight.
NeutronFirewall |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Firewall as a service
(FWaaS) bindings.
NeutronFirewallInterface |
NeutronFirewallNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Firewall.
NeutronFirewallPolicy |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Firewall as a service
(FWaaS) bindings.
NeutronFirewallPolicyInterface |
NeutronFirewallPolicyNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Firewall Policies.
NeutronFirewallPolicyRequest |
NeutronFirewallPolicyTests |
NeutronFirewallRequest |
NeutronFirewallRule |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Firewall as a service
(FWaaS) bindings.
NeutronFirewallRuleInterface |
NeutronFirewallRuleRequest |
NeutronFirewallRulesNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Firewall Rule.
NeutronFirewallRuleTests |
NeutronFirewallTests |
NeutronFloatingIp |
NeutronFloatingIpInterface |
NeutronFloatingIpRequest |
NeutronFloatingIpsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for managing Neutron Floating IPs.
NeutronFloatingIpTests |
NeutronHostconfigOvsListener |
NeutronHostconfigUtils |
NeutronHostconfigUtils.Action |
NeutronHostconfigVppListener |
NeutronID |
NeutronIKEPoliciesTests |
NeutronIps |
NeutronIpSecPoliciesTests |
NeutronIpSecSiteConnectionTests |
NeutronL2gateway |
NeutronL2gatewayConnection |
NeutronL2gatewayConnectionInterface |
NeutronL2gatewayConnectionNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for L2 gateway Connection.
NeutronL2gatewayConnectionRequest |
NeutronL2GatewayConnectionTests |
NeutronL2gatewayDevice |
NeutronL2gatewayDeviceInterface |
NeutronL2gatewayInterface |
NeutronL2gatewayNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for L2 gateway.
NeutronL2gatewayRequest |
NeutronL2GatewayTests |
NeutronLBHealthMonitorTests |
NeutronLBListenerTests |
NeutronLBPoolMembersTests |
NeutronLBPoolTests |
NeutronLoadBalancer |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Load Balancer as a service
(LBaaS) bindings.
NeutronLoadBalancerHealthMonitor |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Load Balancer as a service
(LBaaS) bindings.
NeutronLoadBalancerHealthMonitorInterface |
NeutronLoadBalancerHealthMonitorNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Load Balancer HealthMonitor.
NeutronLoadBalancerHealthMonitorRequest |
NeutronLoadBalancerInterface |
NeutronLoadBalancerListener |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Load Balancer as a service
(LBaaS) bindings.
NeutronLoadBalancerListenerInterface |
NeutronLoadBalancerListenerNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for LoadBalancerListener Policies.
NeutronLoadBalancerListenerRequest |
NeutronLoadBalancerNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for LoadBalancers.
NeutronLoadBalancerPool |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Load Balancer as a service
(LBaaS) bindings.
NeutronLoadBalancerPoolInterface |
NeutronLoadBalancerPoolMember |
NeutronLoadBalancerPoolMemberRequest |
NeutronLoadBalancerPoolNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for LoadBalancerPool Policies.
NeutronLoadBalancerPoolRequest |
NeutronLoadBalancerRequest |
NeutronLoadBalancerSessionPersistence |
NeutronLoadBalancerTests |
NeutronLogger |
NeutronMeteringLabel |
NeutronMeteringLabelInterface |
NeutronMeteringLabelRequest |
NeutronMeteringLabelRule |
NeutronMeteringLabelRuleInterface |
NeutronMeteringLabelRuleRequest |
NeutronMeteringLabelRulesNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Metering Lable Rules.
NeutronMeteringLabelsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Metering Lables.
NeutronMeteringLabelTests |
NeutronMeteringRuleTests |
NeutronNetwork |
NeutronNetworkInterface |
NeutronNetworkRequest |
NeutronNetworkSegment |
NeutronNetworksNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Network.
NeutronNetworkTests |
NeutronNorthboundApiConfig |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-northbound-api-config
NeutronNorthboundApiConfigBuilder |
NeutronNorthboundApiConfigData |
This YANG module defines neutron northbound-api configuration.
NeutronNorthboundRSApplication |
This class is an instance of and is used to return the classes
that will be instantiated for JAXRS processing.
NeutronNorthboundRSApplication.LoggingExceptionMapper |
NeutronObject<T extends NeutronObject<T>> |
NeutronPageLink |
NeutronPort |
NeutronPortAllowedAddressPairs |
NeutronPortExtraDHCPOption |
NeutronPortInterface |
NeutronPortRequest |
NeutronPortsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for managing neutron port objects.
NeutronPortTests |
NeutronProjectIdTests |
NeutronQosBandwidthLimitRule |
NeutronQosDscpMarkingRule |
NeutronQosMinimumBandwidthRule |
NeutronQosPolicy |
NeutronQosPolicyInterface |
NeutronQosPolicyNorthbound |
NeutronQosPolicyRequest |
NeutronQosPolicyTests |
NeutronRequest<T extends INeutronObject<T>> |
NeutronResourceMapPropertyAdapter |
NeutronRevisionNumberTests |
NeutronRoute |
NeutronRouter |
NeutronRouterInterface |
NeutronRouterInterface |
NeutronRouterNetworkReference |
NeutronRouterRequest |
NeutronRoutersNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for managing neutron routers.
NeutronRouterTests |
NeutronSecurityGroup |
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 Security Group bindings.
NeutronSecurityGroupInterface |
NeutronSecurityGroupRequest |
NeutronSecurityGroupsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Security Group.
NeutronSecurityGroupTests |
NeutronSecurityRule |
See OpenStack Network API v2.0 Reference for description of
annotated attributes.
NeutronSecurityRuleInterface |
NeutronSecurityRuleRequest |
NeutronSecurityRulesNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Security Rule.
NeutronSecurityRuleTests |
NeutronSFCFlowClassifier |
NeutronSFCFlowClassifierInterface |
Created by Anil Vishnoi ( on 6/24/16.
NeutronSFCFlowClassifierRequest |
NeutronSFCFlowClassifiersNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for OpenStack SFC Flow Classifier.
NeutronSFCFlowClassifierTests |
NeutronSFCPortChain |
NeutronSFCPortChainInterface |
Created by Anil Vishnoi (
NeutronSFCPortChainRequest |
NeutronSFCPortChainsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for OpenStack SFC Port Chain.
NeutronSFCPortChainTests |
NeutronSFCPortPair |
NeutronSFCPortPairGroup |
NeutronSFCPortPairGroupInterface |
Created by Anil Vishnoi (
NeutronSFCPortPairGroupRequest |
NeutronSFCPortPairGroupsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for OpenStack SFC Port Pair.
NeutronSFCPortPairGroupTests |
NeutronSFCPortPairInterface |
Created by Anil Vishnoi (
NeutronSFCPortPairRequest |
NeutronSFCPortPairsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for OpenStack SFC Port Pair.
NeutronSFCPortPairTests |
NeutronSubnet |
NeutronSubnetInterface |
NeutronSubnetIpAllocationPool |
NeutronSubnetRequest |
NeutronSubnetsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for Subnets.
NeutronSubnetTests |
NeutronTapFlow |
NeutronTapFlowInterface |
NeutronTapFlowNorthbound |
NeutronTapFlowRequest |
NeutronTapFlowTests |
NeutronTapService |
NeutronTapServiceInterface |
NeutronTapServiceNorthbound |
NeutronTapServiceRequest |
NeutronTapServiceTests |
NeutronTrunk |
NeutronTrunkInterface |
NeutronTrunkRequest |
NeutronTrunksNorthbound |
NeutronTrunkSubPort |
NeutronTrunkTests |
NeutronUtils |
NeutronUtils.DirectionMapper |
NeutronUtils.FwProtocolMapper |
NeutronUtils.ProtocolMapper |
NeutronVpnDeadPeerDetection |
NeutronVpnIkePoliciesNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for VPN IKE Policy.
NeutronVpnIkePolicy |
NeutronVpnIkePolicyInterface |
NeutronVpnIkePolicyRequest |
NeutronVpnIpSecPoliciesNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for VPN IPSEC Policy.
NeutronVpnIpSecPolicy |
NeutronVpnIpSecPolicyInterface |
NeutronVpnIpSecPolicyRequest |
NeutronVpnIpSecSiteConnection |
NeutronVpnIpSecSiteConnectionRequest |
NeutronVpnIpSecSiteConnectionsInterface |
NeutronVpnIpSecSiteConnectionsNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for VPN IPSEC SiteConnection.
NeutronVpnLifetime |
NeutronVpnService |
NeutronVpnServiceInterface |
NeutronVpnServiceRequest |
NeutronVpnServicesNorthbound |
Neutron Northbound REST APIs for VPN Service.
NeutronVpnServicesTests |
OperationalPortStatus |
port status update when port created
PaginatedRequestFactory |
PaginatedRequestFactory.PaginationResults<T extends INeutronObject<T>> |
PoliciesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
Pool |
List of Pools
PoolAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-lbaasv2
PoolBuilder |
PoolKey |
Pools |
Container for LBaaSV2.0 pools.
PoolsBuilder |
Port |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-ports
PortAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-ports
PortBindingExtension |
PortBindingExtensionBuilder |
PortBuilder |
PortChain |
A Port Chain (Service Function Path) consists of (1) a set of Neutron ports,
define the sequence of service functions and (2)a set of flow classifiers, to
specify the classified traffic flows to enter the chain.
PortChainAttributes |
Grouping of port chain attributes
PortChainBuilder |
PortChainKey |
PortChains |
List of Service Function Paths (Port Chain) created by OpenStack SFC
PortChainsBuilder |
PortKey |
PortPair |
A Port Pair represents a service function instance.
PortPairAttributes |
Grouping of port pair attributes
PortPairBuilder |
PortPairGroup |
Port Pair group defines the group of Service Fucntions (Port pair).
PortPairGroupAttributes |
Grouping of port pair group attributes
PortPairGroupBuilder |
PortPairGroupKey |
PortPairGroups |
List of group of Service Functions (Port Pair Groups) created by OpenStack SFC
PortPairGroupsBuilder |
PortPairKey |
PortPairs |
List of Service Function (Port Pair) created by OpenStack
PortPairsBuilder |
Ports |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-ports
PortsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-ports
PortsBuilder |
PortSecurityExtension |
PortSecurityExtensionBuilder |
PortStatusUpdateInitializer |
ProbeBase |
Base identity for all probes
ProbeHttp |
HTTP protocol.
ProbeHttps |
HTTPS protocol.
ProbePing |
PING protocol.
ProbeTcp |
TCP protocol.
ProtocolBase |
Base identity for all front end protocols
ProtocolHttp |
HTTP protocol.
ProtocolHttps |
HTTPS protocol.
ProtocolIcmp |
ICMP protocol.
ProtocolIcmpV6 |
ICMPV6 protocol.
ProtocolIgmp |
IGMP protocol.
ProtocolTcp |
TCP protocol.
ProtocolTerminatedHttps |
ProtocolUdp |
UDP protocol.
ProviderAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-provider
QosAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
QosNetworkExtension |
QosNetworkExtensionBuilder |
QosPolicies |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
QosPoliciesBuilder |
QosPolicy |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
QosPolicyAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
QosPolicyBuilder |
QosPolicyKey |
QosPortExtension |
QosPortExtensionBuilder |
QosRules |
The qos rules supported.
QosRuleType |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
QosRuleTypes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
QosRuleTypesBuilder |
ReadFailedRuntimeException |
ReadFailedException as an unchecked RuntimeException.
ResourceNotFoundException |
Status Code 404 = Not Found.
RestMessages |
Router |
A logical entity for forwarding packets across internal subnets and NATting
on external networks through an appropriate external gateway.
RouterBuilder |
RouterKey |
Routers |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-L3
RoutersAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-L3
RoutersBuilder |
Routes |
list of routes for this router.
RoutesBuilder |
RoutesKey |
RulesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-fwaas
RuleTypes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-qos
RuleTypesBuilder |
RuleTypesKey |
SecurityGroup |
List of Security Groups.
SecurityGroupAttributes |
OpenStack Layer3 Security group information.
SecurityGroupBuilder |
SecurityGroupKey |
SecurityGroups |
Container for security groups.
SecurityGroupsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-secgroups
SecurityGroupsBuilder |
SecurityRule |
List of Security Group Rules.
SecurityRuleAttributes |
OpenStack Layer3 Security Group rules.
SecurityRuleAttributes.Protocol |
SecurityRuleAttributesProtocolBuilder |
The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.
SecurityRuleBuilder |
SecurityRuleKey |
SecurityRules |
Container for security group rules.
SecurityRulesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-secgroups
SecurityRulesBuilder |
Segments |
List of provider network(s) associated with this network.
SegmentsBuilder |
SegmentsKey |
ServiceFunctionParameters |
Service Function specific parameters.
ServiceFunctionParametersBuilder |
ServiceFunctionParametersKey |
ServiceProviderFeatureAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-extensions
ServiceProviderFeaturesAttributes |
List of features that openstack service provider supports.
ServiceProviderFeatureTypeBase |
Base identity for Feature that openstack service provider supports.
SessionPersistence |
The session persistence algorithm.
SessionPersistenceBuilder |
SfcAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-sfc
SfcFlowClassifier |
Defines high level model of SFC Flow Classifier.
SfcFlowClassifierBuilder |
SfcFlowClassifierKey |
SfcFlowClassifiers |
Contains list of Service Function Chaining flow classifiers
SfcFlowClassifiersAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-sfc-flow-classifier
SfcFlowClassifiersBuilder |
SocketInfo |
Subnet |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-subnets
SubnetAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-subnets
SubnetBuilder |
SubnetKey |
Subnets |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-subnets
SubnetsAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-subnets
SubnetsBuilder |
SubPortAttributes |
Decorates a single neutron port to serve as a tunneling port that a VM can use
for segmented traffic.
SubPorts |
Bundled sub ports (tunnels), transmitted through this trunk port.
SubPortsBuilder |
SubPortsKey |
TapFlow |
Tap Flow container
TapFlowAttributes |
Grouping for Tap Flow
TapFlowBuilder |
TapFlowKey |
TapFlows |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-tapaas
TapFlowsBuilder |
TapService |
Tap Services Container which includes Tap Flow
TapServiceAttributes |
Grouping for Tap Service
TapServiceBuilder |
TapServiceKey |
TapServices |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-tapaas
TapServicesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-tapaas
TapServicesBuilder |
TapServicesStatus |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-tapaas
TapServicesStatusBuilder |
TapServiceStatus |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-tapaas
TapServiceStatusBuilder |
TapServiceStatusKey |
TempestPortsIpV6TestJSON |
Trunk |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-trunks
TrunkAttributes |
Decorates a single neutron port to serve as a trunk port, bundling several sub
ports (tunnels) together.
TrunkBuilder |
TrunkKey |
Trunks |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-trunks
TrunksAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-trunks
TrunksBuilder |
VifDetails |
A dictionary that enables the application to pass information about functions
that the Networking API provides.
VifDetailsBuilder |
VifDetailsKey |
Vpnservice |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
VpnserviceAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
VpnserviceBuilder |
VpnserviceKey |
VpnServices |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
VpnservicesAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module neutron-vpnaas
VpnServicesBuilder |
WebInitializer |
Initializer for web components.