All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description $YangModelBindingProvider $YangModelBindingProvider $YangModelBindingProvider $YangModelBindingProvider $YangModelBindingProvider $YangModelBindingProvider $YangModelBindingProvider $YangModuleInfoImpl $YangModuleInfoImpl $YangModuleInfoImpl $YangModuleInfoImpl $YangModuleInfoImpl $YangModuleInfoImpl $YangModuleInfoImpl AbstractDataListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> The superclass for the different MD-SAL data change event listeners.AddKeyInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceAddKeyInputBuilder Class that buildsAddKeyInput
instances.AddKeyOutput AddKeyOutputBuilder Class that buildsAddKeyOutput
instances.AddKeysInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceAddKeysInputBuilder Class that buildsAddKeysInput
instances.AddKeysOutput AddKeysOutputBuilder Class that buildsAddKeysOutput
instances.AddMapping This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoAddMappingBuilder Class that buildsAddMapping
instances.AddMappingInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceAddMappingInputBuilder Class that buildsAddMappingInput
instances.AddMappingOutput AddMappingOutputBuilder Class that buildsAddMappingOutput
instances.AddMappingsInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceAddMappingsInputBuilder Class that buildsAddMappingsInput
instances.AddMappingsOutput AddMappingsOutputBuilder Class that buildsAddMappingsOutput
instances.Address Various LISP address types, including IP, MAC, and LCAF.AddressFamily AddressTypeMap This class contains static HashMaps of AFIs and LCAF types to LispAddressFamily identities.AfiList AFI-List LCAF type.AfiList AfiListBuilder Class that buildsAfiList
instances.AfiListBuilder Class that buildsAfiList
instances.AfiListLcaf AFI-List LCAF type.AfiListSerializer ApplicationData Application Data LCAF type.ApplicationData ApplicationDataBuilder Class that buildsApplicationData
instances.ApplicationDataBuilder Class that buildsApplicationData
instances.ApplicationDataLcaf Application Data LCAF type.ApplicationDataSerializer AsNumber AsNumberAfi IANA AS Number address family.AsNumberBuilder Class that buildsAsNumber
instances.AsNumberLcaf AS Number LCAF type.AsNumberLcaf AS Number LCAF type.AsNumberLcaf AsNumberLcafBuilder Class that buildsAsNumberLcaf
instances.AsNumberLcafBuilder Class that buildsAsNumberLcaf
instances.AugmentedLispAddress This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-typesAuthenticationKey A list of authentication keys for EID prefixes within the same Virtual Network IdentifierAuthenticationKeyBuilder Class that buildsAuthenticationKey
instances.AuthenticationKeyDataListener DataListener for all AuthenticationKey modification events.AuthenticationKeyDataListener DataListener for all AuthenticationKey modification events.AuthenticationKeyKey AuthKeyDb Simple in-memory database for authentication keys, that works with 'simple' addresses (see lisp-proto.yang).BaseExpectations BaseExpectations.ReturnField BaseExpectations.ValueSaverAction<T> BaseTestCase BaseTestCase.FieldData ByteUtil CacheStats This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbConcurrentLispSouthboundStats Object to hold statistics about LISP southbound events.ConfigIni Constants Constants that we can/need to use in several places throughout the project.ControlMessage This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbControlMessageBuilder Class that buildsControlMessage
instances.ControlMessageStats This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbControlMessageStatsBuilder Class that buildsControlMessageStats
instances.CtrlMsgStats This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbDataStoreBackEnd Stores data coming from the mapping database RPCs into the MD-SAL datastore.DbInstance Describes the mappings belonging to the same Virtual Network IdentifierDistinguishedName DistinguishedNameAfi IANA Distinguished Name address family.DistinguishedNameBuilder Class that buildsDistinguishedName
instances.DistinguishedNameSerializer DistinguishedNameType DSBEInputUtil DataStoreBackEnd utilities.DstSubscriberItem For Src/Dst EIDs, The list of the Dst subscribers to be notified of this change.DstSubscriberItemBuilder Class that buildsDstSubscriberItem
instances.Eid This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoEidAuthkeyItem This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceEidAuthkeyItemBuilder Class that buildsEidAuthkeyItem
instances.EidAuthkeyItemKey EidAuthkeyList This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceEidBuilder Class that buildsEid
instances.EidContainer This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoEidContext A classifier for endpoint-id elements which allows direct access to a element in the data tree.EidItem This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoEidItemBuilder Class that buildsEidItem
instances.EidItemKey EidLispAddress List of EID-Prefixes from Map-Register message.EidLispAddressBuilder Class that buildsEidLispAddress
instances.EidLispAddressKey EidList This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoEidRecordSerializer EidUri EncapsulationFormatLcaf Encapsulation Format LCAF type.ExplicitLocatorPath Explicit Locator Path LCAF type.ExplicitLocatorPath ExplicitLocatorPathBuilder Class that buildsExplicitLocatorPath
instances.ExplicitLocatorPathBuilder Class that buildsExplicitLocatorPath
instances.ExplicitLocatorPathLcaf Explicit Locator Path LCAF type.ExplicitLocatorPathSerializer FlatMapCache Flat key implementation of a map-cache.GeoCoordinates Geo-coordinates LCAF type.GeoCoordinates GeoCoordinates.Latitude GeoCoordinates.Longitude GeoCoordinatesBuilder Class that buildsGeoCoordinates
instances.GeoCoordinatesBuilder Class that buildsGeoCoordinates
instances.GeoCoordinatesLcaf Geo-coordinates LCAF type.GetAllKeysInput GetAllKeysInputBuilder Class that buildsGetAllKeysInput
instances.GetAllKeysOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetAllKeysOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetAllKeysOutput
instances.GetAllMappingsInput GetAllMappingsInputBuilder Class that buildsGetAllMappingsInput
instances.GetAllMappingsOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetAllMappingsOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetAllMappingsOutput
instances.GetKeyInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetKeyInputBuilder Class that buildsGetKeyInput
instances.GetKeyOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetKeyOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetKeyOutput
instances.GetKeysInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetKeysInputBuilder Class that buildsGetKeysInput
instances.GetKeysOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetKeysOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetKeysOutput
instances.GetMappingInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetMappingInputBuilder Class that buildsGetMappingInput
instances.GetMappingOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetMappingOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetMappingOutput
instances.GetMappingsInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetMappingsInputBuilder Class that buildsGetMappingsInput
instances.GetMappingsOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetMappingsOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetMappingsOutput
instances.GetMappingWithXtrIdInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetMappingWithXtrIdInputBuilder Class that buildsGetMappingWithXtrIdInput
instances.GetMappingWithXtrIdOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceGetMappingWithXtrIdOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetMappingWithXtrIdOutput
instances.GetStatsInput GetStatsInputBuilder Class that buildsGetStatsInput
instances.GetStatsOutput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbGetStatsOutputBuilder Class that buildsGetStatsOutput
instances.GotMapNotify This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoGotMapNotifyBuilder Class that buildsGotMapNotify
instances.GotMapReply This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoGotMapReplyBuilder Class that buildsGotMapReply
instances.HashMapDb Hop List of locator hops forming the explicit path.Hop.LrsBits HopBuilder Class that buildsHop
instances.HopKey IAuthKeyDb Authentication key database interface.IConfigLispSouthboundPlugin An interface for configuring the lisp plugin address.IFlowMapping The LISP Mapping Service interface.IGenericMapResolver Methods to be implemented by a generic Map Resolver.IGenericMapServer Methods to be implemented by a generic Map Server.ILispAuthentication ILispDAO ILispMapCache LISP southbound control protocol specific additions to the map-cache interface.ILispSouthboundService IMapCache Map-cache interface.IMapNotifyHandler An interface for dealing with a map notify message.IMappingService Mapping Service Java API.IMappingService.LookupPolicy IMappingServiceShell This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented in order to provide commands for the Karaf shell.IMappingSystem Mapping System interface.IMapRequestResultHandler An interface for dealing with a map reply message.IMapResolverAsync Map Resolver interface for dealing with async map request calls.IMapServerAsync Map Server interface for dealing with async map register calls.InstanceId Instance ID LCAF type.InstanceId InstanceIdBuilder Class that buildsInstanceId
instances.InstanceIdBuilder Class that buildsInstanceId
instances.InstanceIdentifierUtil Utility class to create InstanceIdentifier path objects based on EID.InstanceIdLcaf Instance-ID LCAF type.InstanceIdSerializer InstanceIdType IpAddressBinary IpAddressBinaryBuilder The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.Ipv4 Ipv4AddressBinary Ipv4Afi IANA IPv4 address family.Ipv4Binary This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-typesIpv4BinaryAfi IANA IPv4 address family (binary representation).Ipv4BinaryBuilder Class that buildsIpv4Binary
instances.Ipv4BinarySerializer Class to (de)serialize IPv4 addresses from/to byte[] representation.Ipv4BinarySerializer.Length Ipv4Builder Class that buildsIpv4
instances.Ipv4Prefix Ipv4PrefixAfi IANA IPv4 address family prefix.Ipv4PrefixBinary This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-typesIpv4PrefixBinaryAfi IANA IPv4 address family prefix (binary representation).Ipv4PrefixBinaryBuilder Class that buildsIpv4PrefixBinary
instances.Ipv4PrefixBinarySerializer Class to (de)serialize IPv4 prefixes from/to byte[] representation.Ipv4PrefixBuilder Class that buildsIpv4Prefix
instances.Ipv4PrefixSerializer Class to (de)serialize IPv4 prefixes from/to String representation.Ipv4Serializer Class to (de)serialize IPv4 addresses from/to String representation.Ipv4Serializer.Length Ipv6 Ipv6AddressBinary Ipv6Afi IANA IPv6 address family.Ipv6Binary This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-typesIpv6BinaryAfi IANA IPv6 address family (binary representation).Ipv6BinaryBuilder Class that buildsIpv6Binary
instances.Ipv6BinarySerializer Class to (de)serialize IPv6 addresses from/to byte[] representation.Ipv6BinarySerializer.Length Ipv6Builder Class that buildsIpv6
instances.Ipv6Prefix Ipv6PrefixAfi IANA IPv6 address family prefix.Ipv6PrefixBinary This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-typesIpv6PrefixBinaryAfi IANA IPv6 address family prefix (binary representation).Ipv6PrefixBinaryBuilder Class that buildsIpv6PrefixBinary
instances.Ipv6PrefixBinarySerializer Class to (de)serialize IPv6 prefixes from/to byte[] representation.Ipv6PrefixBuilder Class that buildsIpv6Prefix
instances.Ipv6PrefixSerializer Class to (de)serialize IPv6 prefixes from/to String representation.Ipv6Serializer Class to (de)serialize IPv6 addresses from/to String representation.Ipv6Serializer.Length IRowVisitor Class to iterate through objects.ISmrNotificationListener This interface is used to notify of received SMR-invoked requests.ISouthBoundMappingTimeoutService Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.ItrRloc This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoItrRlocBuilder Class that buildsItrRloc
instances.ItrRlocKey JsonDataModelLcaf JSON Data Model LCAF type.KeyValueAddress Key/Value Address LCAF type.KeyValueAddress KeyValueAddressBuilder Class that buildsKeyValueAddress
instances.KeyValueAddressBuilder Class that buildsKeyValueAddress
instances.KeyValueAddressLcaf Key/Value Address LCAF type.KeyValueAddressSerializer LastUpdated This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceLastUpdatedBuilder Class that buildsLastUpdated
instances.Lcaf IANA LISP Canonical Address Format address family.LcafSerializer LispAddKey This class implements the "mappingservice:addkey" Karaf shell command.LispAddress Generic LISP address.LispAddressFamily Base identity from which identities describing LISP address families are derived.LispAddressSerializer LispAddressSerializerContext Class to pass around (de)serialization context information.LispAddressSerializerFactory Factory for LispAddress (de)serializers.LispAddressStringifier Utility class with static methods returning string representations of supported LISP address types, both for use in URLs and for user friendly output.LispAddressStringifier.Destination LispAddressUtil LispAuthenticationFactory LispAuthenticationUtil LispCanonicalAddressFormatEnum The LCAF enum.LispKeyIDEnum LispKeys This class implements the "mappingservice:keys" Karaf shell command.LispMACAuthentication LispMalformedPacketException LispMapCacheStringifier LispMappings This class implements the "mappingservice:mappings" Karaf shell command.LispMappingService LispMessage LispMessage.Pos LispNoAuthentication LispNotificationHelper LispNotificationHelper LispSerializationException LispSimpleAddressStringifier Utility class with static methods returning string representations of supported LISP simple address types.LispSouthboundHandler LispSouthboundPlugin LispSouthboundRPC This class holds all RPCs methods for LispSouthbound Plugin.LispXtrSouthboundHandler LocatorRecord This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoLocatorRecordBuilder Class that buildsLocatorRecord
instances.LocatorRecordKey LocatorRecords This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoLocatorRecordSerializer LoggingUtil Static utility methods for common logging patterns.Mac MacAfi IANA MAC address family.MacBuilder Class that buildsMac
instances.MacSerializer MapNotify This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapNotify This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapNotify This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapNotifyBuilder Class that buildsMapNotify
instances.MapNotifyBuilder Class that buildsMapNotify
instances.MapNotifyBuilderHelper MapNotifyMessage This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapNotifyNotification This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapNotifySerializer This class deals with serializing map notify from the java object to udp.Mapping A list of EID-to-RLOC mappings within the same Instance IDMappingAuthkey This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMappingAuthkeyBuilder Class that buildsMappingAuthkey
instances.MappingAuthkeyContainer This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMappingAuthkeyItem This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceMappingAuthkeyItemBuilder Class that buildsMappingAuthkeyItem
instances.MappingAuthkeyItemKey MappingAuthkeyList This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceMappingBuilder Class that buildsMapping
instances.MappingChange MappingChanged Notification sent when a mapping is changedMappingChangedBuilder Class that buildsMappingChanged
instances.MappingData Wrapper class for MappingRecord with timestamp added.MappingDatabase The LISP EID-to-RLOC mapping databaseMappingDatabaseBuilder Class that buildsMappingDatabase
instances.MappingDataListener DataListener for all Mapping modification events.MappingEntry<V> A mapping service entry in the DAO.MappingKeepAlive This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMappingKeepAliveBuilder Class that buildsMappingKeepAlive
instances.MappingKey MappingMergeUtil Utility class to implement merging of locator sets.MappingOrigin MappingRecord This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMappingRecord.Action MappingRecordBuilder Class that buildsMappingRecord
instances.MappingRecordContainer This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMappingRecordItem This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMappingRecordItemBuilder Class that buildsMappingRecordItem
instances.MappingRecordItemKey MappingRecordList This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMappingRecordMetadata This is a collection of fields which are not present in the actual mapping record defined in RFC 6830, but are used internally in OpenDaylightMappingRecordSerializer MappingRecordUtil Utility class for MappingRecord objects.MappingService Dispatcher of API calls that implements the RPC and Java APIs in mappingservice.yang and IMappingService respectively.MappingServiceShell Implement Karaf commands to interact with the Mapping Service.MappingSystem The Mapping System coordinates caching of md-sal stored mappings and if so configured enables longest prefix match mapping lookups.MappingValueKey<V> A value in the mapping service DAO.MapRegister This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegister This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegister This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegisterBuilder Class that buildsMapRegister
instances.MapRegisterBuilder Class that buildsMapRegister
instances.MapRegisterCache MapRegisterCacheKey The lookup key in the Map-Register fast path.MapRegisterCacheKeyBuilder Class that buildsMapRegisterCacheKey
instances.MapRegisterCacheKeyContainer This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegisterCacheMetadata The Map-Register cache metadata is information for a mapping database about mapping update event, without the full Map-Register packet data.MapRegisterCacheMetadataBuilder Class that buildsMapRegisterCacheMetadata
instances.MapRegisterCacheMetadataContainer This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegisterCacheStats This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbMapRegisterCacheStatsBuilder Class that buildsMapRegisterCacheStats
instances.MapRegisterCacheValue This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegisterCacheValueBuilder Class that buildsMapRegisterCacheValue
instances.MapRegisterCacheValueGrouping This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegisterMessage This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegisterNotification This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRegisterPartialDeserializer MapRegisterSerializer This class deals with deserializing map register from udp to the java object.MapRegisterSerializer.Length MapReply This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapReply This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapReply This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapReply This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapReplyBuilder Class that buildsMapReply
instances.MapReplyBuilder Class that buildsMapReply
instances.MapReplyBuilder Class that buildsMapReply
instances.MapReplyMessage This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapReplyNotification This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapReplySerializer This class deals with serializing map reply from the java object to udp.MapRequest This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRequest This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRequest This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRequestBuilder Class that buildsMapRequest
instances.MapRequestBuilder Class that buildsMapRequest
instances.MapRequestMessage This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRequestMetadata This is a collection of fields which are not present in the actual mapping record defined in RFC 6830, but are used internally in OpenDaylightMapRequestNotification This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoMapRequestSerializer This class deals with deserializing map request from udp to the java object.MapRequestSerializer.Flags MapRequestUtil MapResolver MapServer MaskUtil MessageType MSNotificationInputUtil Utility class to convert a mapping change into a notification.MulticastInfoLcaf Multicast Info LCAF type.MultiTableMapCache Multi table map-cache that works with 'simple' and SourceDest LCAF addresses (see lisp-proto.yang).NatTraversal NAT-Traversal LCAF type.NatTraversal NatTraversalBuilder Class that buildsNatTraversal
instances.NatTraversalBuilder Class that buildsNatTraversal
instances.NatTraversalLcaf NAT-Traversal LCAF type.NoAddress NoAddressAfi IANA Reserved.NoAddressBuilder Class that buildsNoAddress
instances.NoAddressSerializer NonceLocatorLcaf Nonce-Locator LCAF type.NullAddress Null body LCAF typeNullAddress NullAddressBuilder Class that buildsNullAddress
instances.NullAddressBuilder Class that buildsNullAddress
instances.NullAddressLcaf Null body LCAF type.NumberUtil OdlLispProtoListener OdlLispSbService OdlMappingserviceData An MD-SAL based implementation of a LISP Map-Server databaseOdlMappingserviceListener OdlMappingserviceService OpaqueKeyLcaf Opaque Key LCAF type.PacketHeader PacketHeader.Length RadixTrie<T> Radix trie/tree (also known as Patricia tree) implementation.RemoveAllKeysInput RemoveAllKeysInputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveAllKeysInput
instances.RemoveAllKeysOutput RemoveAllKeysOutputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveAllKeysOutput
instances.RemoveAllMappingsInput RemoveAllMappingsInputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveAllMappingsInput
instances.RemoveAllMappingsOutput RemoveAllMappingsOutputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveAllMappingsOutput
instances.RemoveAllOperationalContentInput RemoveAllOperationalContentInputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveAllOperationalContentInput
instances.RemoveAllOperationalContentOutput RemoveAllOperationalContentOutputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveAllOperationalContentOutput
instances.RemoveKeyInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceRemoveKeyInputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveKeyInput
instances.RemoveKeyOutput RemoveKeyOutputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveKeyOutput
instances.RemoveKeysInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceRemoveKeysInputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveKeysInput
instances.RemoveKeysOutput RemoveKeysOutputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveKeysOutput
instances.RemoveMappingInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceRemoveMappingInputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveMappingInput
instances.RemoveMappingOutput RemoveMappingOutputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveMappingOutput
instances.RemoveMappingsInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceRemoveMappingsInputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveMappingsInput
instances.RemoveMappingsOutput RemoveMappingsOutputBuilder Class that buildsRemoveMappingsOutput
instances.ReplicationListLcaf Replication-List LCAF type.RequestMapping This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoRequestMappingBuilder Class that buildsRequestMapping
instances.ResetStatsInput ResetStatsInputBuilder Class that buildsResetStatsInput
instances.ResetStatsOutput ResetStatsOutputBuilder Class that buildsResetStatsOutput
instances.Rloc This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoRlocBuilder Class that buildsRloc
instances.RlocContainer This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoRPCInputConvertorUtil Converts RPC *Input object to other object types.SecurityKeyLcaf Security Key LCAF type.SendMapNotifyInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbSendMapNotifyInputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapNotifyInput
instances.SendMapNotifyOutput SendMapNotifyOutputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapNotifyOutput
instances.SendMapRegisterInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbSendMapRegisterInputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapRegisterInput
instances.SendMapRegisterOutput SendMapRegisterOutputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapRegisterOutput
instances.SendMapReplyInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbSendMapReplyInputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapReplyInput
instances.SendMapReplyOutput SendMapReplyOutputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapReplyOutput
instances.SendMapRequestInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sbSendMapRequestInputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapRequestInput
instances.SendMapRequestOutput SendMapRequestOutputBuilder Class that buildsSendMapRequestOutput
instances.ServicePath Service Path LCAF type.ServicePath ServicePathBuilder Class that buildsServicePath
instances.ServicePathBuilder Class that buildsServicePath
instances.ServicePathIdType ServicePathLcaf Service Path LCAF type.ServicePathSerializer Class to (de)serialize Service Path data type.SimpleAddress SimpleAddressBuilder The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.SimpleAddressSerializer Class to (de)serialize addresses that can be used in an LCAF.SimpleMapCache Simple map-cache that works with 'simple' addresses (see lisp-proto.yang).SiteId SmrEvent Carries information about received SMR-invoked request.SourceDestKey Source/Dest LCAF type.SourceDestKey SourceDestKeyBuilder Class that buildsSourceDestKey
instances.SourceDestKeyBuilder Class that buildsSourceDestKey
instances.SourceDestKeyHelper Helper methods for Source/Dest Key type LCAF addresses.SourceDestKeyLcaf Source/Dest LCAF type.SourceDestKeySerializer SourceEid This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoSourceEidBuilder Class that buildsSourceEid
instances.Stringifier Utility class with static methods returning user friendly string representations of certain model based auto-generated classes.SubKeys Defines DAO Subkeys.Subscriber Request source RLOC in the mapping service with it's properties.SubscriberData A network element which subscribed to notifications about mapping changes.SubscriberDataBuilder Class that buildsSubscriberData
instances.SubscriberDataGrouping This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoSubscriberItem The list of subscribers to be notified of this change.SubscriberItemBuilder Class that buildsSubscriberItem
instances.SubsequentAddressFamily TimeBucket Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.TimeBucketMappingTimeoutService Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.TimeBucketWheel Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.TransportAddress This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoTransportAddress This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoTransportAddressBuilder Class that buildsTransportAddress
instances.UpdateKeyInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceUpdateKeyInputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateKeyInput
instances.UpdateKeyOutput UpdateKeyOutputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateKeyOutput
instances.UpdateKeysInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceUpdateKeysInputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateKeysInput
instances.UpdateKeysOutput UpdateKeysOutputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateKeysOutput
instances.UpdateMappingInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceUpdateMappingInputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateMappingInput
instances.UpdateMappingOutput UpdateMappingOutputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateMappingOutput
instances.UpdateMappingsInput This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingserviceUpdateMappingsInputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateMappingsInput
instances.UpdateMappingsOutput UpdateMappingsOutputBuilder Class that buildsUpdateMappingsOutput
instances.VirtualNetworkIdentifier A list of Virtual Network IdentifiersVirtualNetworkIdentifierBuilder Class that buildsVirtualNetworkIdentifier
instances.VirtualNetworkIdentifierKey VniContext A classifier for virtual-network-identifier elements which allows direct access to a particular element in the data tree.VniUri XtrId XtridContext A classifier for xtr-id elements which allows direct access to a particular element in the data tree.XtrIdMapping A list of xTR-IDs with their associated mappingsXtrIdMappingBuilder Class that buildsXtrIdMapping
instances.XtrIdMappingKey XtrIdUri XtrReplyMapping This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoXtrReplyMappingBuilder Class that buildsXtrReplyMapping
instances.XtrRequestMapping This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-protoXtrRequestMappingBuilder Class that buildsXtrRequestMapping
instances.XtrSiteId This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto