All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
AbstractDataListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
The superclass for the different MD-SAL data change event listeners.
AddKeyInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
AddKeyInputBuilder |
AddKeyOutput |
AddKeyOutputBuilder |
AddKeysInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
AddKeysInputBuilder |
AddKeysOutput |
AddKeysOutputBuilder |
AddMapping |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
AddMappingBuilder |
AddMappingInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
AddMappingInputBuilder |
AddMappingOutput |
AddMappingOutputBuilder |
AddMappingsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
AddMappingsInputBuilder |
AddMappingsOutput |
AddMappingsOutputBuilder |
Address |
Various LISP address types, including IP, MAC, and LCAF.
AddressFamily |
AddressTypeMap |
This class contains static HashMaps of AFIs and LCAF types to LispAddressFamily identities.
AfiList |
AFI-List LCAF type.
AfiList |
AfiListBuilder |
AfiListBuilder |
AfiListLcaf |
AFI-List LCAF type.
AfiListSerializer |
ApplicationData |
Application Data LCAF type.
ApplicationData |
ApplicationDataBuilder |
ApplicationDataBuilder |
ApplicationDataLcaf |
Application Data LCAF type.
ApplicationDataSerializer |
ArpTerminationTable |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
ArpTerminationTableBuilder |
ArpTerminationTableEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
ArpTerminationTableEntryBuilder |
ArpTerminationTableEntryKey |
AsNumber |
AsNumberAfi |
IANA AS Number address family.
AsNumberBuilder |
AsNumberLcaf |
AS Number LCAF type.
AsNumberLcaf |
AS Number LCAF type.
AsNumberLcaf |
AsNumberLcafBuilder |
AsNumberLcafBuilder |
AugmentedLispAddress |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-types
AuthenticationKey |
A list of authentication keys for EID prefixes within the same Virtual Network
AuthenticationKeyBuilder |
AuthenticationKeyDataListener |
DataListener for all AuthenticationKey modification events.
AuthenticationKeyDataListener |
DataListener for all AuthenticationKey modification events.
AuthenticationKeyKey |
AuthKeyDb |
Simple in-memory database for authentication keys, that works with 'simple' addresses (see lisp-proto.yang).
BaseExpectations |
BaseExpectations.ReturnField |
BaseExpectations.ValueSaverAction<T> |
BaseTestCase |
BaseTestCase.FieldData |
BridgeBased |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
BridgeBased |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
BridgeBasedAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
BridgeBasedBuilder |
BridgeBasedBuilder |
BridgeDomain |
bridge-domain configuration
BridgeDomain |
bridge-domain operational data
BridgeDomainAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
BridgeDomainBuilder |
BridgeDomainBuilder |
BridgeDomainKey |
BridgeDomainKey |
BridgeDomains |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
BridgeDomainsBuilder |
BridgeDomainsState |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
BridgeDomainsStateBuilder |
BridgeMember |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module vbridge-topology
BridgeMemberBuilder |
ByteUtil |
CacheStats |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
ConcurrentLispSouthboundStats |
Object to hold statistics about LISP southbound events.
ConfigIni |
Constants |
Constants that we can/need to use in several places throughout the project.
ControlMessage |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
ControlMessageBuilder |
ControlMessageStats |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
ControlMessageStatsBuilder |
CtrlMsgStats |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
DataProcessor<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
DataStoreBackEnd |
Stores data coming from the mapping database RPCs into the MD-SAL datastore.
DbInstance |
Describes the mappings belonging to the same Virtual Network Identifier
DecapNode |
Define the supported decap node
DelegatingDataTreeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
DistinguishedName |
DistinguishedNameAfi |
IANA Distinguished Name address family.
DistinguishedNameBuilder |
DistinguishedNameSerializer |
DistinguishedNameType |
DSBEInputUtil |
DataStoreBackEnd utilities.
DstSubscriberItem |
For Src/Dst EIDs, The list of the Dst subscribers to be notified of this change.
DstSubscriberItemBuilder |
Eid |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
EidAuthkeyItem |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
EidAuthkeyItemBuilder |
EidAuthkeyItemKey |
EidAuthkeyList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
EidBuilder |
EidContainer |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
EidContext |
A classifier for endpoint-id elements which allows direct access to a
element in the data tree.
EidItem |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
EidItemBuilder |
EidItemKey |
EidLispAddress |
List of EID-Prefixes from Map-Register message.
EidLispAddressBuilder |
EidLispAddressKey |
EidList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
EidRecordSerializer |
EidUri |
EncapsulationFormatLcaf |
Encapsulation Format LCAF type.
Ethernet |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Ethernet |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
EthernetBaseAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
EthernetBuilder |
EthernetBuilder |
EthernetStateAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
EthernetStateAttributes.Duplex |
ExplicitLocatorPath |
Explicit Locator Path LCAF type.
ExplicitLocatorPath |
ExplicitLocatorPathBuilder |
ExplicitLocatorPathBuilder |
ExplicitLocatorPathLcaf |
Explicit Locator Path LCAF type.
ExplicitLocatorPathSerializer |
ExternalReference |
FlatMapCache |
Flat key implementation of a map-cache.
GeoCoordinates |
Geo-coordinates LCAF type.
GeoCoordinates |
GeoCoordinates.Latitude |
GeoCoordinates.Longitude |
GeoCoordinatesBuilder |
GeoCoordinatesBuilder |
GeoCoordinatesLcaf |
Geo-coordinates LCAF type.
GetAllKeysInput |
GetAllKeysInputBuilder |
GetAllKeysOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetAllKeysOutputBuilder |
GetAllMappingsInput |
GetAllMappingsInputBuilder |
GetAllMappingsOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetAllMappingsOutputBuilder |
GetKeyInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetKeyInputBuilder |
GetKeyOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetKeyOutputBuilder |
GetKeysInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetKeysInputBuilder |
GetKeysOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetKeysOutputBuilder |
GetMappingInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetMappingInputBuilder |
GetMappingOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetMappingOutputBuilder |
GetMappingsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetMappingsInputBuilder |
GetMappingsOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetMappingsOutputBuilder |
GetMappingWithXtrIdInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetMappingWithXtrIdInputBuilder |
GetMappingWithXtrIdOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
GetMappingWithXtrIdOutputBuilder |
GetStatsInput |
GetStatsInputBuilder |
GetStatsOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
GetStatsOutputBuilder |
GotMapNotify |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
GotMapNotifyBuilder |
GotMapReply |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
GotMapReplyBuilder |
Gre |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Gre |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
GreBaseAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
GreBuilder |
GreBuilder |
GreTunnel |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
GroupBasedPolicyNeutronIntentHandlerBean |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/19/17.
HashMapDb |
Hop |
List of locator hops forming the explicit path.
Hop.LrsBits |
HopBuilder |
HopKey |
HostIdToPortDataMapper |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 2/5/17.
HostIdToRlocMapper |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/12/17.
HostInformationManager |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 2/5/17.
IAuthKeyDb |
Authentication key database interface.
IConfigLispSouthboundPlugin |
An interface for configuring the lisp plugin address.
IFlowMapping |
The LISP Mapping Service interface.
IGenericMapResolver |
Methods to be implemented by a generic Map Resolver.
IGenericMapServer |
Methods to be implemented by a generic Map Server.
ILispAuthentication |
ILispDAO |
ILispMapCache |
LISP southbound control protocol specific additions to the map-cache
ILispNeutronService |
ILispSouthboundService |
IMapCache |
Map-cache interface.
IMapNotifyHandler |
An interface for dealing with a map notify message.
IMappingService |
Mapping Service Java API.
IMappingService.LookupPolicy |
IMappingServiceShell |
This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented in order to
provide commands for the Karaf shell.
IMappingSystem |
Mapping System interface.
IMapRequestResultHandler |
An interface for dealing with a map reply message.
IMapResolverAsync |
Map Resolver interface for dealing with async map request calls.
IMapServerAsync |
Map Server interface for dealing with async map register calls.
InfoUtil |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/23/17.
InstanceId |
Instance ID LCAF type.
InstanceId |
InstanceIdBuilder |
InstanceIdBuilder |
InstanceIdentifierUtil |
Utility class to create InstanceIdentifier path objects based on EID.
InstanceIdLcaf |
Instance-ID LCAF type.
InstanceIdSerializer |
InstanceIdType |
IntentHandlerAsyncExecutorProvider |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/24/17.
Interconnection |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Interconnection |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
InterfaceDeleted |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
InterfaceDeletedBuilder |
InterfaceNameOrIndex |
InterfaceNameOrIndexBuilder |
The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.
InterfaceStateChange |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
InterfaceStateChangeBuilder |
InterfaceStatus |
InterfaceTag |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
InterfaceType |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module vbridge-topology
InterfaceTypeCfg |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module vbridge-topology
IpAddressBinary |
IpAddressBinaryBuilder |
The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.
Ipv4 |
Ipv4AddressBinary |
Ipv4Afi |
IANA IPv4 address family.
Ipv4Binary |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-types
Ipv4BinaryAfi |
IANA IPv4 address family (binary representation).
Ipv4BinaryBuilder |
Ipv4BinarySerializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv4 addresses from/to byte[] representation.
Ipv4BinarySerializer.Length |
Ipv4Builder |
Ipv4Prefix |
Ipv4PrefixAfi |
IANA IPv4 address family prefix.
Ipv4PrefixBinary |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-types
Ipv4PrefixBinaryAfi |
IANA IPv4 address family prefix (binary representation).
Ipv4PrefixBinaryBuilder |
Ipv4PrefixBinarySerializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv4 prefixes from/to byte[] representation.
Ipv4PrefixBuilder |
Ipv4PrefixSerializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv4 prefixes from/to String representation.
Ipv4Serializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv4 addresses from/to String representation.
Ipv4Serializer.Length |
Ipv6 |
Ipv6AddressBinary |
Ipv6Afi |
IANA IPv6 address family.
Ipv6Binary |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-types
Ipv6BinaryAfi |
IANA IPv6 address family (binary representation).
Ipv6BinaryBuilder |
Ipv6BinarySerializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv6 addresses from/to byte[] representation.
Ipv6BinarySerializer.Length |
Ipv6Builder |
Ipv6Prefix |
Ipv6PrefixAfi |
IANA IPv6 address family prefix.
Ipv6PrefixBinary |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-address-types
Ipv6PrefixBinaryAfi |
IANA IPv6 address family prefix (binary representation).
Ipv6PrefixBinaryBuilder |
Ipv6PrefixBinarySerializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv6 prefixes from/to byte[] representation.
Ipv6PrefixBuilder |
Ipv6PrefixSerializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv6 prefixes from/to String representation.
Ipv6Serializer |
Class to (de)serialize IPv6 addresses from/to String representation.
Ipv6Serializer.Length |
IRowVisitor |
Class to iterate through objects.
ISmrNotificationListener |
This interface is used to notify of received SMR-invoked requests.
ISouthBoundMappingTimeoutService |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.
ItrRloc |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
ItrRlocBuilder |
ItrRlocKey |
JsonDataModelLcaf |
JSON Data Model LCAF type.
KeyValueAddress |
Key/Value Address LCAF type.
KeyValueAddress |
KeyValueAddressBuilder |
KeyValueAddressBuilder |
KeyValueAddressLcaf |
Key/Value Address LCAF type.
KeyValueAddressSerializer |
L2 |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
L2 |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
L2Builder |
L2Builder |
L2ConfigAttributes |
Parameters for configuring Layer2 features on interfaces.
L2FibAction |
Base identity for l2-fib actions
L2FibAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
L2FibEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
L2FibEntryBuilder |
L2FibEntryKey |
L2FibFilter |
Drops packet with configured mac address
L2FibForward |
Forwards packet with configured mac address
L2FibTable |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
L2FibTableBuilder |
L2Input |
The next decap node is l2-input
L2StateAttributes |
Parameters for configuring Layer2 features on interfaces.
LastUpdated |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
LastUpdatedBuilder |
Lcaf |
IANA LISP Canonical Address Format address family.
LcafSerializer |
LinkVbridgeAugment |
LinkVbridgeAugmentBuilder |
LispAddKey |
This class implements the "mappingservice:addkey" Karaf shell command.
LispAddress |
Generic LISP address.
LispAddressFamily |
Base identity from which identities describing LISP address families are
LispAddressSerializer |
LispAddressSerializerContext |
Class to pass around (de)serialization context information.
LispAddressSerializerFactory |
Factory for LispAddress (de)serializers.
LispAddressStringifier |
Utility class with static methods returning string representations of
supported LISP address types, both for use in URLs and for user friendly
LispAddressStringifier.Destination |
LispAddressUtil |
LispAuthenticationFactory |
LispAuthenticationUtil |
LispCanonicalAddressFormatEnum |
The LCAF enum.
LispKeyIDEnum |
LispKeys |
This class implements the "mappingservice:keys" Karaf shell command.
LispMACAuthentication |
LispMalformedPacketException |
LispMapCacheStringifier |
LispMappings |
This class implements the "mappingservice:mappings" Karaf shell command.
LispMappingService |
LispMessage |
LispMessage.Pos |
LispNeutronService |
LispNeutronUtil |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/12/17.
LispNoAuthentication |
LispNotificationHelper |
LispNotificationHelper |
LispSerializationException |
LispSimpleAddressStringifier |
Utility class with static methods returning string representations of
supported LISP simple address types.
LispSouthboundHandler |
LispSouthboundPlugin |
LispSouthboundRPC |
This class holds all RPCs methods for LispSouthbound Plugin.
LispUtil |
LispUtil class has util functions for building inputs for LISP service RPCs.
LispXtrSouthboundHandler |
LocatorRecord |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
LocatorRecordBuilder |
LocatorRecordKey |
LocatorRecords |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
LocatorRecordSerializer |
LoggingUtil |
Static utility methods for common logging patterns.
Loopback |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Loopback |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
LoopbackBuilder |
LoopbackInterfaceBaseAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Mac |
MacAfi |
IANA MAC address family.
MacBuilder |
MacSerializer |
MapNotify |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapNotify |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapNotify |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapNotifyBuilder |
MapNotifyBuilder |
MapNotifyBuilderHelper |
MapNotifyMessage |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapNotifyNotification |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapNotifySerializer |
This class deals with serializing map notify from the java object to udp.
Mapping |
A list of EID-to-RLOC mappings within the same Instance ID
MappingAuthkey |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MappingAuthkeyBuilder |
MappingAuthkeyContainer |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MappingAuthkeyItem |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
MappingAuthkeyItemBuilder |
MappingAuthkeyItemKey |
MappingAuthkeyList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
MappingBuilder |
MappingChange |
MappingChanged |
Notification sent when a mapping is changed
MappingChangedBuilder |
MappingData |
Wrapper class for MappingRecord with timestamp added.
MappingDatabase |
The LISP EID-to-RLOC mapping database
MappingDatabaseBuilder |
MappingDataListener |
DataListener for all Mapping modification events.
MappingEntry<V> |
A mapping service entry in the DAO.
MappingKeepAlive |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MappingKeepAliveBuilder |
MappingKey |
MappingMergeUtil |
Utility class to implement merging of locator sets.
MappingOrigin |
MappingRecord |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MappingRecord.Action |
MappingRecordBuilder |
MappingRecordContainer |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MappingRecordItem |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MappingRecordItemBuilder |
MappingRecordItemKey |
MappingRecordList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MappingRecordMetadata |
This is a collection of fields which are not present in the actual mapping
record defined in RFC 6830, but are used internally in OpenDaylight
MappingRecordSerializer |
MappingRecordUtil |
Utility class for MappingRecord objects.
MappingService |
Dispatcher of API calls that implements the RPC and Java APIs in mappingservice.yang and IMappingService
MappingServiceShell |
Implement Karaf commands to interact with the Mapping Service.
MappingSystem |
The Mapping System coordinates caching of md-sal stored mappings and if so configured enables longest prefix match
mapping lookups.
MappingValueKey<V> |
A value in the mapping service DAO.
MapRegister |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegister |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegister |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegisterBuilder |
MapRegisterBuilder |
MapRegisterCache |
MapRegisterCacheKey |
The lookup key in the Map-Register fast path.
MapRegisterCacheKeyBuilder |
MapRegisterCacheKeyContainer |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegisterCacheMetadata |
The Map-Register cache metadata is information for a mapping database about
mapping update event, without the full Map-Register packet data.
MapRegisterCacheMetadataBuilder |
MapRegisterCacheMetadataContainer |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegisterCacheStats |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
MapRegisterCacheStatsBuilder |
MapRegisterCacheValue |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegisterCacheValueBuilder |
MapRegisterCacheValueGrouping |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegisterMessage |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegisterNotification |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRegisterPartialDeserializer |
MapRegisterSerializer |
This class deals with deserializing map register from udp to the java object.
MapRegisterSerializer.Length |
MapReply |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapReply |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapReply |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapReply |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapReplyBuilder |
MapReplyBuilder |
MapReplyBuilder |
MapReplyMessage |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapReplyNotification |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapReplySerializer |
This class deals with serializing map reply from the java object to udp.
MapRequest |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRequest |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRequest |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRequestBuilder |
MapRequestBuilder |
MapRequestMessage |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRequestMetadata |
This is a collection of fields which are not present in the actual mapping
record defined in RFC 6830, but are used internally in OpenDaylight
MapRequestNotification |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
MapRequestSerializer |
This class deals with deserializing map request from udp to the java object.
MapRequestSerializer.Flags |
MapRequestUtil |
MapResolver |
MapServer |
MaskUtil |
MessageType |
MirroredInterface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
MirroredInterface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
MirroredInterfaceBuilder |
MirroredInterfaceBuilder |
MirroredInterfaceKey |
MirroredInterfaceKey |
MirroredInterfaces |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
MirroredInterfaces |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
MirroredInterfacesBuilder |
MirroredInterfacesBuilder |
MSNotificationInputUtil |
Utility class to convert a mapping change into a notification.
MulticastInfoLcaf |
Multicast Info LCAF type.
MultiTableMapCache |
Multi table map-cache that works with 'simple' and SourceDest LCAF addresses (see lisp-proto.yang).
NatTraversal |
NAT-Traversal LCAF type.
NatTraversal |
NatTraversalBuilder |
NatTraversalBuilder |
NatTraversalLcaf |
NAT-Traversal LCAF type.
NetworkDataProcessor |
LISP Service Implementation of creation and deletion of a Network.
NetworkListener |
Implementation of a ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener that listens for northbound requests on a Network
NeutronTenantToVniMapper |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 2/17/17.
NoAddress |
NoAddressAfi |
IANA Reserved.
NoAddressBuilder |
NoAddressSerializer |
NodeVbridgeAugment |
NodeVbridgeAugmentBuilder |
NonceLocatorLcaf |
Nonce-Locator LCAF type.
NshProxy |
The next decap node is nsh-proxy
NullAddress |
Null body LCAF type
NullAddress |
NullAddressBuilder |
NullAddressBuilder |
NullAddressLcaf |
Null body LCAF type.
NumberUtil |
OdlLispProtoListener |
Interface for implementing the following YANG notifications defined in module odl-lisp-proto
OdlLispSbService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module odl-lisp-sb
OdlMappingserviceData |
An MD-SAL based implementation of a LISP Map-Server database
OdlMappingserviceListener |
Interface for implementing the following YANG notifications defined in module odl-mappingservice
OdlMappingserviceService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module odl-mappingservice
OpaqueKeyLcaf |
Opaque Key LCAF type.
PacketHeader |
PacketHeader.Length |
PortData |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 2/6/17.
PortDataProcessor |
Lisp Service implementation of NeutronPortAware API Creation of a new port
results adding the mapping for the port's IP addresses to the port's host_ip
in the mapping service.
PortListener |
Implementation of a ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener that listens for northbound requests on a Port subtree.
PortUuidToPortDataMapper |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 2/6/17.
RadixTrie<T> |
Radix trie/tree (also known as Patricia tree) implementation.
RemoveAllKeysInput |
RemoveAllKeysInputBuilder |
RemoveAllKeysOutput |
RemoveAllKeysOutputBuilder |
RemoveAllMappingsInput |
RemoveAllMappingsInputBuilder |
RemoveAllMappingsOutput |
RemoveAllMappingsOutputBuilder |
RemoveAllOperationalContentInput |
RemoveAllOperationalContentInputBuilder |
RemoveAllOperationalContentOutput |
RemoveAllOperationalContentOutputBuilder |
RemoveKeyInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
RemoveKeyInputBuilder |
RemoveKeyOutput |
RemoveKeyOutputBuilder |
RemoveKeysInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
RemoveKeysInputBuilder |
RemoveKeysOutput |
RemoveKeysOutputBuilder |
RemoveMappingInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
RemoveMappingInputBuilder |
RemoveMappingOutput |
RemoveMappingOutputBuilder |
RemoveMappingsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
RemoveMappingsInputBuilder |
RemoveMappingsOutput |
RemoveMappingsOutputBuilder |
ReplicationListLcaf |
Replication-List LCAF type.
RequestMapping |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
RequestMappingBuilder |
ResetStatsInput |
ResetStatsInputBuilder |
ResetStatsOutput |
ResetStatsOutputBuilder |
Rloc |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
RlocBuilder |
RlocContainer |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
RlocNotFoundOnVppNode |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/12/17.
Routing |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Routing |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
RoutingBaseAttributes |
Defines VRF tables used for ipv4 and ipv6 traffic
RoutingBuilder |
RoutingBuilder |
RPCInputConvertorUtil |
Converts RPC *Input object to other object types.
SecurityKeyLcaf |
Security Key LCAF type.
SendMapNotifyInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
SendMapNotifyInputBuilder |
SendMapNotifyOutput |
SendMapNotifyOutputBuilder |
SendMapRegisterInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
SendMapRegisterInputBuilder |
SendMapRegisterOutput |
SendMapRegisterOutputBuilder |
SendMapReplyInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
SendMapReplyInputBuilder |
SendMapReplyOutput |
SendMapReplyOutputBuilder |
SendMapRequestInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-sb
SendMapRequestInputBuilder |
SendMapRequestOutput |
SendMapRequestOutputBuilder |
ServicePath |
Service Path LCAF type.
ServicePath |
ServicePathBuilder |
ServicePathBuilder |
ServicePathIdType |
ServicePathLcaf |
Service Path LCAF type.
ServicePathSerializer |
Class to (de)serialize Service Path data type.
SimpleAddress |
SimpleAddressBuilder |
The purpose of generated class in src/main/java for Union types is to create new instances of unions from a string representation.
SimpleAddressSerializer |
Class to (de)serialize addresses that can be used in an LCAF.
SimpleMapCache |
Simple map-cache that works with 'simple' addresses (see lisp-proto.yang).
SiteId |
SmrEvent |
Carries information about received SMR-invoked request.
SourceDestKey |
Source/Dest LCAF type.
SourceDestKey |
SourceDestKeyBuilder |
SourceDestKeyBuilder |
SourceDestKeyHelper |
Helper methods for Source/Dest Key type LCAF addresses.
SourceDestKeyLcaf |
Source/Dest LCAF type.
SourceDestKeySerializer |
SourceEid |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
SourceEidBuilder |
Span |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Span |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
SpanAttributes |
Parameters of the SPAN feature
SpanBuilder |
SpanBuilder |
SpanState |
SpanStateAttributes |
Parameters of the SPAN feature
Stringifier |
Utility class with static methods returning user friendly string
representations of certain model based auto-generated classes.
SubKeys |
Defines DAO Subkeys.
SubnetDataProcessor |
Lisp Service implementation of creation and deletion of a Subnet results
in defining the subnet as an EID prefix in the LISP Mapping System with
subnet's network UUID as the key to use for registering mappings for the subnet.
SubnetListener |
Implementation of a ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener that listens for northbound requests on a Subnet subtree.
Subscriber |
Request source RLOC in the mapping service with it's properties.
SubscriberData |
A network element which subscribed to notifications about mapping changes.
SubscriberDataBuilder |
SubscriberDataGrouping |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
SubscriberItem |
The list of subscribers to be notified of this change.
SubscriberItemBuilder |
SubsequentAddressFamily |
Tap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Tap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Tap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
TapBuilder |
TapBuilder |
TapInterfaceBaseAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
TapInterfaceConfigAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
TerminationPointVbridgeAugment |
TerminationPointVbridgeAugmentBuilder |
TerminationPointVbridgeCfgAugment |
TerminationPointVbridgeCfgAugmentBuilder |
TimeBucket |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.
TimeBucketMappingTimeoutService |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.
TimeBucketWheel |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 12/1/16.
TopologyTypesVbridgeAugment |
TopologyTypesVbridgeAugmentBuilder |
TopologyVbridgeAugment |
TopologyVbridgeAugmentBuilder |
TopologyVbridgeCfgAugment |
TopologyVbridgeCfgAugmentBuilder |
TransportAddress |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
TransportAddress |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
TransportAddressBuilder |
TunnelInterface |
TunnelInterfaceBuilder |
TunnelParameters |
Empty container which will be augmented with parameters specific to a
underlay tunnel technology
TunnelType |
Type of tunneling technology
UpdateKeyInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
UpdateKeyInputBuilder |
UpdateKeyOutput |
UpdateKeyOutputBuilder |
UpdateKeysInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
UpdateKeysInputBuilder |
UpdateKeysOutput |
UpdateKeysOutputBuilder |
UpdateMappingInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
UpdateMappingInputBuilder |
UpdateMappingOutput |
UpdateMappingOutputBuilder |
UpdateMappingsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-mappingservice
UpdateMappingsInputBuilder |
UpdateMappingsOutput |
UpdateMappingsOutputBuilder |
UserInterface |
UserInterfaceBuilder |
V3poData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
V3poListener |
Interface for implementing the following YANG notifications defined in module v3po
VbridgeStartupConfig |
Topology used for displaying startup VBridge nodes configuration defined in ODL.
VbridgeStartupConfigBuilder |
VbridgeTopology |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module vbridge-topology
VbridgeTopologyBuilder |
VbridgeTopologyListener |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/19/17.
VbridgeTopologyListenerService |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/19/17.
VhostUser |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VhostUser |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VhostUser |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VhostUserBuilder |
VhostUserBuilder |
VhostUserInterfaceBaseAttributes |
vhost-user settings
VhostUserInterfaceConfigAttributes |
vhost-user settings
VhostUserInterfaceStateAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VhostUserRole |
VirtualDomainCarrier |
Reference to the physical network element interface, which can be used as a
super interface for VLAN sub-interfaces or which IP address can be specified as
a source or destination of encapsulated VXLAN traffic.
VirtualDomainCarrierBuilder |
VirtualDomainCarrierCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module vbridge-topology
VirtualDomainCarrierCaseBuilder |
VirtualNetworkIdentifier |
A list of Virtual Network Identifiers
VirtualNetworkIdentifierBuilder |
VirtualNetworkIdentifierKey |
VniContext |
A classifier for virtual-network-identifier elements which allows direct access
to a particular element in the data tree.
VniUri |
VppEndpointListener |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/11/17.
VppInterfaceAugmentation |
VppInterfaceAugmentationBuilder |
VppInterfaceStateAugmentation |
VppInterfaceStateAugmentationBuilder |
VppInterfaceStatisticsAugmentation |
VppInterfaceStatisticsAugmentationBuilder |
VppNetconfConnectionProbe |
Purpose: verify whether provided netconf node is already connected or wait if not.
VppNetconfTrasaction |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/12/17.
VppNodeReader |
Created by Shakib Ahmed on 1/12/17.
Vxlan |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
Vxlan |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VxlanBaseAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VxlanBuilder |
VxlanBuilder |
VxlanGpe |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VxlanGpe |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VxlanGpeBaseAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VxlanGpeBuilder |
VxlanGpeBuilder |
VxlanGpeNextProtocol |
VxlanGpeTunnel |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VxlanGpeVni |
VxlanTunnel |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
VxlanVni |
XconnectBased |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
XconnectBased |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module v3po
XconnectBasedBuilder |
XconnectBasedBuilder |
XtrId |
XtridContext |
A classifier for xtr-id elements which allows direct access to a particular
element in the data tree.
XtrIdMapping |
A list of xTR-IDs with their associated mappings
XtrIdMappingBuilder |
XtrIdMappingKey |
XtrIdUri |
XtrReplyMapping |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
XtrReplyMappingBuilder |
XtrRequestMapping |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto
XtrRequestMappingBuilder |
XtrSiteId |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-lisp-proto