All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCheckedModule |
Convenience Guice module support class with configure method that allows
throwing checked exceptions, which are caught and re-thrown as unchecked
ModuleSetupRuntimeException .
AbstractCheckedModule |
AbstractGuiceJsr250Module |
AbstractIntegrationTest |
Integration Test base class.
AbstractLifecycle |
AbstractMXBean |
This class is inspired from the original implementation in controller.
AbstractProvider |
Base class of CacheProvider, useful for API implementors (not users).
AnnotationsModule |
Guice module with built-in Mycila Guice Extensions for JSR-250 &
Closeable support for @PreDestroy & @PostConstruct.
AutoWiringModule |
Guice Module with classpath scanning based autowiring.
AwaitableExecutorService |
Executable service wrapper allowing callers to await completion.
BadCacheFunctionRuntimeException |
Exception thrown when a CacheFunction returns a null value,
which it never should.
BaseCache<K,V> |
BaseCacheConfig |
BaseProvider |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
Cache<K,V> |
Cache of keys to values.
CacheClearCommand |
CLI "cache:clear" command.
CacheConfig<K,V> |
Configuration of a Cache .
CacheConfigBuilder<K,V> |
CacheFunction<K,V> |
CacheListCommand |
CLI "cache:list" command.
CacheManager |
Manage a Cache.
CacheManagers |
Service to monitor all registered known caches.
CacheManagersRegistry |
Service Provider (Cache implementor) hook.
CacheManagersRegistryImpl |
Implementation of CachesMonitor.
CacheModule |
Guice Module for tests requiring a CacheProvider.
CachePolicy |
CachePolicyBuilder |
CachePolicyCommand |
CLI "cache:policy cacheID policyKey policyValue" command.
CacheProvider |
Provider (AKA factory) of Cache s.
CacheStats |
Statistics about a Cache.
CheckedBiConsumer<T,U,E extends Exception> |
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no
result, but can throw a checked exception.
CheckedCache<K,V,E extends Exception> |
Cache of keys to values, for cache function which may throw a checked exception.
CheckedCacheConfig<K,V,E extends Exception> |
CheckedCacheConfigBuilder<K,V,E extends Exception> |
CheckedCacheFunction<K,V,E extends Exception> |
CheckedCallable<V,E extends Exception> |
Callable which throws a specific generically parameterized type of
checked exception instead of a fixed Exception .
CheckedConsumer<T,E extends Exception> |
Consumer which can throw a checked exception.
CheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> |
Function which can throw a checked exception.
CheckedRunnable<E extends Exception> |
Functional interface similar to Runnable (but not technically
extending Runnable, because it cannot; and doesn't have to) which can throw a
generically parameterized type of checked exception.
ClassLoaders |
ClasspathHellDuplicatesChecker |
Check classpath for duplicates.
ClasspathHellDuplicatesCheckRule |
JUnit Rule to run detect duplicate entries on the classpath.
ClassPathScanner |
Class path scanner designed to be used with Guice.
ClusterMemberInfo |
ODL cluster information.
ClusterMemberInfoImpl |
Implementation of ClusterMemberInfo service using the JMX MBeans
exposed by Akka framework used in ODL controller.
CollectorRegistrySingleton |
Provides the Prometheus Client CollectorRegistry.
CompletableFutures |
CompletionStages |
CompletionStageTestAwaiter<T> |
CompletionStageWrapper<T> |
Configuration |
Configuration properties for the metrics implementation.
Counter |
Counter metric, which is a simple incrementing and decrementing number.
CustomObjectNameFactory |
Custom transformer of String Metric ID to JMX ObjectName.
DefaultHttpClientService |
DelegatingNullSafeBaseCache<K,V> |
DelegatingNullSafeCache<K,V> |
Cache with null handling, useful for API implementors (not users).
DelegatingNullSafeCheckedCache<K,V,E extends Exception> |
Cache with null handling, useful for API implementors (not users).
DelegatingSystemReadyMonitorMXBean |
SystemReadyMonitorMXBean implementation.
DiagStatusCommand |
CLI for showing registered service status.
DiagStatusService |
DiagStatus ServiceDescriptor which lets users register/retrieve for particular service status details.
DiagStatusServiceImpl |
DiagStatusServiceImpl is the core class having the functionality for tracking the registered services
and aggregating the status of the same.
DiagStatusServiceMBean |
DiagStatus MBean Operations.
DiagStatusServiceMBeanImpl |
DiagStatusServlet |
Web Servlet for diagstatus which returns JSON and HTTP status code.
ExecutionOrigin |
Execution Origin utility.
Executors |
Additional factory and utility methods for executors.
FunctionalityReady |
Marker interface for ready functionality.
FunctionalityReadyNotifier |
FunctionalityReadyNotifierImpl |
FunctionalityReadyRegistration<S> |
GuavaCacheProvider |
Googgle Guava LoadingCache implementation of cache factory.
GuiceClassPathBinder |
Binds interfaces to implementations in Guice by scanning the classpath.
GuiceRule |
JUnit Rule which initializes Guice Injector for tests.
HttpClientService |
HttpResponse |
HTTP Response.
IDs |
Validations for "ID" like simple types.
ImmutableMetricDescriptor |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.AnchorBuildStage |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.Builder |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.BuildFinal |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.IdBuildStage |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.ModuleBuildStage |
ImmutableMetricDescriptor.ProjectBuildStage |
ImmutableThreadFactoryProvider |
ImmutableThreadFactoryProvider.Builder |
ImmutableThreadFactoryProvider.BuildFinal |
ImmutableThreadFactoryProvider.LoggerBuildStage |
ImmutableThreadFactoryProvider.NamePrefixBuildStage |
InstantDeserializer |
InstantSerializer |
InterruptibleCheckedConsumer<T,E extends Exception> |
Consumer which can throw a checked exception and be interrupted.
InterruptibleCheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> |
Function which can throw a checked exception and be interrupted.
JcServiceStatusMXBean |
JcState |
JdkFutures |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JobCoordinator |
This interface defines methods for a JobCoordinator which enables executing
jobs in a parallel/sequential fashion based on their keys.
JobCoordinatorImpl |
JobCoordinatorMonitor |
JobQueue |
A queue which holds job entries and the current running job.
KarafSystemReady |
KarafSystemReady.Config |
Labeled<T> |
Labeled wrapper which "tags" T objects.
Lifecycle |
ListenableFutures |
More static utility methods pertaining to Guava's ListenableFuture interface.
LogCapture |
Captured log statement.
LogCapture.Level |
LogCaptureRule |
JUnit Rule which "captures" slf4j-simple logs.
LogCaptureRuleException |
LogCaptureRuleLoggerFactory |
LoggingAction |
Base class to implement Karaf CLI command actions which correctly log failures.
LoggingFutures |
Utility methods to add completion/failure logging to various kinds of Futures.
LoggingThreadUncaughtExceptionHandler |
Thread's UncaughtExceptionHandler which logs to slf4j.
LoggingUncaughtThreadDeathContextRunnable |
LogRule |
JUnit Rule which nicely separates @Test/s in the log.
MBeanUtils |
MBeanUtils is a utility that can be used for registering a new MBean or accessing any MBean service.
MDCEntry |
Marker for objects which get put into the MDC .
MDCs |
Utility methods for MDC .
Meter |
Meter metric, which measures throughput.
MetricDescriptor |
Descriptor of Metric.
MetricProvider |
Factory to obtain a new metric for use by application code.
MetricProviderImpl |
MetricsAdvancedExample |
Example illustrating advanced type safe usage of metrics API.
MetricsAdvancedExample.MacLabeledMeter |
MetricsAdvancedExample.PortLabeledMeter |
MetricsExample |
Example illustrating usage of metrics API, and demo.
MetricsFileReporter |
ModuleSetupRuntimeException |
Exception to throw from a static Dependency Inject Framework's "Wiring" class.
MoreAnswers |
More Mockito Answer variants, extending the its standard
Answers and AdditionalAnswers .
NamedLocks<T> |
Manages multiple ReentrantLocks identified by a unique name.
NamedSimpleReentrantLock<T> |
A ReentrantLock which has a name and provides simplified locking operations.
NamedSimpleReentrantLock.Acquired |
Result of a successful lock operation, representing a single lease on the lock.
NamedSimpleReentrantLock.AcquireResult |
Base result of a locking operation.
NoClusterMemberInfo |
ClusterMemberInfo implementation when there is no cluster, suitable e.g.
NoopCachePolicy |
No Operation ("NOOP") implementation of CachePolicy.
NoopCacheProvider |
No Operation ("NOOP") implementation of cache factory.
OpenDaylightImmutableStyle |
Optionals |
Utilities for Optionals.
OSGiDiagStatusService |
OSGiDiagStatusServiceMBean |
OSGiGuavaCacheProvider |
OSGiJobCoordinator |
OSGiMetricProvider |
OSGiPrometheusMetricProvider |
OsgiWebInitializer |
Partials |
Creates instances of "partial" (abstract) test doubles.
PostFullSystemInjectionListener |
Callback invoked when dependency injection is fully complete.
PrometheusMetricProviderImpl |
ReadyModule |
RememberingLogger |
A slf4j logger implementation which remembers log events.
RollbackCallable |
A callable which runs in case a job task fails.
RunUntilFailureClassRule |
RunUntilFailureRule |
JUnit Rule which allows to keep running tests indefinitely.
SampleCacheCommand |
Example CLI action calling a cached service.
SampleService |
Example service, with an expensive operation, which SampleCachingService will cache.
SampleServiceWithCachingImpl |
Example service implementation.
ServiceDescriptor |
Details of a registered service.
ServiceRegistration |
A registration of a diagstatus "Service".
ServiceState |
ServiceStatusProvider |
Apps can register an implementation of this interface in the OSGi service registry
if they want to expose their live status.
ServiceStatusSummary |
Summary of overall system service status.
SimpleSystemReadyMonitor |
SlowExecutor |
StackTraces |
StandardCacheProvider |
StaticLoggerBinder |
slf4j glue.
SystemReadyListener |
Listener which can get notified when the system ready state is changing.
SystemReadyMonitor |
Service which provides technical system ready-ness status.
SystemReadyMonitorMXBean |
Service which exposes system ready-ness state as MBean.
SystemState |
System State.
TablePrinter |
TestableQueues |
Utility for tests to be able await a Queue becoming empty.
TestMetricProviderImpl |
TestSystemReadyMonitor |
TestSystemReadyMonitor.Behaviour |
TestWebClient |
HTTP Client.
TestWebClient.Method |
TestWebServer |
Simple Web server for easily testing Servlet s.
ThreadFactoryProvider |
Timer |
A timer metric which aggregates timing durations.
UncheckedCloseable |
UnstubbedMethodException |
Exception to be thrown on unstubbed method calls.