All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModelBindingProvider |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
$YangModuleInfoImpl |
AbstractFlowBasedServicesConfigBindHelper |
AbstractFlowBasedServicesConfigBindHelper to enable flow based ingress/egress service binding for interfaces.
AbstractFlowBasedServicesConfigUnbindHelper |
AbstractFlowBasedServicesConfigBindHelper to enable flow based ingress/egress service binding for interfaces.
AbstractFlowBasedServicesStateBindHelper |
AbstractFlowBasedServicesConfigBindHelper to enable flow based ingress/egress service binding for interfaces.
AbstractSwitchEntity |
AbstractTestableJobCoordinatorEventsWaiter |
AbstractTestableListener |
Event listener which offer testability in asynchronous usage scenarios.
ActionableResource |
ActionableResourceImpl |
ActionableResources |
Utility class for creating ActionableResource instances.
ActionConverterUtil |
ActionDrop |
Drop action.
ActionGroup |
Group action.
ActionGroupBuilder |
ActionInfo |
ActionInfoList |
List<ActionInfo> with method to build List<Action> from it.
ActionLearn |
Learn action.
ActionLearn.CopyFromField |
ActionLearn.CopyFromValue |
ActionLearn.FlowMod |
ActionLearn.MatchFromField |
ActionLearn.MatchFromValue |
ActionLearn.OutputToPort |
ActionLoadIpToSpa |
Load IP Address to SPA (Sender Protocol Address).
ActionLoadMacToSha |
Load MAC address to SHA (Sender Hardware Address).
ActionMoveShaToTha |
Move Source Hardware address to Destination address, to where the ARP
response need to be addressed to.
ActionMoveSourceDestinationEth |
Move source/destination Ethernet action.
ActionMoveSourceDestinationIp |
Move source/destination IP action.
ActionMoveSourceDestinationIpv6 |
Move source/destination IPv6 action.
ActionMoveSpaToTpa |
Move Source IP address to Destination IP address, to where the ARP
response need to be addressed to.
ActionNdOptionType |
Set source IPv6 action.
ActionNdReserved |
Set source IPv6 action.
ActionNxConntrack |
NX conntrack action.
ActionNxConntrack.NxCtAction |
ActionNxConntrack.NxCtMark |
ActionNxConntrack.NxNat |
ActionNxCtClear |
Conntrack Clear action.
ActionNxLoadInPort |
NX load in port action.
ActionNxLoadMetadata |
NX load metadata action.
ActionNxResubmit |
NX resubmit action.
ActionOutput |
Output action.
ActionPopMpls |
Pop MPLS action.
ActionPopPbb |
Pop PBB action.
ActionPopVlan |
Pop VLAN action.
ActionPuntToController |
Punt to controller action.
ActionPushMpls |
Push MPLS action.
ActionPushPbb |
Push PBB action.
ActionPushVlan |
Push VLAN action.
ActionRegLoad |
Action to load an NXM register.
ActionRegMove |
Action to move an NXM register.
ActionSetArpOp |
Set ARP Operation Type that is Request or Replay.
ActionSetDestinationIp |
Set destination IP action.
ActionSetFieldDscp |
ActionSetFieldEthernetDestination |
Set Ethernet destination field action.
ActionSetFieldEthernetSource |
Set Ethernet source field action.
ActionSetFieldMeta |
ActionSetFieldMplsLabel |
Set MPLS label field action.
ActionSetFieldPbbIsid |
Set PBB ISID field action.
ActionSetFieldTunnelId |
Set tunnel id field action.
ActionSetFieldVlanVid |
Set VLAN VID field action.
ActionSetIcmpType |
Set ICMP type action.
ActionSetIcmpv6Type |
Set ICMPv6 type action.
ActionSetIpv6NdTarget |
Set IPv6 ND TarAbstractClusteredAsyncDataTreeChangeListenerget action.
ActionSetIpv6NdTll |
Set IPv6 ND TLL action.
ActionSetSourceIp |
Set source IP action.
ActionSetSourceIpv6 |
Set source IPv6 action.
ActionSetTcpDestinationPort |
Set TCP destination port action.
ActionSetTcpSourcePort |
Set TCP source port action.
ActionSetTunnelDestinationIp |
Set tunnel destination IP action.
ActionSetTunnelSourceIp |
Set tunnel source IP action.
ActionSetUdpDestinationPort |
Set UDP destination port action.
ActionSetUdpProtocol |
Set UDP protocol action.
ActionSetUdpSourcePort |
Set UDP source port action.
Activator |
OSGi Activator used to shutdown thread pools etc.
Activator |
Activator |
Activator |
AddExternalEndpoint |
AddExternalTunnelEndpointInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
AddExternalTunnelEndpointInputBuilder |
AddExternalTunnelEndpointOutput |
AddExternalTunnelEndpointOutputBuilder |
AddL2GwDeviceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
AddL2GwDeviceInputBuilder |
AddL2GwDeviceOutput |
AddL2GwDeviceOutputBuilder |
AddL2GwMlagDeviceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
AddL2GwMlagDeviceInputBuilder |
AddL2GwMlagDeviceOutput |
AddL2GwMlagDeviceOutputBuilder |
AlarmAgent |
AlarmNotificationListeners |
AlarmServiceFacade |
AlivenessMonitor |
AlivenessMonitorAndProtocolsConstants |
Constants shared between alivenessmonitor.internal and alivenessmonitor.protocols.internal.
AlivenessMonitorConstants |
Constants private to alivenessmonitor.internal.
AlivenessMonitorData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
AlivenessMonitorListener |
Interface for implementing the following YANG notifications defined in module aliveness-monitor
AlivenessMonitorListenerImpl |
This class listens for interface creation/removal/update in Configuration DS.
AlivenessMonitorService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module aliveness-monitor
AlivenessMonitorUtil |
AlivenessMonitorUtils |
AlivenessProtocolHandler<T extends org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.libraries.liblldp.Packet> |
Protocol specific Handler interface defined by the Aliveness monitor service
Handler will be registered with Alivnessmonitor service along with the
protocol type it supports.
AlivenessProtocolHandlerARP |
AlivenessProtocolHandlerIPv6ND |
AlivenessProtocolHandlerLLDP |
AlivenessProtocolHandlerRegistry |
AlivenessProtocolHandlerRegistryImpl |
Implementation of AlivenessProtocolHandlerRegistry.
AllocateIdInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
AllocateIdInputBuilder |
AllocateIdOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
AllocateIdOutputBuilder |
AllocateIdRangeInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
AllocateIdRangeInputBuilder |
AllocateIdRangeOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
AllocateIdRangeOutputBuilder |
Class that represents the ARP packet objects
taken from opendaylight(helium) adsal bundle.
ArpConstants |
ArpPacketUtil |
ArpRequestReceived |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
ArpRequestReceivedBuilder |
ArpResponseReceived |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
ArpResponseReceivedBuilder |
ArpUtilImpl |
AsyncClusteredDataTreeChangeListenerBase<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,K extends<T>> |
AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,K extends<T>> |
AsyncEventsWaiter |
Allows tests to wait for asynchronous event processing to be done.
AutoCloseableModule |
Guice module which AutoCloseable.close() 's all bound AutoCloseable .
AutoCloseableRuntimeException |
RuntimeException thrown on catch of Exception from an AutoCloseable.close() .
AvailableIdHolder |
AvailableIds |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
AvailableIdsHolder |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
AvailableIdsHolderBuilder |
BatchingUtils |
BatchingUtils.EntityType |
BfdParams |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
BfdStateCache |
BoundServices |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
BoundServicesBuilder |
BoundServicesKey |
BoundServicesState |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
BoundServicesStateBuilder |
BoundServicesStateKey |
BoundServicesStateList |
Contains the interface-state information for bound-services
BoundServicesStateListBuilder |
BridgeEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
BridgeEntryBuilder |
BridgeEntryKey |
BridgeInterfaceEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
BridgeInterfaceEntryBuilder |
BridgeInterfaceEntryKey |
BridgeInterfaceInfo |
Contains the list of dpns along with the tunnel interfaces configured on them.
BridgeInterfaceInfoBuilder |
BridgeRefEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
BridgeRefEntryBuilder |
BridgeRefEntryKey |
BridgeRefInfo |
The container that maps dpid with ovs bridge ref in the operational DS.
BridgeRefInfoBuilder |
BridgeTunnelInfo |
Contains the list of dpns along with the tunnel interfaces configured on them.
BridgeTunnelInfoBuilder |
BucketInfo |
BuildExternalTunnelFromDpnsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
BuildExternalTunnelFromDpnsInputBuilder |
BuildExternalTunnelFromDpnsOutput |
BuildExternalTunnelFromDpnsOutputBuilder |
CacheBridgeEntryConfigListener |
This class listens for bridgeEntry creation/removal/update in Configuration
DS and update the bridgeEntryCache as per changes in DS.
CacheBridgeRefEntryListener |
This class listens for bridgeRefEntry creation/removal/update in Operational
DS and update the bridgeRefEntryCache as per changes in DS.
CacheUtil |
ChainableClusteredDataTreeChangeListenerBase<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener which is chain-able (ChainableDataTreeChangeListener ).
ChildPools |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
ChildPoolsBuilder |
ChildPoolsKey |
CleanUpJob |
CloudscalerRpcData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
CloudscalerRpcService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
CloudscalerRpcServiceImpl |
ComputeNode |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
ComputeNodeBuilder |
ComputeNodeKey |
ComputeNodeManager |
ComputeNodes |
stores compute node related details (nodeid, dpnid etc ) learned from
operational ovsdb node
ComputeNodesBuilder |
Computes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
ComputesBuilder |
ComputesKey |
Config |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
ConfigBuilder |
ControlPathFailureAlarm |
ControlPathFailureAlarmMBean |
CounterConstants |
CreateIdPoolInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
CreateIdPoolInputBuilder |
CreateIdPoolOutput |
CreateIdPoolOutputBuilder |
CreateTerminatingServiceActionsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
CreateTerminatingServiceActionsInputBuilder |
CreateTerminatingServiceActionsOutput |
CreateTerminatingServiceActionsOutputBuilder |
DataBrokerFailures |
Configures a DataBroker to simulate failures, useful for tests.
DataBrokerFailuresImpl |
DataBroker with methods to simulate failures, useful for tests.
DataBrokerFailuresModule |
DataBrokerFailuresModule |
Guice Module which correctly binds the DataBrokerFailures .
DataBrokerTestWiring |
DataObjectCache<K,V extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
Caches DataObjects of a particular type.
DataPathAlarm |
Implementation of the DataPath Alarm MBean.
DataPathAlarmMBean |
This is the interface for the DataPath Alarm MBean.
Datastore |
Strongly-typed representation of a datastore (configuration or operational).
Datastore.Configuration |
Datastore.Operational |
DatastoreServiceStatusProvider |
DataTreeEventCallbackRegistrar |
Service to register callbacks for data tree changes for a fixed instance.
DataTreeEventCallbackRegistrar.NextAction |
DataTreeEventCallbackRegistrarImpl |
Implementation of DataTreeEventCallbackRegistrar.
DcGatewayIp |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
DcGatewayIpBuilder |
DcGatewayIpKey |
DcGatewayIpList |
Deprecated. |
DcGatewayIpListBuilder |
DecrementingTestableDataTreeChangeDecoratorListener |
DataTreeChangeListener which decorates a TestableDataTreeChangeListener
but decrements instead of increments its consumed events.
DefaultBatchHandler |
DelayedIdEntries |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
DelayedIdEntriesBuilder |
DelayedIdEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
DeleteIdPoolInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
DeleteIdPoolInputBuilder |
DeleteIdPoolOutput |
DeleteIdPoolOutputBuilder |
DeleteL2GwDeviceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
DeleteL2GwDeviceInputBuilder |
DeleteL2GwDeviceOutput |
DeleteL2GwDeviceOutputBuilder |
DeleteL2GwMlagDeviceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
DeleteL2GwMlagDeviceInputBuilder |
DeleteL2GwMlagDeviceOutput |
DeleteL2GwMlagDeviceOutputBuilder |
Destination |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
DestinationBuilder |
DeviceVteps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
DeviceVtepsBuilder |
DeviceVtepsKey |
DirectTunnelUtils |
DpnEndpoints |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
DpnEndpointsBuilder |
DpnsTeps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
DpnsTepsBuilder |
DpnsTepsKey |
DpnTepInterfaceInfo |
DpnTepInterfaceInfoBuilder |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
DPNTEPsInfoBuilder |
DPNTEPsInfoCache |
Caches DPNTEPsInfo objects.
DPNTEPsInfoKey |
DpnTepsState |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
DpnTepsStateBuilder |
DpnTepStateCache |
DpnToInterface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
DpnToInterface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
DpnToInterfaceBuilder |
DpnToInterfaceBuilder |
DpnToInterfaceKey |
DpnToInterfaceKey |
DpnToInterfaceList |
Contains the list of interfaces on the given dpn
DpnToInterfaceList |
Contains the list of interfaces on the given dpn
DpnToInterfaceListBuilder |
DpnToInterfaceListBuilder |
DSShowCache |
DstInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
DstInfoBuilder |
DumpIfmCache |
Endpoint |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
EndpointType |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
EntityOwnerNotPresentException |
EntityOwnershipUtils |
EntityOwnershipService utilities.
EricMatchInfo |
EricMatchInfoHelper<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,B extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Builder<T>> |
Ethernet |
Class that represents the Ethernet frame objects
taken from opendaylight(helium) adsal bundle.
EthernetHeader |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
EventData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
EventDataBuilder |
ExpectedDataObjectNotFoundException |
Exception thrown from code which expects data to necessarily be present in the
data store.
ExternalTunnel |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
ExternalTunnelBuilder |
ExternalTunnelKey |
ExternalTunnelList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
ExternalTunnelListBuilder |
ExternalTunnelListener |
FcapsConstants |
FcapsProvider |
FlowBasedEgressServicesConfigBindHelper |
FlowBasedEgressServicesConfigUnbindHelper |
FlowBasedEgressServicesRendererFactory |
FlowBasedEgressServicesStateBindHelper |
FlowBasedEgressServicesStateRendererFactory |
FlowBasedIngressServicesConfigBindHelper |
FlowBasedIngressServicesConfigUnbindHelper |
FlowBasedIngressServicesRendererFactory |
FlowBasedIngressServicesStateBindHelper |
FlowBasedIngressServicesStateRendererFactory |
FlowBasedServicesConfigAddable |
FlowBasedServicesConfigListener |
FlowBasedServicesConfigRemovable |
FlowBasedServicesInterfaceStateListener |
FlowBasedServicesNodeStateListener |
FlowBasedServicesRendererFactory |
FlowBasedServicesRendererFactoryResolver |
Resolves FlowBasedServicesRendererFactory instances.
FlowBasedServicesStateAddable |
FlowBasedServicesStateRemovable |
FlowBasedServicesStateRendererFactory |
FlowBasedServicesStateRendererFactoryResolver |
Resolves FlowBasedServicesStateRendererFactory instances.
FlowBasedServicesUtils |
FlowBasedServicesUtils.ServiceMode |
FlowCapableNodeConnectorCommitter<D extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
FlowEntity |
FlowEntity.Builder |
FlowEntityBuilder |
FlowInfoKey |
FlowNodeConnectorInventoryTranslatorImpl |
GetDpidFromInterfaceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetDpidFromInterfaceInputBuilder |
GetDpidFromInterfaceOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetDpidFromInterfaceOutputBuilder |
GetDpnEndpointIpsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetDpnEndpointIpsInputBuilder |
GetDpnEndpointIpsOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetDpnEndpointIpsOutputBuilder |
GetDpnInfoInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetDpnInfoInputBuilder |
GetDpnInfoOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetDpnInfoOutputBuilder |
GetDpnInterfaceListInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetDpnInterfaceListInputBuilder |
GetDpnInterfaceListOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetDpnInterfaceListOutputBuilder |
GetEgressActionsForInterfaceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetEgressActionsForInterfaceInputBuilder |
GetEgressActionsForInterfaceOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetEgressActionsForInterfaceOutputBuilder |
GetEgressActionsForTunnelInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetEgressActionsForTunnelInputBuilder |
GetEgressActionsForTunnelOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetEgressActionsForTunnelOutputBuilder |
GetEgressInstructionsForInterfaceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetEgressInstructionsForInterfaceInputBuilder |
GetEgressInstructionsForInterfaceOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetEgressInstructionsForInterfaceOutputBuilder |
GetEndpointIpForDpnInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetEndpointIpForDpnInputBuilder |
GetEndpointIpForDpnOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetEndpointIpForDpnOutputBuilder |
GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameInputBuilder |
GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameOutputBuilder |
GetInterfaceFromIfIndexInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetInterfaceFromIfIndexInputBuilder |
GetInterfaceFromIfIndexOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetInterfaceFromIfIndexOutputBuilder |
GetInterfaceStatisticsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-statistics
GetInterfaceStatisticsInputBuilder |
GetInterfaceStatisticsOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-statistics
GetInterfaceStatisticsOutputBuilder |
GetInterfaceTypeInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetInterfaceTypeInputBuilder |
GetInterfaceTypeOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetInterfaceTypeOutputBuilder |
GetInternalOrExternalInterfaceNameInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetInternalOrExternalInterfaceNameInputBuilder |
GetInternalOrExternalInterfaceNameOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetInternalOrExternalInterfaceNameOutputBuilder |
GetMacInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
GetMacInputBuilder |
GetMacOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
GetMacOutputBuilder |
GetNodeconnectorIdFromInterfaceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetNodeconnectorIdFromInterfaceInputBuilder |
GetNodeconnectorIdFromInterfaceOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetNodeconnectorIdFromInterfaceOutputBuilder |
GetPortFromInterfaceInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetPortFromInterfaceInputBuilder |
GetPortFromInterfaceOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetPortFromInterfaceOutputBuilder |
GetTunnelInterfaceNameInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetTunnelInterfaceNameInputBuilder |
GetTunnelInterfaceNameOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetTunnelInterfaceNameOutputBuilder |
GetTunnelTypeInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetTunnelTypeInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetTunnelTypeInputBuilder |
GetTunnelTypeInputBuilder |
GetTunnelTypeOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
GetTunnelTypeOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetTunnelTypeOutputBuilder |
GetTunnelTypeOutputBuilder |
GetWatchPortForTunnelInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetWatchPortForTunnelInputBuilder |
GetWatchPortForTunnelOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
GetWatchPortForTunnelOutputBuilder |
GroupEntity |
GroupEntity.Builder |
GroupEntityBuilder |
GroupInfoKey |
HostName |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
HostNameBuilder |
HwVtep |
HwvtepAbstractDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,K extends<T>> |
HwvtepClusteredDataTreeChangeListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,K extends<T>> |
HwVTEPConfigListener |
HwVTEPConfigRemoveHelper |
HwVTEPInterfaceConfigAddHelper |
HwVTEPInterfaceConfigUpdateHelper |
HwVTEPInterfaceStateRemoveHelper |
HwVTEPInterfaceStateUpdateHelper |
HwvtepNodeHACache |
Caches hwvtep Node HA info.
HwvtepNodeHACacheImpl |
Implementation of HwvtepNodeHACache.
HwvtepSouthboundConstants |
HwvtepSouthboundUtils |
TODO: Move these API's to ovsdb's utils.hwvtepsouthbound-utils module.
HwVtepTunnelsStateHandler |
HwVTEPTunnelsStateListener |
HwvtepUtils |
Utility class to related to Hardware VTEP devices.
Class that represents the ICMP packet objects.
Icmp6Header |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
Icmpv6Type |
IdDoesNotExistException |
IdEntries |
Id entry for the given Id Pool, where id-key is used to identify the id entry
IdEntriesBuilder |
IdEntriesKey |
IdHolder |
IdHolderSyncJob |
IdLocalPool |
IdManager |
IdManagerCacheCli |
IdManagerData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
IdManagerException |
IdManagerMonitor |
IdManagerService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module id-manager
IdPool |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
IdPoolBuilder |
IdPoolKey |
IdPoolListener |
IdPools |
Parent Id Pool is responsible allocating block (or) set of Ids to child Id
IdPoolsBuilder |
IdUtils |
IEEE8021Q |
IfExternal |
IfExternalBuilder |
IfIndexesInterfaceMap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
IfIndexesInterfaceMapBuilder |
IfIndexesTunnelMap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
IfIndexesTunnelMapBuilder |
IfIndexInterface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
IfIndexInterfaceBuilder |
IfIndexInterfaceCache |
IfIndexInterfaceKey |
IfIndexTunnel |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
IfIndexTunnelBuilder |
IfIndexTunnelKey |
IfL2vlan |
IfL2vlan.L2vlanMode |
IfL2vlanBuilder |
IfmCLIUtil |
IfmConfig |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ifm-config
IfmConfigBuilder |
IfmConfigData |
This YANG module defines interfacemanager configuration.
IfmConstants |
IfmConstants |
IfmDiagStatusProvider |
IfMpls |
IfMplsBuilder |
IfmUtil |
IfStackedVlan |
IfStackedVlanBuilder |
IfTunnel |
IfTunnelBuilder |
IInterfaceManager |
IITMProvider |
IMdsalApiManager |
InstanceIdDataObjectCache<V extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
A DataObjectCache keyed by InstanceIdentifier.
InstructionApplyActions |
Apply actions instruction.
InstructionClearActions |
Clear actions instruction.
InstructionGotoTable |
Goto table instruction.
InstructionInfo |
InstructionWriteActions |
Write actions instruction.
InstructionWriteMetadata |
Write metadata instruction.
Interface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
InterfaceAddress |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
InterfaceAddress |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-nd-util
InterfaceAddressBuilder |
InterfaceAddressBuilder |
InterfaceAddressKey |
InterfaceAddressKey |
InterfaceAlreadyExistsException |
InterfaceBuilder |
InterfaceChildCache |
InterfaceChildEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
InterfaceChildEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
InterfaceChildEntryBuilder |
InterfaceChildEntryBuilder |
InterfaceChildEntryKey |
InterfaceChildEntryKey |
InterfaceChildInfo |
The container of all Child-Interfaces for a given interface.
InterfaceChildInfo |
The container of all child-interfaces for an interface.
InterfaceChildInfoBuilder |
InterfaceChildInfoBuilder |
InterfaceChildInfoListener |
InterfaceConfigListener |
This class listens for interface creation/removal/update in Configuration DS.
InterfaceConfigListener |
This class listens for Interface in Configuration DS.
InterfaceHelper |
InterfaceInfo |
InterfaceInfo.InterfaceAdminState |
InterfaceInfo.InterfaceOpState |
InterfaceInfo.InterfaceType |
InterfaceInstanceRecoveryHandler |
InterfaceInventoryStateListener |
This Class is a Data Change Listener for FlowCapableNodeConnector updates.
InterfaceManagerCommonUtils |
InterfaceManagerRpcService |
InterfaceManagerService |
InterfaceManagerServiceImpl |
InterfaceMetaUtils |
InterfacemgrProvider |
InterfaceMonitorEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
InterfaceMonitorEntryBuilder |
InterfaceMonitorEntryKey |
InterfaceMonitorId |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
InterfaceMonitorIdBuilder |
InterfaceMonitorIdKey |
InterfaceMonitorIdMap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
InterfaceMonitorIdMapBuilder |
InterfaceMonitorMap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
InterfaceMonitorMapBuilder |
InterfaceNameEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
InterfaceNameEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
InterfaceNameEntryBuilder |
InterfaceNameEntryBuilder |
InterfaceNameEntryKey |
InterfaceNameEntryKey |
InterfaceNotFoundException |
InterfaceParentEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
InterfaceParentEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
InterfaceParentEntryBuilder |
InterfaceParentEntryBuilder |
InterfaceParentEntryKey |
InterfaceParentEntryKey |
Interfaces |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
Interfaces |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-rpc
Interfaces |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-nd-util
InterfacesBuilder |
InterfaceServiceBindingsData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
InterfaceServiceNotFoundException |
InterfaceServiceRecoveryHandler |
InterfaceServiceUtil |
InterfaceStateHelper |
InterfaceStateListener |
InterfaceStateListener |
InterfaceStatisticsService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module interface-statistics
InterfaceTopologyStateListener |
InternalTunnel |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
InternalTunnelBuilder |
InternalTunnelKey |
InternalTunnelListener |
This class listens for Internal Tunnel in Configuration DS.
IpAddress |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
IpAddressBuilder |
IPProtocols |
Enum represents the most common IP protocols numbers It provides the binding
between IP protocol names and numbers and provides APIs to read and parse
them in either of the two forms.
IPv4 |
Class that represents the IPv4 packet objects.
Ipv6Constants |
Ipv6Constants.Ipv6RouterAdvertisementType |
Ipv6Header |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
Ipv6NaDecoder |
Ipv6NdUtilService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module ipv6-nd-util
Ipv6NdUtilServiceImpl |
Ipv6NeighborDiscoveryData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
Ipv6NsHelper |
Ipv6Util |
IsDcgwPresentInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
IsDcgwPresentInputBuilder |
IsDcgwPresentOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
IsDcgwPresentOutputBuilder |
IsTunnelInternalOrExternalInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
IsTunnelInternalOrExternalInputBuilder |
IsTunnelInternalOrExternalOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
IsTunnelInternalOrExternalOutputBuilder |
ITMBatchingUtils |
ITMBatchingUtils.EntityType |
ItmCache |
ItmCliUtils |
The Utility class for ITM CLI.
ItmConfig |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-config
ItmConfigBuilder |
ItmConfigData |
This YANG module defines automatic tunnel configuration.
ITMConstants |
ItmData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
ItmDiagStatusProvider |
ItmExternalTunnelAddWorker |
ItmExternalTunnelDeleteWorker |
ItmInternalTunnelAddWorker |
ItmInternalTunnelDeleteWorker |
ItmManagerRpcService |
ItmMonitorIntervalWorker |
ItmMonitorToggleWorker |
ItmMonitorWorker |
ItmProvider |
ItmRpcService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module itm-rpc
ItmRpcTestImpl |
ItmServiceRecoveryHandler |
ItmStateData |
This YANG module defines operation part of the model.
ItmTepAddWorker |
ItmTepInstanceRecoveryHandler |
ItmTepRemoveWorker |
ItmTepsNotHostedAddWorker |
ItmTepsNotHostedMoveWorker |
ItmTepsNotHostedRemoveWorker |
ItmTunnelAggregationHelper |
ItmTunnelEventListener |
ItmTunnelStateAddHelper |
ItmTunnelStateRemoveHelper |
ItmTzInstanceRecoveryHandler |
ItmUtils |
JMXAlarmAgent |
JobCoordinatorCountedEventsWaiter |
JobCoordinatorEventsWaiter |
JobCoordinatorTestModule |
Guice Binding for using JobCoordinator in components tests.
JvmGlobalLocks |
Utility class providing JVM-global locks keyed by String.
LivenessEventState |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
LivenessState |
LocalPoolCreateJob |
LocalPoolDeleteJob |
Lock |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module lock-manager
LockBuilder |
LockInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module lock-manager
LockInputBuilder |
LockKey |
LockListener |
LockManagerData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module lock-manager
LockManagerService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module lock-manager
LockManagerServiceImpl |
LockManagerUtils |
LockOutput |
LockOutputBuilder |
Locks |
Holds the list of lock name and lock owner
LocksBuilder |
LogicalGroupInterfaceInfo |
MacChanged |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
MacChangedBuilder |
ManagedNewTransactionRunner |
Managed transactions utility to simplify handling of new transactions and ensure they are always closed.
ManagedNewTransactionRunnerImpl |
ManagedTransactionChain |
Managed transaction chains provide managed semantics around transaction chains, i.e. chains which provide
transactions which are automatically submitted or cancelled.
ManagedTransactionFactory |
Managed transaction factories provide managed transactions, i.e. transactions which are automatically
submitted or cancelled (write) or closed (read).
MatchArpOp |
ARP OP match.
MatchArpSha |
ARP source hardware address match.
MatchArpSpa |
ARP source transport address match.
MatchArpTha |
ARP target hardware address match.
MatchArpTpa |
ARP target transport address match.
MatchEthernetDestination |
Ethernet destination match.
MatchEthernetSource |
Ethernet source match.
MatchEthernetType |
Ethernet type match.
MatchIcmpv4 |
ICMPv4 match.
MatchIcmpv6 |
ICMPv6 match.
MatchInfo |
MatchInfoBase |
This interface helps in creating the openflow matches.
MatchInfoHelper<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,B extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Builder<T>> |
Helper for matches (this is designed to be absorbed into MatchInfo once we've cleaned up downstream users).
MatchInPort |
In port match.
MatchIpProtocol |
IP protocol match.
MatchIpv4Destination |
IPv4 destination match.
MatchIpv4Source |
IPv4 source match.
MatchIpv6Destination |
IPv6 destination match.
MatchIpv6NdSll |
Match IPv6 ND SLL match.
MatchIpv6NdTarget |
IPv6 ND target match.
MatchIpv6Source |
IPv6 source match.
MatchMetadata |
Metadata match.
MatchMplsLabel |
MPLS label match.
MatchNdOptionType |
MatchNdOptionType match.
MatchPbbIsid |
PBB ISID match.
MatchTcpDestinationPort |
TCP destination port match.
MatchTcpFlags |
TCP flags match.
MatchTcpSourcePort |
TCP source port match.
MatchTunnelId |
Tunnel identifier match.
MatchUdpDestinationPort |
UDP destination port match.
MatchUdpSourcePort |
UDP source port match.
MatchVlanVid |
VLAN identifier match.
MDSALManager |
MDSALUtil.MdsalOp |
MetaDataConstants |
MetaDataUtil |
MonitorConfig |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface
MonitorConfigBuilder |
MonitorConfigKey |
MonitorConfigs |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorConfigsBuilder |
MonitoredTunnels |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
MonitoredTunnelsBuilder |
MonitoredTunnelsKey |
MonitorEvent |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorEventBuilder |
MonitorIdInterface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
MonitorIdInterfaceBuilder |
MonitorIdInterfaceKey |
MonitorIdInterfaceMap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
MonitorIdInterfaceMapBuilder |
MonitoridKeyEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitoridKeyEntryBuilder |
MonitoridKeyEntryKey |
MonitoridKeyMap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitoridKeyMapBuilder |
MonitoringInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitoringInfoBuilder |
MonitoringInfoKey |
MonitoringMode |
MonitoringRefCount |
The container for maintaing the reference count for monitoring requests between
a src and dst DPN pair.
MonitoringRefCountBuilder |
MonitoringState |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitoringStateBuilder |
MonitoringStateKey |
MonitoringStates |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitoringStatesBuilder |
MonitorParams |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorParams |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface
MonitorPauseInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorPauseInputBuilder |
MonitorPauseOutput |
MonitorPauseOutputBuilder |
MonitorProfile |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfileBuilder |
MonitorProfileCreateInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfileCreateInputBuilder |
MonitorProfileCreateOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfileCreateOutputBuilder |
MonitorProfileDeleteInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfileDeleteInputBuilder |
MonitorProfileDeleteOutput |
MonitorProfileDeleteOutputBuilder |
MonitorProfileGetInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfileGetInputBuilder |
MonitorProfileGetOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfileGetOutputBuilder |
MonitorProfileKey |
MonitorProfileParams |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfiles |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorProfilesBuilder |
MonitorProtocolType |
MonitorStartInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorStartInputBuilder |
MonitorStartOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorStartOutputBuilder |
MonitorStatus |
MonitorStopInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorStopInputBuilder |
MonitorStopOutput |
MonitorStopOutputBuilder |
MonitorUnpauseInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
MonitorUnpauseInputBuilder |
MonitorUnpauseOutput |
MonitorUnpauseOutputBuilder |
Mpls |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface
NeighborAdvertisePacket |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
NeighborAdvertisePacketBuilder |
NeighborSolicitationPacket |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
NeighborSolicitationPacketBuilder |
NetworkConfig |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module network-config
NetworkConfigBuilder |
NetworkConfigData |
Configuration for network parameters
NodeConnectorEventListener<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
NodeConnectorInfo |
NodeConnectorInfoBuilder |
NodeConnectorStatsImpl |
NodeEventListener<D extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
NodeIdentifier |
an identifier of the dependant underlying configuration protocol
NodeIdentifierBuilder |
NodeIdentifierKey |
NodeUpdateCounter |
NotHostedTransportZones |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
NotHostedTransportZonesBuilder |
NumberOfOFPorts |
NumberOfOFPortsMBean |
NumberOfOFSwitchCounter |
NumberOfOFSwitchCounterMBean |
NwConstants |
NwConstants.NxmOfFieldType |
NWUtil |
NxMatchCtMark |
Nicira extension CT mark match.
NxMatchCtState |
Nicira extension CT state match.
NxMatchCtZone |
Nicira extension CT zone match.
NxMatchInfo |
This class defines the Nicira extension matches.
NxMatchInfoHelper<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,B extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Builder<T>> |
Helper for Nicira extension matches (this is designed to be absorbed into MatchInfo once we've cleaned up
downstream users).
NxMatchRegister |
Nicira extension register match.
NxMatchTcpDestinationPort |
Nicira extension TCP destination port match.
NxMatchTcpSourcePort |
Nicira extension TCP source port match.
NxMatchTunnelDestinationIp |
Nicira extension tunnel destination IP match.
NxMatchTunnelSourceIp |
Nicira extension tunnel source IP match.
NxMatchUdpDestinationPort |
Nicira extension UDP destination port match.
NxMatchUdpSourcePort |
Nicira extension UDP source port match.
OdlArputilListener |
Interface for implementing the following YANG notifications defined in module odl-arputil
OdlArputilService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module odl-arputil
OdlInterfaceMetaData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
OdlInterfaceRpcService |
Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module odl-interface-rpc
OdlItmMetaData |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
OfEndPointCache |
OpenDaylightImmutableStyle |
OvsBridgeEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
OvsBridgeEntryBuilder |
OvsBridgeEntryCache |
OvsBridgeEntryKey |
OvsBridgeRefEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
OvsBridgeRefEntryBuilder |
OvsBridgeRefEntryCache |
OvsBridgeRefEntryKey |
OvsBridgeRefInfo |
The container that maps dpid with ovs bridge ref in the operational DS.
OvsBridgeRefInfoBuilder |
OvsBridgeTunnelEntry |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-itm-meta
OvsBridgeTunnelEntryBuilder |
OvsBridgeTunnelEntryKey |
OvsdbNodeListener |
This class listens for OvsdbNode creation/removal/update in Network Topology Operational DS.
OvsdbTepAddConfigHelper |
OvsdbTepAddWorker |
OvsdbTepInfo |
OvsdbTepRemoveConfigHelper |
OvsdbTepRemoveWorker |
OvsInterfaceConfigAddHelper |
OvsInterfaceConfigRemoveHelper |
OvsInterfaceConfigUpdateHelper |
OvsInterfaceStateAddHelper |
This worker is responsible for adding the openflow-interfaces/of-port-info
container in odl-interface-openflow yang.
OvsInterfaceStateUpdateHelper |
OvsInterfaceTopologyStateUpdateHelper |
OvsVlanMemberConfigAddHelper |
OvsVlanMemberConfigRemoveHelper |
OvsVlanMemberConfigUpdateHelper |
PacketInCounter |
PacketInCounterHandler |
PacketInCounterMBean |
PacketMetadata |
PacketMetadataBuilder |
PacketMetadataInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-nd-util
PacketUtil |
ParentRefs |
ParentRefsBuilder |
PMAgent |
PMRegistrationListener |
PMServiceFacade |
Poller |
PortNameCache |
PortNameMapping |
PortNameMappingMBean |
PrefixList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
PrefixListBuilder |
PrefixListKey |
Profile |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
Profile |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
ProfileBuilder |
ProfileBuilder |
RDUtils |
RDUtilsImpl |
ReleasedIdHolder |
ReleasedIdHolder.DelayedIdEntry |
ReleasedIds |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
ReleasedIdsHolder |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
ReleasedIdsHolderBuilder |
ReleaseIdInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
ReleaseIdInputBuilder |
ReleaseIdOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module id-manager
ReleaseIdOutputBuilder |
RemoteDpnListener |
RemoteDpns |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
RemoteDpnsBuilder |
RemoteDpnsKey |
RemoveExternalEndpoint |
RemoveExternalTunnelEndpointInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
RemoveExternalTunnelEndpointInputBuilder |
RemoveExternalTunnelEndpointOutput |
RemoveExternalTunnelEndpointOutputBuilder |
RemoveExternalTunnelFromDpnsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
RemoveExternalTunnelFromDpnsInputBuilder |
RemoveExternalTunnelFromDpnsOutput |
RemoveExternalTunnelFromDpnsOutputBuilder |
RemoveTerminatingServiceActionsInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
RemoveTerminatingServiceActionsInputBuilder |
RemoveTerminatingServiceActionsOutput |
RemoveTerminatingServiceActionsOutputBuilder |
ResourceBatchingManager |
This class lets other modules submit their CRUD methods to it.
ResourceBatchingManager.ShardResource |
ResourceHandler |
ResultCode |
RetryingManagedNewTransactionRunner |
Implementation of ManagedNewTransactionRunner with automatic transparent retries on transaction failure
( OptimisticLockFailedException on write transactions and ReadFailedException on read transactions
will cause the operation constructing the transaction to be re-run).
RouterAdvertisementPacket |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
RouterAdvertisementPacketBuilder |
RouterSolicitationPacket |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-neighbor-discovery
RouterSolicitationPacketBuilder |
ScaleinComputesEndInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
ScaleinComputesEndInputBuilder |
ScaleinComputesEndOutput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
ScaleinComputesEndOutputBuilder |
ScaleinComputesRecoverInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
ScaleinComputesRecoverInputBuilder |
ScaleinComputesRecoverOutput |
ScaleinComputesRecoverOutputBuilder |
ScaleinComputesStartInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
ScaleinComputesStartInputBuilder |
ScaleinComputesStartOutput |
ScaleinComputesStartOutputBuilder |
ScaleinComputesTepDeleteInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module cloudscaler-rpc
ScaleinComputesTepDeleteInputBuilder |
ScaleinComputesTepDeleteOutput |
ScaleinComputesTepDeleteOutputBuilder |
ScaleInConstants |
SendArpRequestInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
SendArpRequestInputBuilder |
SendArpRequestOutput |
SendArpRequestOutputBuilder |
SendArpResponseInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-arputil
SendArpResponseInputBuilder |
SendArpResponseOutput |
SendArpResponseOutputBuilder |
SendNeighborSolicitationInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-nd-util
SendNeighborSolicitationInputBuilder |
SendNeighborSolicitationOutput |
SendNeighborSolicitationOutputBuilder |
SendNeighborSolicitationToOfGroupInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ipv6-nd-util
SendNeighborSolicitationToOfGroupInputBuilder |
SendNeighborSolicitationToOfGroupOutput |
SendNeighborSolicitationToOfGroupOutputBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionConntrackApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionConntrackApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionConntrackWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionConntrackWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionDecapApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionDecapApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionDecapWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionDecapWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionDecNshTtlApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionDecNshTtlApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionDecNshTtlWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionDecNshTtlWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionEncapApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionEncapApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionEncapWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionEncapWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionLearnApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionLearnApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionLearnWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionLearnWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionMultipathApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionMultipathApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionMultipathWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionMultipathWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionOutputRegApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionOutputRegApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionOutputRegWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionOutputRegWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionRegLoadApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionRegLoadApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionRegLoadWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionRegLoadWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionRegMoveApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionRegMoveApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionRegMoveWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionRegMoveWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionResubmitApplyActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionResubmitApplyActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindingNxActionResubmitWriteActionsCase |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingNxActionResubmitWriteActionsCaseBuilder |
ServiceBindings |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServiceBindingsBuilder |
ServiceEnitityStatistics |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-statistics
ServiceIndex |
Utility helping to configure service index.
ServiceModeBase |
Base identity for all service-modes
ServiceModeEgress |
Service mode for egress binding services.
ServiceModeIngress |
Service mode for ingress binding services.
ServiceOpenflowInfo |
openflow specific information for services info.
ServicesInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-service-bindings
ServicesInfoBuilder |
ServicesInfoKey |
ServiceTypeBase |
Base identity for all service-types
ServiceTypeFlowBased |
Service type for flow-based services
SetBfdParamOnTunnelInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-rpc
SetBfdParamOnTunnelInputBuilder |
SetBfdParamOnTunnelOutput |
SetBfdParamOnTunnelOutputBuilder |
ShowOvsPorts |
ShowVlan |
ShowVxlan |
SingleTransactionDataBroker |
Utility methods for single transaction DataBroker usage.
Source |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module aliveness-monitor
SourceBuilder |
SouthboundUtils |
SouthboundUtils |
SplitHorizon |
SplitHorizonBuilder |
SrcInfo |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
SrcInfoBuilder |
StackedVlan |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface
StateTunnelList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
StateTunnelListBuilder |
StateTunnelListKey |
StatReply |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-statistics
StatResult |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module interface-statistics
StatResultBuilder |
StypeOpenflow |
StypeOpenflowBuilder |
SubTransaction |
SubTransactionImpl |
SuperTypeUtil |
Utility for Java types.
SystemPropertyReader |
SystemPropertyReader.Cluster |
TaskRetryLooper |
Class that represents the TCP segment objects.
TepAdd |
TepCommandHelper |
TepCommit |
TepConfigureTunnelType |
TepDelete |
TepDeleteDatastore<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject> |
TepEnableTunnelMonitor |
TepException |
TepInfoAttributes |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
TepMonitor |
TepShow |
TepShowBridges |
TepShowState |
TepsInNotHostedTransportZone |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
TepsInNotHostedTransportZoneBuilder |
TepsInNotHostedTransportZoneKey |
TepStateShow |
TepTypeBase |
Base TEP device type
TepTypeExternal |
TEP type external e.g.
TepTypeHwvtep |
TEP type Hwvtep e.g.
TepTypeInternal |
TEP type internal e.g.
TerminationPointStateListener |
TerminationPointStateListener |
TestableDataBroker |
DataBroker useful in tests of utilities.
TestableDataTreeChangeListener |
DataTreeChangeListener useful for testing in asynchronous scenarios.
TestableDataTreeChangeListenerModule |
TestableJobCoordinatorCountedEventsWaiter |
TestableJobCoordinatorEventsWaiter |
TestInterfaceManager |
IInterfaceManager implementation for tests.
TestItmProvider |
TimeUnits |
TombstonedNodeManager |
TombstonedNodeManagerImpl |
TransactionAdapter |
Deprecated. |
TransportZone |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
TransportZoneBuilder |
TransportZoneKey |
TransportZoneListener |
This class listens for interface creation/removal/update in Configuration DS.
TransportZones |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
TransportZonesBuilder |
TryLockInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module lock-manager
TryLockInputBuilder |
TryLockOutput |
TryLockOutputBuilder |
TunnelAggregation |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-config
TunnelAggregationBuilder |
TunnelAggregationKey |
TunnelEndPointInfo |
TunnelEndPointInfoBuilder |
TunnelEndPoints |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
TunnelEndPointsBuilder |
TunnelEndPointsKey |
TunnelInstanceInterface |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
TunnelInstanceInterfaceBuilder |
TunnelInstanceInterfaceKey |
TunnelInstanceInterfaceMap |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface-meta
TunnelInstanceInterfaceMapBuilder |
TunnelInterfaceDetails |
TunnelInventoryStateListener |
This Class is a Data Change Listener for FlowCapableNodeConnector updates.
TunnelList |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
TunnelListBuilder |
TunnelListenerCreator |
TunnelMonitorChangeListener |
TunnelMonitoringConfig |
Maintains configuration for tunnel monitoring parameters.
TunnelMonitoringTypeBase |
Base identity for all tunnel-monitoring-types
TunnelMonitoringTypeBfd |
Tunnel monitoring using bfd support on OVS
TunnelMonitoringTypeLldp |
Tunnel monitoring using lldp
TunnelMonitorInterval |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-config
TunnelMonitorIntervalBuilder |
TunnelMonitorIntervalListener |
TunnelMonitorParams |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-config
TunnelMonitorParamsBuilder |
TunnelOperStatus |
TunnelOptionalParams |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface
TunnelOptions |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module odl-interface
TunnelOptionsBuilder |
TunnelOptionsKey |
TunnelsState |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
TunnelsStateBuilder |
TunnelStateAddWorker |
TunnelStateAddWorkerForNodeConnector |
TunnelStateCache |
Caches StateTunnelList objects.
TunnelStateInfo |
TunnelStateInfoBuilder |
TunnelTopologyStateListener |
TunnelTypeBase |
Base identity for all tunnel-types
TunnelTypeGre |
Tunnel type for gre tunnels
TunnelTypeLogicalGroup |
Aggregation group of multiple tunnel endpoints between two DPNs
TunnelTypeMplsOverGre |
Tunnel type for mpls over gre tunnels
TunnelTypeVxlan |
Tunnel type for vxlan tunnels
TunnelTypeVxlanGpe |
Tunnel type for vxlan-gpe
TypedReadTransaction<D extends Datastore> |
Read transaction which is specific to a single logical datastore (configuration or operational).
TypedReadWriteTransaction<D extends Datastore> |
Read-write transaction which is specific to a single logical datastore (configuration or operational).
TypedWriteTransaction<D extends Datastore> |
Write transaction which is specific to a single logical datastore (configuration or operational).
TzMembership |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm-state
TzMembershipBuilder |
TzMembershipKey |
Class that represents the UDP datagram objects.
UnknownVteps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
UnknownVtepsBuilder |
UnknownVtepsKey |
UnlockInput |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module lock-manager
UnlockInputBuilder |
UnlockOutput |
UnlockOutputBuilder |
UnprocessedNodeConnectorCache |
UnprocessedNodeConnectorEndPointCache |
UnprocessedTunnelsStateCache |
UnsupportedConfigException |
UpdateIdEntryJob |
VlanInterfaceInfo |
VlanMemberConfigListener |
VniUtils |
VniUtilsImpl |
Vteps |
This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module itm
VtepsBuilder |
VtepsKey |
WrappingDataBrokerTestWiring |
Legacy (Controller) DataBroker test wiring which wraps an MD-SAL DataBroker.