IPv4 |
IPv4.setDestinationAddress(int ipDestinationAddress) |
Stores the IP destination address from the header.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setDestinationAddress(java.net.InetAddress ipDestinationAddress) |
Stores the IP destination address from the header.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setDiffServ(byte ipdiffServ) |
Stores the differential services value from the IP header.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setECN(byte ecn) |
Stores the ECN bits from the header.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setFlags(byte ipFlags) |
Stores the IP flags value.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setFragmentOffset(short ipFragmentOffset) |
Stores the IP fragmentation offset value.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setHeaderLength(byte ipheaderLength) |
Stores the length of IP header in words (4 bytes).
IPv4 |
IPv4.setIdentification(short ipIdentification) |
Stores the identification number from the header.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setOptions(byte[] options) |
Store the options from IP header.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setProtocol(byte ipProtocol) |
Stores the protocol value of the IP payload.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setSourceAddress(java.net.InetAddress ipSourceAddress) |
Stores the IP source address from the header.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setTotalLength(short iptotalLength) |
Stores the total length of IP header in bytes.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setTtl(byte ipTtl) |
Stores the TTL value.
IPv4 |
IPv4.setVersion(byte ipVersion) |
Stores the IP version from the header.