MatchArpOp |
ARP OP match.
MatchArpSha |
ARP source hardware address match.
MatchArpSpa |
ARP source transport address match.
MatchArpTha |
ARP target hardware address match.
MatchArpTpa |
ARP target transport address match.
MatchEthernetDestination |
Ethernet destination match.
MatchEthernetSource |
Ethernet source match.
MatchEthernetType |
Ethernet type match.
MatchIcmpv4 |
ICMPv4 match.
MatchIcmpv6 |
ICMPv6 match.
MatchInfoHelper<T extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject,B extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Builder<T>> |
Helper for matches (this is designed to be absorbed into MatchInfo once we've cleaned up downstream users).
MatchInPort |
In port match.
MatchIpProtocol |
IP protocol match.
MatchIpv4Destination |
IPv4 destination match.
MatchIpv4Source |
IPv4 source match.
MatchIpv6Destination |
IPv6 destination match.
MatchIpv6NdSll |
Match IPv6 ND SLL match.
MatchIpv6NdTarget |
IPv6 ND target match.
MatchIpv6Source |
IPv6 source match.
MatchMetadata |
Metadata match.
MatchMplsLabel |
MPLS label match.
MatchPbbIsid |
PBB ISID match.
MatchTcpDestinationPort |
TCP destination port match.
MatchTcpFlags |
TCP flags match.
MatchTcpSourcePort |
TCP source port match.
MatchTunnelId |
Tunnel identifier match.
MatchUdpDestinationPort |
UDP destination port match.
MatchUdpSourcePort |
UDP source port match.
MatchVlanVid |
VLAN identifier match.