All Superinterfaces:
org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.BindingContract<org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataContainer>, org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.BindingObject, org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.DataContainer, org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.Grouping
All Known Subinterfaces:
Config, State

@Generated("mdsal-binding-generator") public interface BgpRouteSelectionOptionsConfig extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.Grouping
Set of configuration options that govern best path selection.

This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module openconfig-bgp-multiprotocol

 grouping bgp-route-selection-options_config {
   leaf always-compare-med {
     type boolean;
     default false;
   leaf ignore-as-path-length {
     type boolean;
     default false;
   leaf external-compare-router-id {
     type boolean;
     default true;
   leaf advertise-inactive-routes {
     type boolean;
     default false;
   leaf enable-aigp {
     type boolean;
     default false;
   leaf ignore-next-hop-igp-metric {
     type boolean;
     default false;
  • Method Details

    • getAlwaysCompareMed

      Boolean getAlwaysCompareMed()
      Return alwaysCompareMed, or null if it is not present.
               Compare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from different ASes when selecting
               the best route. The default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths received
               from the same AS.
      Boolean alwaysCompareMed, or null if it is not present.
    • requireAlwaysCompareMed

      default @NonNull Boolean requireAlwaysCompareMed()
      Return alwaysCompareMed, guaranteed to be non-null.
               Compare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from different ASes when selecting
               the best route. The default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths received
               from the same AS.
      Boolean alwaysCompareMed, guaranteed to be non-null.
      NoSuchElementException - if alwaysCompareMed is not present
    • getIgnoreAsPathLength

      Boolean getIgnoreAsPathLength()
      Return ignoreAsPathLength, or null if it is not present.
               Ignore the AS path length when selecting the best path. The default is to use
               the AS path length and prefer paths with shorter length.
      Boolean ignoreAsPathLength, or null if it is not present.
    • requireIgnoreAsPathLength

      default @NonNull Boolean requireIgnoreAsPathLength()
      Return ignoreAsPathLength, guaranteed to be non-null.
               Ignore the AS path length when selecting the best path. The default is to use
               the AS path length and prefer paths with shorter length.
      Boolean ignoreAsPathLength, guaranteed to be non-null.
      NoSuchElementException - if ignoreAsPathLength is not present
    • getExternalCompareRouterId

      Boolean getExternalCompareRouterId()
      Return externalCompareRouterId, or null if it is not present.
               When comparing similar routes received from external BGP peers, use the
               router-id as a criterion to select the active path.
      Boolean externalCompareRouterId, or null if it is not present.
    • requireExternalCompareRouterId

      default @NonNull Boolean requireExternalCompareRouterId()
      Return externalCompareRouterId, guaranteed to be non-null.
               When comparing similar routes received from external BGP peers, use the
               router-id as a criterion to select the active path.
      Boolean externalCompareRouterId, guaranteed to be non-null.
      NoSuchElementException - if externalCompareRouterId is not present
    • getAdvertiseInactiveRoutes

      Boolean getAdvertiseInactiveRoutes()
      Return advertiseInactiveRoutes, or null if it is not present.
               Advertise inactive routes to external peers. The default is to only advertise
               active routes.
      Boolean advertiseInactiveRoutes, or null if it is not present.
    • requireAdvertiseInactiveRoutes

      default @NonNull Boolean requireAdvertiseInactiveRoutes()
      Return advertiseInactiveRoutes, guaranteed to be non-null.
               Advertise inactive routes to external peers. The default is to only advertise
               active routes.
      Boolean advertiseInactiveRoutes, guaranteed to be non-null.
      NoSuchElementException - if advertiseInactiveRoutes is not present
    • getEnableAigp

      Boolean getEnableAigp()
      Return enableAigp, or null if it is not present.
               Flag to enable sending / receiving accumulated IGP attribute in routing updates
      Boolean enableAigp, or null if it is not present.
    • requireEnableAigp

      default @NonNull Boolean requireEnableAigp()
      Return enableAigp, guaranteed to be non-null.
               Flag to enable sending / receiving accumulated IGP attribute in routing updates
      Boolean enableAigp, guaranteed to be non-null.
      NoSuchElementException - if enableAigp is not present
    • getIgnoreNextHopIgpMetric

      Boolean getIgnoreNextHopIgpMetric()
      Return ignoreNextHopIgpMetric, or null if it is not present.
               Ignore the IGP metric to the next-hop when calculating BGP best-path. The
               default is to select the route for which the metric to the next-hop is lowest
      Boolean ignoreNextHopIgpMetric, or null if it is not present.
    • requireIgnoreNextHopIgpMetric

      default @NonNull Boolean requireIgnoreNextHopIgpMetric()
      Return ignoreNextHopIgpMetric, guaranteed to be non-null.
               Ignore the IGP metric to the next-hop when calculating BGP best-path. The
               default is to select the route for which the metric to the next-hop is lowest
      Boolean ignoreNextHopIgpMetric, guaranteed to be non-null.
      NoSuchElementException - if ignoreNextHopIgpMetric is not present