BitArray |
This class was created to minimize usage of Java BitSet class, as this one
is hard to use within specifics of network protocols.
ByteArray |
Util class for methods working with byte array.
ByteBufWriteUtil |
Utility class for ByteBuf's write methods.
CheckTestUtil |
CheckUtil |
InetSocketAddressUtil |
Created as a util for test tools.
Ipv4Util |
Util class for creating generated Ipv4Address.
Ipv6Util |
Util class for creating generated Ipv6Address.
LoggerUtil |
MplsLabelUtil |
Util class for encoding/decoding 20bit leftmost value.
NoopReferenceCache |
A simple reference cache which actually does not cache anything.
PCEPHexDumpParser |
Parses PCEP messages from a text file.
StatisticsUtil |
Statistics utility class.
Values |
Util class for storing various util values as constants.