Interface PmsiTunnelData
- All Superinterfaces:
public interface PmsiTunnelData
extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataRoot
This module contains the data model of a BGP attribute called the P-Multicast
Service Interface Tunnel (PMSI Tunnel), defined in RFC6514, Section 5.
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This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module pmsi-tunnel
module pmsi-tunnel { yang-version 1; namespace urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:pmsi-tunnel; prefix pmsi-tunnel; import bgp-types { prefix bgp-t; revision-date 2020-01-20; } import bgp-message { prefix bgp-msg; revision-date 2020-01-20; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date 2013-07-15; } import network-concepts { prefix netc; revision-date 2013-11-25; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import bgp-rib { prefix bgp-rib; revision-date 2018-03-29; } import yang-ext { prefix ext; revision-date 2013-07-09; } revision 2020-01-20 { } revision 2018-03-29 { } revision 2016-08-12 { } typedef pmsi-tunnel-type { type enumeration { enum rsvp-te-p2mp-lsp { value 1; } enum mldp-p2mp-lsp { value 2; } enum pim-ssm-tree { value 3; } enum pim-sm-tree { value 4; } enum bidir-pim-tree { value 5; } enum ingress-replication { value 6; } enum mldp-mp2mp-lsp { value 7; } } } grouping opaque { leaf opaque-type { type uint8; } leaf opaque-extended-type { type uint16; } leaf opaque { type yang:hex-string; } } grouping p-address-p-multicast-group { leaf p-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; } leaf p-multicast-group { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; } } grouping pmsi-tunnel { container pmsi-tunnel { presence "PMSI Attribute"; leaf leaf-information-required { type boolean; } leaf mpls-label { type netc:mpls-label; } choice tunnel-identifier { case rsvp-te-p2mp-lsp { container rsvp-te-p2mp-lsp { leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; } } } case mldp-p2mp-lsp { container mldp-p2mp-lsp { leaf address-family { type identityref { base address-family; } } leaf root-node-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; } list opaque-value { uses opaque; } } } case pim-ssm-tree { container pim-ssm-tree { uses p-address-p-multicast-group; } } case pim-sm-tree { container pim-sm-tree { uses p-address-p-multicast-group; } } case bidir-pim-tree { container bidir-pim-tree { uses p-address-p-multicast-group; } } case ingress-replication { container ingress-replication { leaf receiving-endpoint-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; } } } case mldp-mp2mp-lsp { container mldp-mp2mp-lsp { uses opaque; } } } } } augment /bgp-msg:update/bgp-msg:attributes { uses pmsi-tunnel; } grouping bgp-rib-route { uses bgp-rib:route { augment attributes { ext:augment-identifier pmsi-tunnel-augmentation; uses pmsi-tunnel; } } } }