Class StackedOutboundQueueNoBarrier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StackedOutboundQueueNoBarrier
    extends Object
    Class is designed for stacking Statistics and propagate immediate response for all another requests.
    • Field Detail


        protected static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection.AbstractStackedOutboundQueue> LAST_XID_OFFSET_UPDATER
      • firstSegment

        protected volatile @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection.StackedSegment firstSegment
      • unflushedSegments

        protected final @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") List<org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection.StackedSegment> unflushedSegments
      • uncompletedSegments

        protected final @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") List<org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection.StackedSegment> uncompletedSegments
      • shutdownOffset

        protected @GuardedBy("unflushedSegments") Integer shutdownOffset
      • flushOffset

        protected int flushOffset
      • manager

        protected final org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection.AbstractOutboundQueueManager<?,​?> manager
    • Method Detail

      • commitEntry

        public void commitEntry​(Long xid,
                                OfHeader message,
                      <OfHeader> callback,
                                Function<OfHeader,​Boolean> isCompletedFunction)
        Description copied from interface: OutboundQueue
        Commit the specified offset using a message. Specified callback will be invoked once we know how it has resolved, either with a normal response, implied completion via a barrier, or failure (such as connection drop). For multipart responses, FutureCallback.onSuccess(Object) will be invoked multiple times as the corresponding responses arrive. If the request is completed with a response, the object reported will be non-null. If the request's completion is implied by a barrier, the object reported will be null.

        If this request fails on the remote device, FutureCallback.onFailure(Throwable) will be called with an instance of DeviceRequestFailedException.

        If the request fails due to local reasons, FutureCallback.onFailure(Throwable) will be called with an instance of OutboundQueueException. In particular, if this request failed because the device disconnected, OutboundQueueException.DEVICE_DISCONNECTED will be reported.

        xid - Previously-reserved XID
        message - Message which should be sent out, or null if the reservation should be cancelled.
        callback - Callback to be invoked, or null if no callback should be invoked.
        isCompletedFunction - Function to determine if OfHeader is processing is complete
      • commitEntry

        public void commitEntry​(Long xid,
                                OfHeader message,
                      <OfHeader> callback)
        Description copied from interface: OutboundQueue
        Commit the specified offset using a message. Specified callback will be invoked once we know how it has resolved, either with a normal response, implied completion via a barrier, or failure (such as connection drop). For multipart responses, FutureCallback.onSuccess(Object) will be invoked multiple times as the corresponding responses arrive. If the request is completed with a response, the object reported will be non-null. If the request's completion is implied by a barrier, the object reported will be null.

        If this request fails on the remote device, FutureCallback.onFailure(Throwable) will be called with an instance of DeviceRequestFailedException.

        If the request fails due to local reasons, FutureCallback.onFailure(Throwable) will be called with an instance of OutboundQueueException. In particular, if this request failed because the device disconnected, OutboundQueueException.DEVICE_DISCONNECTED will be reported.

        Specified by:
        commitEntry in interface OutboundQueue
        xid - Previously-reserved XID
        message - Message which should be sent out, or null if the reservation should be cancelled.
        callback - Callback to be invoked, or null if no callback should be invoked.
      • ensureSegment

        protected void ensureSegment​(org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection.StackedSegment first,
                                     int offset)
      • reserveEntry

        public Long reserveEntry()
        Description copied from interface: OutboundQueue
        Reserve an entry in the outbound queue.
        Specified by:
        reserveEntry in interface OutboundQueue
        XID for the new message, or null if the queue is full
      • getEntry

        protected org.opendaylight.openflowjava.protocol.impl.core.connection.OutboundQueueEntry getEntry​(Long xid)