Package org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep
package org.opendaylight.protocol.pcep
ClassDescriptionStores usability for available capabilities.Used as a reason when one of the regular reasons was the cause of the termination of a session.Dispatcher class for creating servers and clients.Contains all required dependencies for instantiate a PCEPDispatcher.Proposal from peer for establishment of PCEP session.PCEP Session represents the finite state machine in PCEP, including timers and its purpose is to create a PCEP connection between PCE/PCC.Listener that receives session informations from the session.Factory for generating PCEP Session Listeners.PCEPSessionNegotiatorFactory<S extends PCEPSession>Factory for creating PCEP session negotiator.Contains required dependencies for create SessionNegotiator.Factory for generating PCEP Session proposals.Exposes Session state.